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Everything posted by yazz1234567

  1. Everyone here is saying that the standalone sucks and the mod is so much better. well guess what, I decided to give the mod a try. I bought it then download it only to be sent to a menu where I have no idea what the fuck is going on. There were no server first of all, and when I clicked host and started a server, it just froze on the Chernarus map. Then I tried looking up a tutorial on how to set up the game, and all I found was outdated websites that told me what I should have done 3 years ago. But I just have one question, how do I set up the mod? Even when I got DayZ Commander all I found was 50+ other mods for DayZ Mod (lel) and when I join a server it either kicks or tells me I have an outdated version even though I just updated it. Please help and make this not a waste of money.
  2. yazz1234567

    I have no idea what I am doing

    I launched it from steam and it seemed to work perfectly, I guess I was doing something wrong. Thanks for your help :D
  3. yazz1234567

    I have no idea what I am doing

    Well thanks for you help, really appreciate it :D
  4. yazz1234567

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Are we in Q3 now? Or are we still in Q2?
  5. yazz1234567

    question: server restart bridgeover ?

    Not really just trying to make his post appear more. Think before you blame others please.
  6. yazz1234567

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Finally out! Great job dayz team!
  7. yazz1234567

    My Avatar almost full sized.(drawing)

    Looks nice :P
  8. yazz1234567


    Time to go loot military shit to give to fresh spawns :D
  9. I really like your idea but don't you think they should be working on other stuff? Having more military gear is great but we need to have cars and other stuff to be added that we NEED. Anyways great idea and I like how you added images to show them what you need.
  10. Honestly the mod just confuses me. I never find players on a server and I have no idea what the hell is going on. I started with the SA and then decided1 to go try the mod and trust me it was HELL. You never know what is going on and it is annoying me tbh. Go for the SA, even though its still alpha it is playable and the DayZ Team are working very hard to give you a complete game as soon as possible. Yay! Go Dayz team!
  11. I think the developers are working on ways to give you shelter and to upgrade it. I guess soon we will be able to survive rather than kill :P GO DAYZ DEV TEAM! YAY!
  12. yazz1234567

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    This guy gets it. What is wrong with you idiots saying: "omg I bought this game it should 100% complete and nothing should be wrong". This is a god damn ALPHA and as he said its a FACT. Even the developers told you NOT to buy the game but still people want everything. Its early access meaning the developers want you to find issues and bugs to help them fix them and they also want the community's opinion on what to add in the future. Yet still people like you ignore what the developers tell you and go on whining. When have you ever heard a developer telling you not to buy their game? Your here to test it not to play it. Know what you buy rather than being butt hurt. Go playing the mod, why did you even buy the SA if you hate it so much?
  13. yazz1234567

    Server reset character

    Yeah your right, I was playing experimental and every single server I join has a different character waiting for me. Its really annoying considering they want player to try stuff before they come out yet you can't really get anywhere with starting again every time you change a server.
  14. yazz1234567

    Your first kill

    I have killed many people, I lost count. But all of them where not KoS. In fact I try to be very friendly and offer them my stuff for free but then they wack and axe on my face so I am forced to shoot them. People kill just for that sake of killing, I literley offered my weapons and food to them but no, the chose to try to kill me, well they failed.
  15. yazz1234567

    The best thing in Day Z : Unconscious

    Happens to me every time. I shit my pants because I have no idea how I got unconscious but now to think of it its probably your character getting a hear t attack or smthin like that.
  16. To be honest I think this is a horrible idea. Bandits will troll even more than usual, this actually endorses kill on sight. Lets see what badnits think: I kill a guy, he does not come back, I get all the gear, I kill another guy and same thing happens. This makes people want to troll and kill others just to piss them of no just for their gear. Many times I have been a fresh spawn with 0 gear and aman just shot me for no aperant reaon and I heard another story were somone was shot and had no gear and then he asked why and the shooter replied "for fun". But now the answer would be "for trolling". It would probably be better to just keep it the same.
  17. yazz1234567

    mysterious death ? (not me, another man)

    Starvation, Sick, and a heart attack. All are possible!
  18. yazz1234567

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Dude I played the mod and it is slow, horrible graphics, quirky and so on. The SA is good for an alpha. And they did not release it, they gave you a chance to test the game in its earliest stage. As I said, if you cant handle the bugs and issues that they warned you about and told not to buy it if you cannot handle it, don't freaken buy the game. Go back to the Mod then, and stop being Butt hurt.
  19. yazz1234567

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Seriously dude, first of all the game is nothing like Arma 2 Dayz Mod, its much better even in alpha. They are trying as hard as they can. Do you want them to release a game with a lot of bugs and unfinished materials. They told you that this game is in ALPHA. If you cant handle it then don't buy it!
  20. yazz1234567

    ZOMBIES that walk through Doors

    And zombies can deal a bit of damage, not complaining though but shouldn't they be mroe of a threat? I know somtimes i go into a building then a zombie no clips through it and i am in a small room the zombie hits me but i cant hit it i just seem to hit the wall with my axe. After it hit me i went on for like 10 min searching for rags and my screen seems to still be in full color?! Not sure if the is intentional but i just wanted to bring it up.