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About jerryk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jerryk

    Tips from a 100+ day survivor

    He was laying on the ground almost dead, I had no medical supplies on me at the time but I didn't want to just leave him there, so I shot him in the head, took what I could use, and hid his body. He actually later thanked me lol.
  2. jerryk

    Tips from a 100+ day survivor

    I guess it can be. I consider myself to be a very patient player. I'm the kind of person that will take up a sniper rifle in a Domination mission and sit on a hilltop for an hour surveying the AO and reporting contacts to my teammates, while only firing a few shots. I decided pretty early on that my main goal would be to survive as long as I possibly could.
  3. jerryk

    Tips from a 100+ day survivor

    I generally don't worry about population because servers fill up pretty fast. I just look for a US server that has a good ping and that's pretty much it. I usually play on Veteran because I know the map pretty well (although the server I was in on the video was apparently regular or something). Playing on a high pop server can have pros and cons though. Sure you have a higher chance of getting shot, but you also have a higher chance of finding dead players with good gear.
  4. Bit more background, I haven't been playing DayZ non-stop. I haven't played for a few weeks and just started playing again, but this is what I've done up to that point. I've had this character for a quite long time though, and thought I'd just help others who are just trying to survive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z4ax-9OFhs It can be a bit awkward at times, this is the first commentary I've ever done so I apologize for that.
  5. jerryk

    DayZ VidZ

    Made another helpful video.
  6. jerryk

    DayZ VidZ

    People have told me this helped them: