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Everything posted by TedZ

  1. TedZ

    Guyver1's DayZ wallpaper collection

    Some great wallpapers, i'll be using some :)
  2. So did the crying for the combat logging/server hopping start yet? You could also use the search function and look yourself :) and yes: I've seen a few suspicous complaints that sounded like the poorly disguished tears of server hoppers but for the most part the majority seems to be enjoying of the changes.
  3. TedZ

    bullet ricochet?

    Don't know, I've shot an wall plenty of times whilst next to it, never got bounced back.
  4. TedZ

    Possible Solution/Fix For Ghosting

    People like me who can't read a map? What are you saying, i've played over 200hours, plenty more than you, i pretty much know the entire map, i do not want to waste my time travelling around because of this idea, i would like it to stay as it is.. RGDS Ted
  5. You got shot probably, i feel you bro, try log out safely..
  6. Like i said, if you read it.. It might change, i'm just looking for opinions, not people who brag and moan and make unnecessary comments like that :) Not meaning to be rude but.. ^^
  7. TedZ

    Possible Solution/Fix For Ghosting

    No, thanks, i'll get lost, especially with my clan, it'll be like Dora the Explorer trying to find your partners again.
  8. No, i think it's the time on your computer, but i cannot be accurate.
  9. TedZ

    Regarding Burlap Sack on head

    I think this is exactly how you remove it, but i haven't tried, neither do i generally want to risk it, but i'm glad i found this thread and in-future i now know what to do in-case this happens, unless it was a glitch/bug.
  10. TedZ

    M4 Accuracy

    The M4A1 can shoot up to 600-700 metres i think
  11. TedZ

    how many servers do you play on?

    I play on 2 servers, and they are always low pop and 95% of the time unlooted lol.
  12. Yeah, a few times, especially when they run in front of you when your shooting zeds
  13. TedZ

    Delay's when logging in

    The delays are their to stop players combat logging and server hopping, if people actually didn't do this they would not be there. And yeah, the game is awesome. Rgds Ted
  14. TedZ

    Login Timeout Needs Fixing

    Try to get right the first time then.. Meanwhile, on the other side i totally agree with you.
  15. TedZ

    DayZ Standalone Weapon Guide

    Thanks, will update soon =)
  16. TedZ

    I Want Your Eyes.

    Well, i'll start collecting your intestines, soon enough i'll make an entire base out of them.
  17. TedZ

    First Interaction with an Armed Player up North

    Gratz, you survived another day. The SKS would have been bugged out like 1metre away from you, probably a few CM flying off the ground too, it's a bug.
  18. TedZ

    RIP Yellow Shirt Guy

    It was me :)
  19. Finding an acog scope. I always let my friends go first.
  20. My friend plays this game in Somalia with 0.50mb/ sec and he has 0 lag. Use razer game booster.
  21. TedZ

    The game is great but...

    Don't like it, don't play it, but i'd also advise you to come back in a few months, a year or two.
  22. TedZ

    You are dead
