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Everything posted by hapy

  1. hapy

    Honest Question

    With the huge incline of players into Dayz I am still baffled at how many complain about KOS. Although its not how I play it's something that will always happen and honestly I have no real problem with it. Sure I'd like some sort of communication before I get my brains blown out, but I get over my deaths in Dayz pretty quick and move on, because clearly you are not going to live forever. Now people talk about how PVE servers should be introduced and they wish you could play on servers with literally no other players. I honestly do not get this. I mean when the SA becomes as good as the mod sure it wont be as boring but, how can you want to play this game without player interaction and killing. Can someone please tell me how they would find playing the SA in it's current state fun to play if you never saw anther player. To make sure I covered all my bases, assume all this is after you have seen most of the game because I can see finding new cloths,guns,gear etc fun for the first time or so but after all that it is in my opinion a endless loot simulator with no fear. no fear = no fun. TL;DR - Please give me valid reasons as to why you (if you feel this way) think PVE or lone servers are a fun and enjoyable way to play Dayz and how they have any sort of replay value.
  2. hapy

    Honest Question

    Actually if you spent time to read the thread it really has nothing to do with KOS at all. Nice post though hope your post count makes you feel good deep down inside. Ya guys I'm not saying 100% pvp for sure that's dumb, I love player interaction a lot but with people playing on different types of servers all pvp players will be on pvp servers and all pve player will be on pve and the game will just be ruined.
  3. You guys act as if they choose to have servers respawn for new loot. They are working on a system for loot to auto respawn but it's not super easy to do this. The way it's setup right now is temporary, but its is the easiest way to have loot respawn currently. The map is to big to have this many items,zombies,players interacting and loot repsawning without tons of issues be patient but what you want will come when they change how loot works (more then likely when they add loot into some sort of phasing system). I honestly am shocked that you think they want loot to be spawned in by server restarts honestly some people on these forums, are so new to early stage games.
  4. hapy

    teleporting then freezing

    I have now tried walking from Solnichniy to Kamy 5 times now trying different methods pausing for 3secs,punching things,just running. each time ive froze around the mid way point and ported back to outside solnichniy so now not only am I stressed that my least favorite walk in dayz has been haulted but that I cant even attempt to try it again without knowing ive wasted like an hour. I have no issues with the new spawns but that walk man that walk is brutal teleporting each time mid way is just plain cruel,cruel...
  5. hapy

    Running help

    Hey guys I've watched a lot of videos on dayz and have been playing since the mod but there is a few things I'm not sure how to get working exactly. I have bound turbo but when I use turbo the run speed is the same as normal wx2 run speed I notice no difference, yet i see players with turbo run right past me. The other thing is and I assume this is a bug but I see people crouching while running and it looks really funny to me and I'd love to mess around with it while its still in the game but Cant find any guide on how to do it. Any help would be really appreciated thanks.
  6. hapy

    Running help

    Can you easily tell the difference between turbo and normal running? Like my turbo is bound but I swear it goes normal run speed for all I know I could be turbo running but I dont see any difference between it and normal running when I run with my friend next to me.