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Everything posted by MrAkenatom

  1. MrAkenatom

    I cant play DayZ now a days :'(

    the battleeye Ban is different from VAC Ban, BE bans you from the game, VAC bans your steam account, i've been banned from DayZ MOD too (BE), and i can normally play DayZ SA
  2. MrAkenatom

    Does DayZ Standalone have any animal ?

    there are some rabbits, but you can't kill them, and no you can't eat the birds
  3. MrAkenatom

    M4 vs SKS

    lol You have my beans sir!
  4. MrAkenatom

    I cant play DayZ now a days :'(

    unfortunately I have no idea, thought it was a conflict between the two accounts
  5. MrAkenatom

    I cant play DayZ now a days :'(

    for now i think the saved characters are stored on your computer, may be going on some kind of conflict between them, try to log his account on a different PC, looks like there's no problem with the CD-key
  6. MrAkenatom

    Cannot update game back to stable branch.

    try to verify integrity of game cache on properties
  7. MrAkenatom

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    this ^, and in my opinion the item respawn should be fixed first, and the timer or something implemented later, i do server hopping because i cant find any items
  8. sometimes i want to kill, sometimes i want to help
  9. MrAkenatom

    Backpack cover.

    or this it's a protection of own backpack
  10. yeah, and i just need to pull my internet cable to do some server hopping, i think thats not so simple to do,explain your idea more
  11. MrAkenatom

    Idea for Zombie respawns with real gameplay benefits.

    i think the spawn come from the host and not our computers, and yes a powerful computer can handle it and i like the idea
  12. MrAkenatom

    Admin restart server when he dies

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ take a look on this, there are some emails that you can report the server
  13. MrAkenatom

    Will somebody please adopt a NOOB?

    well, my pronunciation of english sucks, so no way =X
  14. just dont run when climbing stairs
  15. i think you need to stand to vault, but would be cool the climbing animation
  16. MrAkenatom

    will byonets ever come to use?

    wow really ? That would be really cool
  17. MrAkenatom

    Using long range scope as binoculars.

    tons of topics with the same suggestion, use the search function before posting plz
  18. yep "I think" opinion, each one has its :)
  19. i just think we don't need a sub forum
  20. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/78-general-discussion/
  21. MrAkenatom

    Scopes reflects the Sun

    Like bf3 8x and 12x scopes, nice idea
  22. MrAkenatom

    Zombie trick

    TWD fan detected perhaps in a distant future
  23. MrAkenatom

    Client crashed when alt+tab or minimizing.

    use the steam browser Shift+Tab