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About urliamo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey there! I'm in need of a blood transfusion (nothing not bleeding anymore, thank god!). I'm type A+ and i'm at the Factory area East of Vybor. Willing to pay with food\supplies for you assistance. Already have the neccesery medical equipment for the transfusion, just can't find any people around these parts (and not willing to risk the trip to teh coast line on low blood). Will appreciate your assistance :)
  2. Hi, I need urgent help. I'm stuck within a buildings' walls and can't get out and cannot respawn or kill myself. I'd rather not wait until I die of thirst\hunger - if that is the only solution then how can I keep playing this game knowing these sort of bugs effectively log me out (but require me to stay connecteD) for hours?! if an admin of some sorts (I have no clue how this works) could please respawn\kill me or at least just move me that would be great! thank you.