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Everything posted by Biskwits

  1. Biskwits

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    i personally feel that the hit and miss factor of shooting in the standalone is somewhat very realistic, your supposed to be a every day average joe that is trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse, if you found a gun lying on the floor and picked it up and started shooting it the fact is you'd proberly hit 2-5 bullets out of a 30 mag. how ever if you had that weapon for some time and have been shooting it, cleaning and keeping it maintained then you'd become a damn handy shot with it in time. i dont know if they could implent this into the game somehow but if they did it would make picking and keeping your weapon of choice in tiptop condition and not running around picking up everygun you come across. i just think it brings a sence of reality to the game which is what DayZ is kinda aiming for.. a realistic post zombie apocolypse.
  2. Biskwits

    Tents ?

    No tents as of yet sadly.. im looking forward to seeing what model or models they use. Soon... Very Soon ill Be filling my tent full of beans muhahaha... and a apple.
  3. Biskwits

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    i Declare peace on this topic board ! For the love of BEANS ! if someone spells something incorect dont hate. if i want to type like a 1337 baws dawg cuz iz DwNz wit da CoOl kidz then i will. but i dont so lets just let people type the way they want and play some DayZ :)
  4. Biskwits

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    i see alot of people are not comng to this post with a open mind, they see the topic read the main post and instantly go to their own little corner, guys before you post anything and begin a argument think it through from other peoples points of view this is just somebodys thought.. an idea of what could happen to improve the game it isnt being directly put into the game so let your beans cooldown a little befor you go spooning them in your mouths :)
  5. Biskwits

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    and the barracks being camped by servre hoppers isnt ? the coast line has ALLWAYS been a bandits learning grounds to kill, its practically a target range. and atleast you will be able to fight back seeing as you would have your gear from previous servers, its better to to have a chance atleast than to get shot in the back of the head by somebody who's spawned in behind you in a shut of room. just sayin..
  6. Biskwits

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    The simple answer to this is allow players to hop to a different server but being it a new server they will spawn on the coast like a new spawn but with your gear that you attained from other servers ect.. Eg ( if you go to a new server you start at a default spawn point like the coast But with your gear ) like other people have said to get stuck on one server only to find out its has bad latencey issues is a nightmare so why not just have it like each server is like a new instance/world where you start from the beginning but with your allready geard charicter, i myself am tired of being shot in the back by some witless bafoon who's switching between servers and has jst logged in behind me to only shoot me and take my gear even though they are allready geard >:( and the worst thing is they dont even say "hello" wheres the damn manners ! Biskwits out..
  7. i personally dont think the price should be lowerd, with the thought of new content that will be forever coming out in the near future adding to the game why should you pay less for more of a game..
  8. Biskwits

    "Friendly Servers"

    welcome to DayZ. sorry to be the one who points this out but just becouse the server says friendly dont expect rainbows and fluffy kittens. a few players will specifically go to these so called "friendly" servers to do thier banditing seeing as they can server hop like crazy, at the end of the day like you said " Dont trust anyone " its the only way you can survive.. unless ofcourse you have a friend or two you can play with. :thumbsup: have some beans on me :beans:
  9. Biskwits

    Base building

    ive herd different things about base building for the standalone, the first was you would be able to build onto and lock up existing buildings ect using crafting materials. I personally think this would be great BUT does this mean players could board up a barrack and farm the crap out of it .. ? ( not so fair or fun for other players ) secondly .. Epoch. i like how the crafting system works on the Epoch mod, BUT would it be stressfull on the server if it had to keep and load everyones half built bases..? the last thing is i herd somwhere is that base building was going to be underground... but who knows as far as i am concerned Dean & the dev team can do what ever they like and take how ever long they want, The alpha is brilliant and yes thier are going to be teathing problems its a "ALPHA", But it can only keep getting better with every patch they bring out. be patient and supportive.
  10. Biskwits

    Gore for zombies only to enhance our experience?

    Something i would allso like to see to do with gore is if you are hit/wounded/shot ect and you bandage yourself seeing as the engine knows where you've been hit, when you bandage you actually see the bandage in the location of the wound.. with a blood stain on it.. and you will have to change the bandage once meaning you'll need 2 bandages per 1 wound but once the 2nd bandage has been applied instead of needing another the wound would of healed. just a thought i had that i think would be pretty cool to actually see wounded survivers running around.
  11. Biskwits

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    3rd option, If thier were to be any military weapons they should be rare and or damaged seeing as they would have been in the epi-centre of all the action and chaos that would surround a zombie apocalypse. you should be able to repair weapons some how ( plenty of ideas ). i would love to see a crossbow with a red dot sight.. one i could actually aim with :lol: and ofcourse a recurve bow :thumbsup:
  12. Biskwits

    Gore for zombies only to enhance our experience?

    Gore would be a nice idea and would look great.. nothing beats a large blood splatter from the back of one's head when your using a .44
  13. Biskwits

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    great really didnt expect this update :) Found a .357 magnum today before i could pick it up server restart.. :o .. lost forever
  14. Biskwits

    A possible solution for server hopping.

    New to the forum but ive been lurking for a while. :) Very nicely put, i myself have today sufferd a death thanks to a damn server hopper.. one minute thier is no one thier i turn and thier is someone stood looking at me at the back of a room with his m4.. what does he do shoot me even though i tell him im friendly.. this has happend several times. i like many others agree with you, if you make a charicter on a server that server should then be "thier home" or if you join another server, you join with your charicter but on the coast.. I LOVE the alpha i just want this server hoping sorted out. :thumbsup: