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Everything posted by TedZ

  1. I'm pretty sure this will run it with them parts, but i cannot be too sure, but i'm pretty sure you'll be-able to run it, correct me if i'm wrong.
  2. Yep, i'm pretty sure you can play, quite a nice PC
  3. Yes, you'd beable to play, i play with 8 cores, 4gb, 64bit and it runs fine.
  4. It's completely fine how they are at the moment, just join low population and stop complaining :D
  5. TedZ

    Painted M4

    i can't wait until they add this stuff in stable branch!
  6. TedZ

    A tip for new players being held up

  7. TedZ

    Top 10 Things to do in DayZ (While we wait for more)

    13. Death, so much rage and it's funny to see it happen
  8. Nope, don't think it can..
  9. TedZ

    New Keyboard!

    Razer FTW i use razer naga, razer keyboard, razer headset and razer mousemat http://www.razerzone.com/gb-en/gaming-keyboards-keypads/razer-blackwidow/
  10. TedZ

    If Combat Logging is going to be fixed...

    Well, they'd have to make something to avoid this, e.g disabling Alt+f4
  11. TedZ

    Unable to use compensator on Mosin?

    From my knowledge, you drag it over your gun, and the condition has to be not ruined.
  12. You can avoid death, camp in the trees and never come out preferably in trees noone ever goes to.
  13. Triple Facepalm, i wish you luck, my friend..
  14. TedZ

    My unlikely KOS hero

    What is wrong with a Black Knight
  15. TedZ

    Bad Version,Server Rejected

    Re-open DayZ, it might need an minor update.
  16. TedZ

    Falling from the dock of the bay...

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  17. TedZ

    When did another wipe happen!?

    1st PP/3:PP = Regular 1st PP = Hardcore
  18. TedZ


    Santa should give an present, i'd ask for a DMR
  19. TedZ

    Suicide bombing

    This would be great, run into a gang and say give me your gear or you'll blow them up.
  20. You can use Remote if they give you the IP the port will be the 4 last letters at the end of the IP to find the ip click Details
  21. TedZ

    DayZ + Logic

    So they is many problems currently in this game about Logic, especially a zombie ruining your guns and bandages.. Whats the worst logical encounter you've had? Mine must be in the DayZ Experimental version, i got shot and it ruined my bandages and they was in a Protector case!
  22. TedZ

    M1 Carbine?

  23. So, i bet you was watching www.twitch.tv/sacriel he said the exact same thing yesterday.. But yes, this is true and I've noticed it.
  24. Gratz, you owned some players :)
  25. TedZ

    SKS 30 round magazine attachment

    *Drags screwdriver over SKS* *Modify for 30rnd Mag* Yep, sure it'll seem easy for you, but the Developers will have to do a-lot more coding, nothing is easy.