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Posts posted by claws4life

  1. Just spawned in, was in some town, cant remember what.


    Walk into a  supermarket and start taking damage. Cant hear anyone or hits or anything. Start bleeding, fractured arm. Run out of the supermarket. Out comes a bandit with his little bandit mask on and axe. I had about 30 mins worth of loot on me and posed no threat. I didnt even have a weapon.


    Anyway, the bandit comes out of the floor of the supermarket from underneath and kills me straight away.


    Respawn in. I somehow spawn right next to another newspawn. I back away, dont show any hostile intention, and as expected, the fists come up and he starts punching me. Dead again.


    Respawn back in. Server crashes.


    Respawn in again, make my way to a town. Get attacked by a zombie. After 35 clicks with a pitchfork and only 1 hit, I run away. Into the next town, find a baton and SKS (no ammo). 2 more crawling zombies now attack me. Probably 60-70 clicks of the baton later, and two recorded hits. Dead. Ragequit.


    Remember when melee used to work and zombies were'nt impossible to hit? Yeah, me too.


    On a similar note, i'm now at 94 hours in this game and have never spoken to another player. Not once. Never. Every single person I have met in the last 94 hours has either killed or tried to kill me on sight, without so much as a hello.


    *shakes head*

    if zombies are actually a threat to you right now, you're gonna have a bad time when the game is fully released :)

  2. today I just logged on a server and was trying to find some helicopter crash sites to find an m4. To my surprise, I saw a heli crash just at end the of the airfield with a guy standing afk with a perfect m4 over there . I shot him with my AKM while he was just standing afk until he died, to find out that he had it perfectly geared except for the flash light and he also a 60rnd mag on it



    now my character has an AKM with 3 drum mags and a perfect m4 with 60rnd mag + 40rnd mag and few 30 rd mags and a pristine ACOG scope for it :D


    and this was how I got my first m4 since 0.49 :)

  3. Pairing this work with work currently under way by the design and programming teams to support the upcoming experimental release of both our first vehicle, as well as the first iteration of barricading via locked doors and the methods to break them down will greatly expand the player experiences as we close out 2014. It is important to pay attention to the project status reports, and developer streams as well as participate in discussion on the official forums to maximize your engagement with the development process. - Brian Hicks / Producer



    inb4 abandoned stable servers :D
