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Everything posted by dooks

  1. I am the only admin that has posted in this thread so far good sir. Please do not think any of these other posts reflect the views and opinions of the server.
  2. I am not going to get into a flame war with a child. Staff can find me by pm or email if they want to review the evidence.
  3. You got kicked 3 times TODAY for global voip spam and banned for 7 days on your 8th or so use. It is not the duty of server admins to make you change your key bindings and you were asked many times to do so over the last few weeks which you refused. That attitude is what got you banned form mumble BTW. Your favoritism smell is just the other guy stopping using VOIP. I know you are actually 15 years old but you don't have to act like it, making stuff up that you "witnessed".
  4. Just to prevent a poo storm. Shadow12 was banned form LA 4 today for repeated global voip spam in side channel. This continued for an hour after 3 kicks and many warnings, and shadow himself warning players not to use side/global voip. We have fraps evidence of more then one use after being kicked. Also your ban from the mumble has no connection your ban from the dayz server. Video will be linked privately if need be as it contains gps coords.
  5. dooks

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I don't want to read 35 pages of "yeah great I wants 2!". But I would totally buy an I'm shooting in chern! shirt.
  6. Since the server sets draw distance for the clients is it possible to have a server setup with max draw distance for those of us with the hardware to run such settings? It is possible that it is the server that cannot run the higher draw distances at smooth frame rates. If that is the case would it be possible to have the server setup something like this: Draw distance at max for players, grass and that kind of thing, Any loot/zed drawn only if already spawned, Zed spawn in at whatever distance you have now, Loot spawns in at a reduced distance say 800 meters. Reduce the player count slightly if you have to no less then 40 though. I am willing to provide such a server just wondering if it is acceptable to Rocket, and if it is doable.
  7. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    any luck with a complete re install?
  8. dooks

    Wire fence artifacts at night

    The camp came back after a hard reset. Can confirm in low light (dusk no moon or stars yet) there are no artifacts on the fences. Will test again with moonlight.
  9. I run in a pretty large group of guys, about 15 of us, and we had setup what we call the FEMA camp. It was like 45 tents ir so mostly packed full of guns and equipment that we have been collecting since 1.5.2. We also had 1 Bike 2 ATVs a Car and a tractor which are also gone. To my knowledge the server is still on (the host keeps forgetting to update the name from 1.7 so not 100% sure). Logged out last night with everything there ( surrounded by wire fence tank traps and sand bags) and today when I log in EVERYTHING was gone. Now I saw the vehicle reset post earlier from rocket so those are explained but WTH happened to our camp, Please and thank you for answering. When: 19/6/12 Where: PM me for server I'm not giving that up openly. What: Tent city gone as well as vehicles. Side Note: The tents were in a field before the update to after update they were packed up ( the ones we could) and moved into the woods near the same location then the fence and bags and hedgehogs were setup. Not sure this is the cause but I will put here anyway as well as bug thread. When we returned to the camp late last night (this morning) 19/6/12 ~5am EST it was dark and as we approached the camp the wire fence kits created artifacts like crazy (geometry stretching to infinity) and seems to have been caused by the light from the moon and the shadows from the trees. Thanks in advance dookie
  10. A hard restart fixed the camp. Please mark solved and lock.
  11. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    Ok NVM I have no idea then
  12. hate to toot my own horn but..... *toot*
  13. dooks

    [FIX] Spawning Unconscious [FIX]

    If i recall correctly you have to stay in the game for 30 mins after you wake up if you DC while in shock and I think you have to wait 5 mins after the icon goes away before you log out to not have this happen. That being said I sometimes get that at random not having even been hit for hours before DC.
  14. dooks

    Doors can't be opened

    There are websites that have pics of the enter able buildings check those out so you know what to look for.
  15. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    Im eastern standard time and my sleep is all jacked up so I stay up all night most of the time. i will check back in with you tomorrow here as my group is online now and we have shit to do. ummmm.... windows 7 right? 32 bit or 64? Dont mean to be a jerk but you have 10 mins to reply or it will have to wait till tomorrow when I get up.
  16. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    Now that I have looked I nor my buddies have any of the _e.pbo files it is telling you to delete try deleting them and see what happens.
  17. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    Patience grasshopper......... step by step install arma 2 install arma 2 update 1.11 install arma 2 OA install arma 2 OA patch 1.60 run arma 2 run arma 2 OA install arma 2 OA beta 93825 run arma 2 OA beta install dayz run arma 2 CO with the _runa2co_beta.cmd file do in that order skip nothing and it should work if you do not have the .cmd files for whatever reason they can be found here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101214-ARMA-2-CO-(how-to-combine-ARMA-2-into-ARMA-2-OA-and-use-together) you only need the _runa2co_beta.zip
  18. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    That is the right version as best I can tell. My only other advice to you is to re-install arma 2 and make sure its on same version number. The files it is telling you to delete are from arma 2 not OA it seems you may have corrupted .pbo files. Friend had similar issue but was steam he deleted the files and verified cache and was fixed. If this does not fix your issue I have no clue what the problem is as all your versions are correct and you are launching it properly. Sadly this may be an issue you have to take up with BIS the devs for arma 2 and OA. Sorry if you still can't get it running but this is the limit of my knowledge on the issues you are having. below is a copy paste of the contents of working .cmd file ensure you have your paths correct but remember they are not the same as mine. SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS :v64_path_a2 For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO v32_path_a2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :v32_path_a2 For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%C In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%D) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :uac_PATH_A2 @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%J) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :std_PATH_A2 @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%K IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%L) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO ENDfailA2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :v64_path_a2oa For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO v32_path_a2oa) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :v32_path_a2oa For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%G In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do set (_ARMA2OAPATH=%%H) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :uac_PATH_A2OA @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%M IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%N) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :std_PATH_A2OA @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%O IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%P) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO ENDfailA2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :run call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -nosplash -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 -mod=@dayz %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 ENDLOCAL :end @exit /B 0 :ENDfailA2 @exit /B 1 :ENDfailA2OA @exit /B 2 All the stuff above the run: line tells the game where to look for the files for arma 2 and OA when you launch the game. It simply asks the registry if there is a key and then what is in the key (which is the path to arma 2 and to OA) it is possible, but I doubt it, that it cannot find arma 2. You did launch both before trying to launch as CO right? If not the registry entries are not there.
  19. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    No sorry I dont give that out. Period. Please post version number of arma 2. Should be 1.11 .
  20. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    Launch regular arma 2 not OA or CO but plain arma 2 look in bottom right and tell me version number. Sorry but I dont give out my skype.
  21. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    And still cant get in a server? same message?
  22. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates get the 1.60 update there and http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php get the 93825 beta it is in the green bar at the top. Do the 1.60 patch install first then do the 93825 beta after that use the _runa2co_beta.cmd to launch the game.
  23. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    yeah the version is wrong thats the issue hang on ill find what you need
  24. dooks

    Can anyone help me?

    No on main menu where you chose single or multi player.