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Davey Phoenix

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Everything posted by Davey Phoenix

  1. Played again yesterday with two buddies. Still working "fine" since BE made changes. Occasionally one of my buddies would freeze while running long distances, and then a few seconds later snap back to the proper location...but all and all things worked well and the desync issue was gone. Tried several servers from 3 to 30 players. Went into the woods and I to the cities. Very happy to be playing dayz again. Hope it continues to get better for all.
  2. Davey Phoenix

    Dayz For an iMac

    I am a former MCSE and A+ certified computer tech, and have literally built dozens of pc's from scratch, and have worked with every version of windows…having started with DOS prior to that. Currently, i too am a professional artist and work with the digital medium often. My macbook has crashed 1 single time on me, ever. Having maintained over a 3.0gpa (not the best ever but certainly ok) during schooling as a tech, i am confident i am competent…..yet every windows pc i've ever worked with had more issues in one day, then any mac i've seen ever have. Further more, they are less intuitive in there GUI (graphical user interface) and basic use across programs. Windows is and always has been just short of a good OS, even if some fine sirs like you prefer it. ;).
  3. Davey Phoenix

    Dayz For an iMac

    I play it on a MacBook Pro. Every time I boot windows to run dayz I cringe. Don't use parallels. It's costly, plus you still need to but windows, plus your comp will be trying to run two os's at the same time. Bad. News. For anything more than running Microsoft word, use boot camp. Not sure if it'll run well for you, but it runs fine on my 2k11 MacBook. Mac is where it's at.
  4. No major issues since BE did whatever they did. First time I've been able to play in a while.
  5. Davey Phoenix

    Running DayZ SA on a Macbook Pro?

    That's how I've been playing all along ! Stay away from programs that have you "run" windows while inside the Mac OS. They are expensive, processor intensive, and you still have to buy windows. Have him "boot camp" the Mac. You'll need a good 20gig for windows 7, and some to spare....I did 80gigs total on my windows boot camped partition. You'll need to download a few files onto a Zip drive through boot camp first, but it will guide you through. Just leave the flash drive in when you restart to install windows. Then insert a windows 7 disk, and it will tell you what to do from there. Windows may ask again what partition to install on. Make sure it's on the boot camp partition !!!!! It may say you need to re format that drive again, or say it can't install on that partition. If so, select the reformat option for the partition and it will only take about a minute to scan the disk and say its ready. Once in windows, be careful about trying to install all the updates at once. Major hang up issues can arise. Have him only do important ones and a few at a time. You can also set your boot disk options in control panel to either Mac or windows OS. But any time you restart the Mac, holding "option" key will bring up a boot menu. Do yourselves a favor, turn off anti aliasing in dayz. Makes the game run a little meh on the MacBook.
  6. Davey Phoenix

    Battleye Patch Issues Fix

    Thanks for adding input. Still, I think for many of us it will simply be until a new update from dayz that we have this issue. Le sigh
  7. Davey Phoenix

    Player Proximity DeSync Issue (Old Topic!)

    Just wanted to add a little food for though on this matter. Im having the same issues, and running way different hardware than most. I am running day z on a boot camped MacBook Pro. 2k11 model. Intel i5. Game played fine for a while, this problem only occurred recently for me like everyone else. Hope this helps us and the debs narrow this down and fix it!
  8. Davey Phoenix

    Random Shots to Legs

    In the game, I have had my legs randomly break twice now. Just all of a sudden. Friends have seen it happen and confirm no shots fired.... Just buggy alpha randomness. I'm sure it's going to get worked out.
  9. Same issue with standalone too. Constantly disconnects me and crashes my internet. Weird.
  10. Davey Phoenix

    standalone on MacBooks

    hey everyone! just wanted to make a quick post to clear up some debate on running the stand alone on a mac. Didnt think this went in the "can i run it" thread...as im not asking, im answering. Hope im not being a dick spamming in the wrong topic, but i wanted to clear some stuff up for mac gamers looking for straight answers. Yes. you can run the stand alone on certain mac laptops, even below the min requirements. Currently i have it running on a bootcamped 2011 macbook pro(non-retina display). Windows 7sp1, 4gig ram, intel i5 2.3ghz processor, standard internal video card. Its not the absolute smoothest and most pretty running game ive ever seen when running on this setup, but its been running not too bad at all either. Completetly playable with settings turned down lower, and a ton of fun. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, but i just wanted to help out anyone sitting on the fence about if they should try running it or not. Now if only i could avoid the KOS'ers, i'd be golden.