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About Fynnious

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. holy shit look its the evil ones!!!!!!
  2. no i am pretty sure they are doing it for a laugh not because they are genuinely racists
  3. i was telling of a weird experience not moaning
  4. Ye Herb that that sounds like them one of them was wearing a bandana but i cant be sure cos i was just too shocked. Please can some vigilantes hunt these people
  5. Right so i had just spawned with my friend and we where both looking forward to playing some Dayz (both first time in standalone). So we are running down the coast coming from Solnichiny going to Elektro, when all of a sudden we see 4 heavily armed guys coming down the road. we decide to keep on running down the road because we are fresh spawns and hell they could be friendly. so we finally meet each other in Kamyshovo they started saying they where friendly in direct which good news we responded by saying hello how are you etc etc. But all was too take a shocking turn. They started shouting at us to get on the ground (which we did because we were so shocked) they then proceeded to usher us next to a wall and told us to stand up and face them. As we stood another fresh spawn came running down the road from solnichiny two of the guys promptly shouted at him to get down then handcuffed him. He joined us lined up against the wall. They then asked us where we were from i told them i was British, my friend told them he was french and the other guy was Swedish. They instructed me to move away from the wall and crouch all with an m4 aimed at me. Then all of a sudden i heard over direct 'You have been found guilty of crimes against Chernarus' then i heard 'Ready...Aim...Fire' My friend and the swedish guy were then slaughtered under a hail of fire from 3 of the Evil ones. They then just looked at me and ran off towards Solnichniy leaving me handcuffed in the street. i then had to alt tab out to find how to get out of handcuffs and then i had had to wait for my friend to re spawn and return. So all in all fist time i have met anyone in Dayz standalone my friend and a random dude where executed not just shot and killed but executed! if anyone else experiences this horrible thing use this thread as a place to tell of you horror. We should then hunt them down! they must be stopped from this tyranny.