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Everything posted by Vodski

  1. I think somebody else posted a complaint on these forums about those same guys (or at least the same server). Just play somewhere else, eventually their server will be empty and they will have to jack off each other because nobody else will be there.
  2. You must be new to the interwebs.
  3. Vodski

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Make it so that you see your character go to heaven or hell, depending on how much of an asshole you are... Or make it so you see yourself being reincarnated... Naw, jk, "You are dead" is just fine.
  4. Vodski

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    The people crying about being PK'd in DayZ, are the same carebears that cry about it in other games like WoW and EvE. If you got caught with your pants down, it's your fault. Just like if somebody comes into a house I am looting, and gets shot in the face, it's their fault for coming into the house. Some of you speak for the "right to be left alone" the only way you deserve that right, is if you fight for it. If you die to anything other than bugs (and even that's debateable, aka "do I really need to go up that ladder?"). I have only died once, to another player, and it was a hacker, and still my fault. I saw him flying around the ATC on the NWAF (which I put myself there, knowing I might meet other people), and I did not immediately leave. You carebears, are the same people IRL, who refuse to be responsible for your own protection, relying on the police, or not having a weapon to protect yourself. Then some asshole decides you are his next target, and you can't or won't fight back. You don't deserve to live, because you are unwilling to fight for your right to exist. Sure that guy is an asshole, and deserves prison time, but you still need to be responsible, you can't say "that guy isn't allowed to do that, WTF?" ... Now I am beginning to rant. TLDR: Take responsibility for your own safety, instead of blaming others for your lack of awareness in a situation. Both ingame, and IRL.
  5. Damn, you guys beat me on the Conan quote.
  6. I play hardcore solo, and 3pp with friends, because they're pansies who wont nut up.
  7. Vodski

    Is there an ACTUAL friendly server? Or does anyone...

    "No pvp" servers are just people looking for easy kills, just like the old Starcraft lobbies titled "noobs only", and they would just be players baiting the easy wins.
  8. I have only seen one hacker in 200 hrs. Bastard was flying through the air near the ATC on the NWAF. A min later he sprayed m4 bullets through the hanger wall to my left, killing me and then a friend.
  9. Vodski

    GATEWAY DX4380-ER36 - Can it run?

    Could probably build that pc for 100 bucks.
  10. Vodski

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    You have to be joking right? You are pretty much telling that guy, "Hey man, you dreamed about it, and probably have zero self control, and might actually do this, go get help". What a big pile of dogshit.
  11. It is simple. It is coming, if you don't like it, there's the door ------>
  12. I was on top of one the other day and that started happening to me (screen hits grey like in the video above) and I gtfo off the roof as fast as I could. Thought I was getting shot, but was not bleeding, thought it was odd.
  13. It's "Psycho Crusher" and probably not ;)
  14. QQ more, buncha crybabies, I am half tempted to paypal you guys 5 bucks so you quit your bitching.
  15. I don't remember if this game has motion blur, but if it does, it might help to turn it off. It gives me a headache when I play games with it, like Planetside 2, or Left 4 Dead.
  16. I would ask you for your stuff, but apparently the zombies already took it.
  17. Didnt read the whole thread, but you can try joining a bunch of servers really fast, I have heard that if one server has your data reserved (or whatever the term for it is), and you load into another, you get a fresh character, because it cant load the data (similar to the old D2 bug "character not found" when loading into a game)
  18. Vodski

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    Are you admitting to ghosting? If so, how dare you call anybody a coward or noob. Like it is hard to hide from a large group, it is also not hard to spot that many people coming from a distance. Ghosting should be a perm ban offense tbh.
  19. Vodski

    Admin privileges and server time rant

    I would play on night time servers if the damn flashlight didnt shine through walls and alert everything that I am there, even in a room or building with no windows.
  20. Vodski

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Doesn't really bother me either way, I mostly run around in 1st person, except when running across a field, or leaving a building / going around a wall. My first few days playing, I didn't even know how to go into 3rd person.
  21. Vodski

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    I will take the death, before being robbed. Death before dishonor!
  22. I am a new player, and have no problems navigating around. Apparently your friend doesn't know how to go look up a map online, or and or use a compass. Please do not say this game is not fun for new players, because that is false.
  23. Vodski

    There's 2 Types of Bandits in DayZ

    I would have also given those first two guys the finger. Worst thing they can do is relocate your character to a new spawn point.
  24. Vodski

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    While I would probably not have shot him, why do you care that he did? Oh noes, the guy gets to spend another 30 seconds finding a new shovel.