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Everything posted by TedZ

  1. What do you want, servers to be free?
  2. -The purpose of this guide is to help you find your location in DayZ Standalone- -Introduction- The key to survival in any unknown area in Chernarus is knowing where you are, and where you are heading. It's very easy to lose track in the wilderness, i advice you to set routes and every once in a while check to make sure your heading the correct way. A useful thing that can help you is http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus this is an really good map to help your along your travels whilst surviving in the wilderness, this map is good because it'll help you learn your key locations to get to places faster, and easier. Step 1: Map The map listed above is possibly one of the most helpful thing which could help you along your travels, unless you obviously find one in-game which is for your area. An good way to spot your location is locating an item on the map, for example if your near a bunch of sheds out in the wilderness you can try find them on the map. An example of this is locating the structure where you are and try find the structure on the map listed here -> http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.103.078 Doing this will significantly help your chances of locating where you are, and in most cases, you will hopefully find the name of the town your in. As the spawn points have significantly been reduced, you nearly always spawn on the coast, so i would worry much a-bit this, but i will give you more tips for finding your ways to towns and which way to head to get to specific places. The current known spawn points from my knowledge are: Kamyshovo - Elektrozavodsk - Solnichniy - Berezino - Novy Sobor (Please PM me if i've missed any) Step 2: The Ocean - IF you spawn on the coast The ocean has helped me in a-lot of my travels, and hopefully this will help you, thanks to a buddy, i'm sharing this with you, it has helped me many times. As of now, you most likely spawn in on the coast, and you'd most likely be wanting to head to a main town soon as possible to get some supplies, weapons and miscellaneous (Unless you like going to small towns, but i do not advise you to straight away to big towns, this is just to help you to find your location) The trick is, as many people know, run with your Ocean on the left side, this will always make you head to a town, unless you spawn in an location i have currently listed, but this is if you spawn on the coast. Step 3: Spawning Inlands From my knowledge, you spawn in a town when you spawn in-land and that town is possibly called Novy Sobor, this town is near the north west airfield and near a great big brother town called Stary Sobor From here, you can head straight to Stary Sobor, then straight upwards/across to the North West Airfield which has plenty of good loot, but you could get killed! But, anyways, if you spawn in a town, like mentioned above, you will already know your location, but if you'd like to get to an town on the coast, the simpliest way is heading straight forward to the SUN, from my general knowledge, and plenty of times of testing this, my results seem that this way always heads you to the coast near Cherno/Elektro Step 4/5/6: [subject to Change, thinking of more valuable Information] Finding your Bearings (Extra Tips) 1) The wind always blows easy, so look at the movement of the clouds. [At this current moment of time, i do not know which direction East heads to, sorry] 2) The sun rises in the Easy and sets in the West, so if the sun is just rising, or is already rised, this is a great, helpful tip, this will head you to the coast as said above ^^ 3) Near enough every town has a sign, use these wisely and use the map to help you find your way. [DISCLAIMER, WILL ADD IN MORE INFORMATION SOON, SOME INFORMATION WAS GAINED FROM SOME WEBSITES, BUT MOSTLY FROM KNOWLEDGE] - I DO NOT ADVISE YOU TO GO TO BIG TOWNS STRAIGHT AWAY, THIS PURPOSE WAS TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR LOCATION Extra Tip: Settings:
  3. Thanks, i will find a picture of a street sign and post it!
  4. TedZ

    Which ONE video made you buy/play DayZ?

    None of these, they are all DayZ- MOD videos :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK75Z5p9u6A Starts at around 2:20 they rob someone, don't know how to put videos lol
  5. I'd join your inspector team http://steamcommunity.com/id/DayZTed/
  6. TedZ

    Body and loot vanishing after death?

    Defiantly a bug, unless you didn't get there within 10 minutes and someone already looted it.
  7. I want my zluta drinks back too :(
  8. TedZ


    I'm pretty sure this is the wrong section...
  9. TedZ

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    Horse Meat --->
  10. TedZ

    Question on damage

    Them Zombies must be kick boxing or karate monsters to do that, i'm pretty sure i couldn't break a magnum with my hands, unless i took it apart and stomped on it.
  11. TedZ

    FPS Lag with ,,good" computer

    Your internet, may slow you down.
  12. TedZ

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi Mergie, hi Beck, hi Rose, Hi Dog, Hi Chief o/
  13. TedZ

    In dayz nothing goes like you want to...

    Lol, are you still stuck right now?? Add Me - http://steamcommunity.com/id/DayZTed/
  14. I couldn't work out who was being robbed, you? You started taking off your gear, at the start P.S I wish you killed them all, they started to rob you it seemed.
  15. TedZ

    DayZ Forums Are Great

    I know you love me.
  16. TedZ

    The new Magnum sound..

    the new sound, It's awful, great for showing a video =the last thread about this didn't show a video, so i won't complain about using the god damn search function :D
  17. Yeah, i've died from stairs loads, learn to not give a **** with your gear.
  18. TedZ

    2nd kill last night.

    Kill or be Killed
  19. TedZ

    More realistic inventory management

    That's logic for you MIND = BLOWN
  20. TedZ

    i am addict for this

    Nearly Missed
  21. TedZ

    that darn mouse sensitivity

    Never noticed, sorry.
  22. No, no, no Arma 3 is complete different in my aspects.