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Taviana is not on the list, last I checked anyway, but rmod works fine for me. The server setup I use has a namalsk rmod mission. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ak5ftp620ezkzq/rmod_6.namalsk.pbo that is a copy of it you can use as an example for your server BUT DO NOT TRY TO USE THIS .PBO it most likely will not work, use it to get your mission file right for rmod. Once rmod is installed on the server all you need to do is add it to the mission.sqm you will see the list of mods at the top add a , to the last mod in the top list then add "@rmod" under it with no , . Your vehicle spawn script will need to be updated with the rmod stuff depending on how it is written. If it just reads the hive you will have to add them to the hive in the vehicle table, the one that only has the spawn points and what can be damaged and the possible spawning inventory, not world_vehicle not instance_vehicle just plain old vehicle.
Dayz Tavi 5K view distance Base Building 1.1 *Donny D. reunion call*
dooks posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I have started a server that is setup for factional warfare. 5K view distance only sniper is cz50, AA12 with slugs and pellets spawns as does the g36c. The server requires Rmod and is Taviana. We have DayZ Base Building 1.1 thanks to Diamyo21, loot and zed spawn while in vehicles credit to mrmattmc on tunngle, the military bases are upgraded with enterable buildings and, we have more zombies...... a LOT more zombies that hear your gun shots from a realistic distance. The map is constantly being added to and anyone who wants to help is welcome to. If you are interested in checking us out just filter for 5K either in game or in dayz commander, there is no whitelist but you must have Rmod installed and launch with the -mod=@rmod paramater. -
Dayz Tavi 5K view distance Base Building 1.1 *Donny D. reunion call*
dooks replied to dooks's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I see folks attempting to log in but being kicked for no rmod. Here is a nice little guide to get it installed http://dayz.ocuk.co/guide . Be patient on your fist log in there is a lot of extra data being loaded from the hive. -
Since the zombies are actually infected humans it would make sence that if a player was killed by a zombie or their blood went below 500 while sick/infected/what have you, that they would become a zombie. I am thinking same fast run same attacks same sounds the player can't control, pretty much a normal dayz zombie spawned in near a player like regular, but, controled by a person. The player would remain a zombie until killed by a player, no suicides, after which they would be free to spawn as a survivor again.
I am a Donny and I can assure you we do not hack. DTA does not host the server they just call it home, nor is DTA affiliated with the Donnies we are 2 separate groups. We are a clan full of long time server admins who all have a long history of being hard on hackers because they ruin the game for every one, except the guy who dropped cows on us that was hilarious. Beez is correct but his time line is a bit off the hacking has been going on for almost 2 weeks now since someone setup a camp in a place and it was posted on the forums, that's when the hacking became crazy. We are aware of the issues with the hackers and have a list of names we are watching closely. When we are able to prove it we will ban them. The regulations for hosting a server are clear and we unfortunately cannot ban them with out proof.
Servers restarting without warning
dooks replied to Mattolio (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Some of the server hosts run auto restart scripts that do not give warning and the admin has no control over. That being said good admins give warning if a restart is needed and the really good ones try to restart before the script kicks in when they are playing. Find those servers, they are out there. -
date: 18/6/12 - 19/6/12 between ~6pm (18th) and ~5am (19th) EST What happened: Artifacts coming form wire fence inside woods after moon rise. geometry stretching to infinity. Verified on multiple nvidia and AMD video cards including GTX 470, SLI 560TI, 6950, 7970, with a couple others I am not sure of. Shadows to low and HDR to low almost fixes it (not as bad as on high but still messed up). Where: In woods, GPS cords will be provided to Rocket/devs by PM only, Sorry but camp is huge and meta gaming is allowed. What I was doing: Just drove up to the tents. No lights on vehicles using NVG's, still happens with NVG's off and light source from vehicles , flash light, and flare were tested. Version: Beta 98325 with full update all files re-downloaded fresh on 18/6/12. Server was on Server: Again PM only. Spec's: 1100t BE AMD hex-core @ 4.2GHZ custom water cooling, ASUS M4A89TD PRO USB 3 MOBO, 16GB G.skill ripjaws x 1600 (maybe 28 cant remember), Sapphire Dual-X 7970 OC @ 1215mhz core 1740MHZ RAM, XFX pro 850 silver PSU, Western Digital caviar black 1TB 7200rpm, Intel ssd (shitty old one windows only on it), 40" Toshiba LED monitor, Creative soundblaster x-fi titanium ( no cover model ), Tritton ax720 headset via spdif and usb for chat. I only know a couple of the guys video cards they are listed above and I don't know what else they have in system. Timeline of events: ~6pm we finished setting up the new camp in the woods just a bit away from the old on in the field. Daylight on server no issues. Left camp to head to NWAF for rescue mission ~10 of us. After rescue mission we all went to Berezino for cars and parts with various stops along the way. after finding atv's and a tractor we went back to camp and about 50m away from camp we saw the artifacts coming out of the woods and bricks were shat by all. This is likely caused by the moon light and shadows from the trees. Turning shadows and HDR to low helps alot but it still happens. Cannot re test as the camp disappeared tents cars fence and all. It is worth noting that this is the first time the group has seen this issue and we have seen many wire fences at night but none in the woods, mostly just at a door or inside a building. Graphics settings used: Both resolutions at 1920x1080, all settings at max except AA which is set to high. FPS steady between 45-60 at all times.
Thank you Rocket. Haven't been hooked on a game like this since way back in the Sega CD days with the Lunar series. Keep up the good work. I'm going back to Stary.
Seattle 67: Vehicles, Tents and Bikes unspawned
dooks replied to QuickSkope's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The server needs a hard restart happens to LA 4 all the time. -
ban file/battleye & administrating servers
dooks replied to DarkEnergy's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Try this in BErcon: type bans and look for his name, it will have a slot number, then type removeBan [slot #] . Pretty sure BE only issues global bans not to individual servers, so prob not them, but I could be wrong. I do see this error pop up from time to time on the server but no one is banned for it only kicked by BE. I have randomly had that error myself though and it was only a kick normally just close the game and relaunch but twice I had to get the file from steam again. Hope that helps, dookie -
[PLEASE LOCK] Are car spawns bugged?
dooks replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Spawns are not bugged that I know of, but to my knowledge, they don't just all spawn when the server starts either. Seems to work like good loot, sometimes it spawns sometimes it don't. For example we waited like 4 days to get atv's from a mountain before they finally spawned in. If you know for 100% sure there is a vehicle at x,y,z, like if you saved it there, and it does not load up shutdown and restart the server, not restart mission, our server will not load vehicles or tents if we restart mission it must be shutdown and restarted. Other then that IDK bro best of luck finding them though. -
So you are saying you have scripts? If not then it should not kick you for simply opening the admin panel. If battleye is banning or kicking for pressing shift+p something is terribly wrong.
Stylin'? Profilin'? No offence but what the hell is that supposta mean? i think hes getting at the fact that you said "I'm going back to Stary." I could be wrong' date=' but what popped into my head was I'm going back to Cali by Notorious BIG.. I read it as I'm going ...going... back...back to Stary... Stary.. I'm guessing that's what popped into his head. [/quote'] Makes sense but I don't like the rap music so I guessed that's why I missed it. Carry on.
Stylin'? Profilin'? No offence but what the hell is that supposta mean?
Rocket make a paypal account and let us all pay you whatever we feel the mod is worth. I for one would be in for $50.
Sand bags , wire fence, and hedgehog traps around your tents. Also would like to see the bigger military tents in the game as placeable.
**Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER
dooks replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Your prices are VERY FAR from the best man. *host removed* has 50 man servers for ~$35 or slightly better dedi boxes (that hold like 5 dayz servers) for about the same price as your 50 man server. Anyone looking to host a server can do it for way less then $100 a month. Also don't fall for the slotted deal if it isn't 40-50 slots it goes on the back burner for ip whitelist and anything else the devs need to do for it. -
I have an idea I would like to see if we (admins) can implement.The idea is this: A server setup as a real community where a group would provide transportation and protection for all players who wish it. Something along the lines of a bus or two running rounds between towns and the coast picking up and dropping off players at stores and other good loot locations which would be fortified and manned one way in one way out. All server hoppers would be shot on sight and anyone attempting PK would also be shot. With electricity on the way to the game having a community pull together to light the streets seems like a great goal and would help end the madness of spawn, find shit to kill people with, then find people to kill by giving us something else to do. It just seems like the next logical step. The ONLY way I can see this working ( to many would die from explosions from having to go offroad ) however is to give the players the ability to remove the road blocks, satchel charges maybe or a bulldozer would be great for this. And yes it would be perfectly acceptable to have the road blocks respawn on server restart. I am bat shit crazy to begin with anyway so lets hear what some sane people think.
This was noticed by some dude with to much time and google earth. Seems to be a "hey check it out they are all facing north! Let me find more....ZOMG them too!!!" moment. The cows only face north when in the northern hemisphere and they face south in southern hemisphere however this is only observed while the cows are eating. Easier way is use the clouds they always move east for whatever reason.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Here are a few things to try. turn off/close skype. Any overlay (such as teamspeak , mumble, or afterburner) should be turned off. Turn off any program that can affect your game in any way (fraps, afterburner, trixx, precision). If it still wont work try reinstalling direct x. If still no go try turning off antivirus. Still no go try a fresh windows install. Other then that and I can be of no more help. best of luck dookie
What is with your admin hate? Let me guess you got global banned and now are trying to make trouble like all children do when they get smacked in the face and told to grow up. A person being assumed guilty until proven innocent because of the accusers status happens everyday in america when the police arrest someone. They put you in cuffs and haul you to jail until you can be proven innocent. Let a hacker come in and kill everyone in the server without anyone recording it and you will be in here first crying ZOMG HAXOOORRRRRZZZZZ KILLED ME GIVE ME MY BEANS BACK AND BAN HIM!!!!!!! Walk a mile or 7 in an admins shoes before you continue to completely destroy your cause like you are doing to your reputation. I would love to see you on the global ban list for "hates dayz so he can't play anymore". It is an alpha, get over it, the rules are going to change to fit the communities needs as with ANY alpha or beta for that matter. That is why they have alpha and beta releases, not for whiny ass hats to complain about without helping the community in any way shape or form.
Shadow12 banned for global voip spam.
dooks replied to Shadow1226's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
"- Their are only two reasons why you' date=' as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc." http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429 Or I guess we could just follow whatever random rules "rocket" say on the fly whenever we feel because he's fucking god or something. How dare anyone do anything because rocket can make it a bannable offense instead of actually editing the server rules thread on the official forums. Nah, too hard. Just ban people for what we have never officially stated because some nerd got butthurt. This game hardcore, we ban for talking on voip, so hardcore. Follow rules from random unofficial threads you never read that you didn't even link. Cool story brah. Regardless, "EDIT: Unbanned as of 12:34AM PST 6/23/2012" - Done proper, edit the server rule specs if we're just going to allow anyone to ban people for whatever they like. No point in further argument, as this clearly was a violation of server rule specs. [/quote'] Normally I do not feed the troll nor post much profanity but it is needed here please excuse me while I rant for a sec. HEY DUMB FUCK read your own link """" You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like."""""""" Now kindly STFU you think your the shit but you only smell of it. /rant EDIT: Thanks for posting the link though I was looking for it, knew I read somewhere it was legit to kick for voip spam. I love it when people give me ammo to shoot them with. -
Shadow12 banned for global voip spam.
dooks replied to Shadow1226's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Right' date=' and 100 years is a temporary ban as well, just wait 100 years. The rules state, as I have seen them, bans can only be dealt out for 2 reasons, neither of which have been stated here. I guess certain groups are allowed to just ignore the rules and ban for whatever reason they like. That's how this dev group runs things. Doesn't matter what the rules say, as long as the devs agree with subjective bans, it's legit. Right? Fuck the whole two rules of racism and malicious talk, whatever they agree with on the fly is cool. How dare anyone break the random rules these pathetic losers make up on the fly. Cool game brah. So hardcore. [/quote'] If i remember correctly spamming voip is bannable per rocket. Don't appreciate being called a loser either, I am a grown ass 30 year old man with my own home (paid off TYVM) who has never had anything given to him. And don't forget it's us "losers" who provide your game servers, it costs us money and we don't do it for the fun of being shat on by punks like you. Why do people have to be so nasty about things that do not concern them? Would you prefer admins did nothing and allowed spammers, griefers, and cheaters to rule? I think not sir. EDIT: To answer some things brought up in Ath's post. There is no "bad blood" between myself (I banned him for VOIP spam it was my decision no one else's and I take full responsibility) and shadow. You should know I was the only one to vote to keep him in the group and even delayed the vote for 2 days because I felt bad for the kid. The history: I own our mumble server and shadow has been using it for quite some time now. We met him in battlefield 3 and had a good time with him there, even though he is annoying as all hell, It was easy to sit back and laugh at it. This cannot be done with dayz and a vote was taken and he was deemed to disruptive to the group to allow him to continue playing with us. As an example of how bad it had gotten I had to make everyone but him a priority speaker so he could not talk over important tactical comms with BS about facebook or how his buddy is such a sweet hacker or asking what changed in the new patch he has been using for 2 days, Hell even the "friend" he brought in to the group voted him out. The Ban: It was decided in a group vote 14:1 to ban shadow from the mumble server and give him a mafia style exit, few shots to the back of the head, even did it myself as a real man will kill those he condemns to die with his own hand. The aftermath: A few hours after I put him down shadow is in side chat on voice after multiple warnings from admins he is kicked twice for voip spam after the first kick his words were something to the effect of, if not exactly, F#$#$ING KICK ME AGAIN AND ILL TELL ROCKET AND GET THIS SERVER BLACKLISTED. He was then set upon by the angry horde that is the internet and put in his place without further admin involvement. He did not return after the second kick, and there was much rejoicing. Today: Shadow joins the game and almost immediately begins to use side/global voip gets a kick (he used side voice to tell a guy not to use side voice so he freaking KNEW BETTER!!!!) Comes back and starts talking again and another kick, back again for more talking and a kick then back for more and a kick, there was silence for a time, then more talking in side and a ban. Then its to the forums with claims ranging from its the same as my vent key to it was an accident I was in side channel to badmin claims to I didn't notice I was in side to the other guy didn't get banned (he stopped using voip no ban needed) to oh I only said one thing to oh well your restarting the server to save your vehicles (they did not spawn in neither did tents we had no choice) to I didn't mean to all in two posts on the front page of this thread. Page two devolves into such crap as don't post here unless you post alot and finally a bit of intelligence (word used loosely) in his last post. Also the gps coords are no longer relevant so here is the video the jump spots are where I started and stopped the recording. Count them with me now 1,2,3,4,5 different times he keys his mic in side chat in less then a min, that is not glitched channels that is a child attempting to get banned, after at least 4 kicks in a day, so he can try to cause trouble for a server people who "don't like him anymore" enjoy and call home.Disrupting the game for the majority of the server's population will not be tolerated. When 35 people ask in side why isn't he just banned after 2 kicks and again after the 3rd it's not the admins who are in the wrong it's the griefer/spammer. My final $0.02 Awaiting staff ruling.