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About derpdiggler

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  1. derpdiggler

    Can you poison Saline IV bags?

    I attempted to poison water bottles with the intent of leaving them around the spawn area. It doesn't work. :(
  2. Guba is my favorite too. OP, as others have said, there are fewer people up north, but they certainly are higher quality players. Balotafield 4: Modern Coastfare is a noobtrap and a place to shoot at noobs.
  3. derpdiggler

    Down Jacket?

    There's another thread on this. I have never seen one, but the people that have said they found them in train stations.
  4. derpdiggler

    Drag Dead Bodys

    The hide body option should require a shovel or only be available after a body has been dragged near bushes.
  5. derpdiggler

    are people trying to make the SA to friendly?

    I have no insider knowledge, but that is likely the plan. A lot of the perceived problems with the game would fix themselves by the AI improvements they're working on. They can't add hordes of zombies, because the current iteration can phase shift through walls and floors. Once they get that all fixed, I suspect that there will be a substantial increase in zombies and they will add some new drama to the game.
  6. derpdiggler

    To those who complain about spawn killers.

    Griefing is fun, and none of the current guns can come close to hitting from a mile away.
  7. derpdiggler

    are people trying to make the SA to friendly?

    I'm all for making guns and ammo rarer, and improving melee weapons. As it stands, ammo is common enough that if you look for a little bit you end up with far more than you'll ever use.
  8. derpdiggler

    Is it safe to max drink from ponds?

    Vitamins are the only medicinal I've tried, and they've never made me sick.
  9. derpdiggler


    Shhhhhh, I see a lot of people looting NWAF and completely miss it.
  10. That graphic probably needs to be updated beyond where it's at. World of Warcraft is a faceroll fest, and I bet most people don't even know what Pirates of the Burning Sea is. :beans: anyway, because that's what I thought the graphic was going to be from the poster before you.
  11. derpdiggler

    Suggestion - Make the Ocean Useful

    I'm not asking for Bassmaster Pro Fishing sim, but it makes sense that there would be fishing since we have to eat and all. I'm guessing you don't want the cooking pot to be fully implemented, because then they'd have to change the game name to Zombie Cooking Mama Top Chef Chopped Zombie Disaster? For an example of easy to implement fishing, see minecraft.
  12. Vertical learning curve, but after day 1 it's practically a cake walk.... These are your words. Let them sink in. You more or less complain about the game being too hard, and then say after a little bit of play it's faceroll time. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: I rate your post at 5 facepalms!
  13. Well, the frustrating feature from OP's post is that he and his friend are incapable of navigating, and didn't realize that huddling inside a home doesn't make them invincible. So the distillation would be to weed out the bad players? In all seriousness, the game's learning curve isn't that bad. The skill floor isn't high. If you can't meet success in a relatively short period of time, as the game is right now, then you aren't trying.
  14. derpdiggler

    Suggestion - Make the Ocean Useful

    OP, you list all of those good ideas and you leave out fishing? Shame on you.
  15. Kudos to you then. Pro-tip: The only games that have a hard time with the mainstream market being uninterested are the ones trying to cater to the mainstream market. Considering sales are FAR beyond expectations, then it's probably in the dev's best interest to continue on with the plans they have, rather than trying to appease a couple of mouth breathers that can't figure the game out. The more mainstream you make a niche title, the more you lose the playerbase that will actually stick around more than a month. See Eve Online as an example of a title that says, "Too bad. Suck it up."