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About Stetzer

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  1. If the sight is zero'd at a certain range, subsonic rounds should be shooting lower on the target not higher. Subsonic rounds have less velocity than normal rounds which means the bullet should start to drop a lot faster than normal rounds. Below is an image I found in an old thread. Typically, you would need to aim above the target to compensate for the extra bullet drop subsonic rounds would produce. However, Arma 2 for some ungodly reason completely changes the ballistics altogether when switching to SD rounds making them arc as soon as they leave the barrel. I've experience this plenty of times myself, but on occasion, SD rounds in a normal weapon will shoot normally. If it's a feature, it's stupid as hell, but if it's a glitch, I guess everyone will have to deal with it.
  2. Stetzer

    Class types and skills?

    Rocket said he was planning on putting skills into the game that increased over the length of your character's lifespan.
  3. If 3DP were to be removed, this game better have a cover system by then. Curb your "but Arma 2 has leaning" arguments because leaning exposes way too much of your body in this game. Also, you can't be 100% that your whole body is hidden when in first person. It literally takes half a second in real life to know whether or not any part of your body is exposed while in cover due to innate spatial awareness. 3DP allows you to see if you are directly behind a tree, rock, barricade, etc. In real life, you would just know you are. Arma 2 / DayZ does not have the best audio at times. Whatever the reasons, sound does not always play or play in the correct direction of the sound. In real life, you can become so hyper aware of your surroundings. In a state like this, you almost have 360 degrees of awareness due to all your senses being used at once. The smallest sound would immediately give away anyone. Hell, a lot of people can just "feel it" when people are staring at them. 3DP simulates that awareness. 3DP makes you feel a lot more attached to your character than first person as well. You can see all the visual upgrades to your character like backpacks, camo, ghillie, weapons on your back, etc. It makes you want to keep that character alive just a little bit more because that character is aesthetically pleasing. Do I think that 3DP is perfect? No. It requires tweaking such as moving the camera in closer behind the player so you can't see over walls or around corners, or forcing first person view while in the prone position. Something to consider... Rainbow Six Vegas 2 had a cover system that switched from first person to 3DP when you took cover. Let's say something like this could be implemented. You would only be able to take cover on things like walls, corners, windows, barricades, etc. Pretty much anything you can stand behind or crouch behind. Prone wouldn't use the cover system because you are in a position which provides far more cover due to being so low to the ground. Crouch would lack the response time the other two provide for people sneaking up on you or to be able to quickly run away.
  4. Stetzer


    Bear traps you say... [attachment=1541]
  5. There's two players... Sapatha and Anaca. I have no idea if a DayZ admin is capable of joining to check it out, but assistance would be great. Both have made comments in lieu of people dying constantly. Everyone in both Cherno and Elektro are getting shot by a silenced weapon. Most people haven't seen the person who shot, but some have claimed it to be a guy in a ghillie suit with a silenced weapon in both locations. Something needs to be done immediately. Anaca had a ghillie suit with a Mk48, AS50, and DMR. We shot at him 12 times with a revolver in which he didn't die. We stole his AS50 from his backpack, and we shot him 4-5 more times. He finally died. Sapatha also has a ghillie suit with a silenced weapon. He's been spotted in multiple places that you cannot possible travel to on foot or in a vehicle. Both of these players have similar pings so I assume they are together. They acted like it in chat.
  6. Stetzer loot patterns

    First, I died recently after accumulating upwards of 800 zombie kills (only killing to get through places). I would say that character was alive at least a week or more. What did I die to? Some guy who killed the whole server, but I digress. I started a new character and headed to Elektro. I searched every single fire station, church, orange building, brown building, barns, etc. I did not find a single firearm. I found a few axes, and lots of ammo. What did I find the most? Empty cans and empty whiskey bottles. I killed myself and respawned near Cherno. The same exact loot almost. I switch servers, and again, I find almost nothing but empty cans. Now, I haven't respawned a new character since 1.7.0, but I don't remember ever going through Elektro or Cherno without at least finding a primary and secondary. I'm not sure if the loot tables are bugged, but there is clearly something wrong. When I died, I was actually kind of happy to be back on the coast because being up north so long was getting extremely boring. To my dismay, the coast seems so much worse. I see so many people just running around with a train of zombies behind them because they have nothing to fight back with. The cities seem so quiet now because you don't hear people defending themselves against zombies.
  7. Rocket, Please consider adding an icon or changing the temperature icon to display when you are infected. The cough is extremely irritating. I've spent hours now looking for antibiotics, and I still have not found any. My friends literally complain when we play because they too are annoyed by the coughing sound. At the very least, consider making a change so the cough sound effect doesn't play so frequently. It's extremely irritating (yes I know I repeated myself).
  8. Stetzer

    Third Person suggestion

    I agree that it should remain an option, but something should be done to prevent seeing over walls / around corners. If third person has to be taken away, I hope we at least can keep third person in vehicles because certain vehicles in first person make me almost sick.
  9. Stetzer

    Third Person suggestion

    Yeah, I'd mainly like third person to be kept for the purpose of movement more than anything.
  10. Rocket, I assume at some point you will consider turning off the third person view. Whether it's permanent or just a test, I feel like it's going to happen at some point. I'm also aware that this is a hot button issue with one side defending third person and another attacking it. Personally, I'm in favor of third person because to me it gives the game a more tactical feel like Rainbow Six meets Zombies. However, I still dislike being able to use the camera to see people over walls / around corners. There are two big reasons why I like third person. The first reason is that it makes me feel more attached to my character. For instance, I get Camo or a Ghillie Suit, and I can see it on my character. It makes me like that character just that much more, and it makes that character feel much more important to keep alive. You lose all the aesthetics attached to a character in first person. The second reason why I like third person is the spatial awareness. In real-life, humans have spatial awareness by using all of their senses. They also have the ability to move their eyes to see rather than their whole head. Often times in first person, it's hard to judge the distance of your character to zombies or objects nearby. The same can be said for first person in vehicles (tunnel vision much?). Also, first person on a bike or motorcycle is horrendous due to the bumpy terrain. Here's what I'm proposing to you... This is the biggest one I hope you'd consider trying. Move the third person camera closer to the player and more over the shoulder. It would make seeing around corners / over big walls much harder. Would it be possible to force first person view in prone? This would eliminate the issue of snipers seeing over small walls such as fire station roof. It would also eliminate the issue of being able to shoot so well in tall grass (only on servers with crosshair on). Would it be possible to give third person view a large accuracy penalty? This would make firing in third person only useful in a close quarters situation, and it would force people to aim down the sights. If anyone has feedback they would like to add, feel free to do so. Please keep it related to my suggestion only. Remember, these are just my suggestions and opinions. I'm not looking to start a giant first person vs third person thread. Let's keep it civil people. In the end, we just want a better game for everyone.
  11. Stetzer

    TX20 "Suspected Of Hacking"

    In case you don't check your PMs often Kid, I sent you one. I like to keep things civil so I don't feel like there's a need to create a forum thread.