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Posts posted by claws4life

  1. And this ladies and gentlemen, is why persistence should have never been enforced on all private and official servers. The insane amount of bugged loot eventually makes servers crash and reset. Persistence should be kept as optional until it's fixed.

    Also regarding vehicles, everybody is so hyped and can't wait till they add the VS3, but with persistence servers crashing every 4-5 days and wiping everything on them, what is the point of adding vehicles? You're gonna find one, it's gonna take hours to fix and then the day after server will crash and wipe it out.

    I believe the developers should focus more on fixing persistence before adding anything persistence related, but that's just my humble opinion.

  2. how_about_no.jpg



    I live on the East Coast of the United States, the most populated area of the United States. At 5:00 PM EST (high-traffic) I have trouble finding 1st person servers under 120 ping and over 20 players. This has occurred on many occasions. The DayZ playerbase is currently shrinking according to Steam Sales Charts, and increasingly so, it's tough to find servers with a fair ping and a healthy amount of players.


    There is only a few 1st person servers out there and they still barely get filled then that means 1st person servers are not a popular choice and will never be, removing 3rd person servers will not increase those who play 1st person servers at all, infact it will piss off 85%+ players who like this game and have been playing 3rd person since December 2013.

    My suggestion is get better internet so you can get better ping on lots of servers, deletering 3rd person servers who have 400k+ people playing everyday on average just to satisfy the 20k bunch who play 1st person on average just doesn't make any sense.

    • Like 1

  3. 9000 beans to you sir. We do certainly need black backpacks or at least the ability to spray paint or dye them. I personally have been trying to achieve my perfect Umbrella corportation soldier look from Resident evil. Sadly tho, my hunting backpack is holding me back :(

    SWAT1.jpg SWAT2.jpg

    • Like 6

  4. Oh awesome, that's nice to hear.

    They said that this is not a confirmation of underground systems tho, not like sewers or metro stations. It's basically a hole in the ground that they're gonna build some structures above it to make it look like a cave. In other words, they're not editing the map or completely changing how it looks, they're just building some structures above some deep ground to make it look like a new underground military cave.

  5. 90000 beans for you sir, if stuff like this gets implemented dayz would be a much more fun game.


    EDIT: I don't think we'd need to wait until final release to get some underground places, read the latest developer post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/212559-twitter-senchi-new-northern-military-base-in-progress-not-tent-base-will-include-some-underground-places/

    they're already working on underground military bases up north :D

  6. You obviously havent seen any episodes of The Walking Dead...  The OTHER people are way more of a threat than zombies, except when they attack in waves of 100+...  Now if i can just find that prison to secure im all set...as long as a T92 doesnt get added to the game.

    I do respect your opinion but getting KoSed all the time doesn't exactly have any survival aspect to it.

    • Like 1

  7. W/O Stock:



    W/ Stock:





    They look hardly alike. Also add to the fact that the MP5K wasn't originally developed with a buttstock in mind, whereas the Uzi was manufactured in order to use the stock completely.

    Granted, the back of the gun has less detail than the back of an actual MP5K, but it's still not at all like an Uzi in any way.





    MP5 stocks came with the M4 & AKM/AK101? Those guns only spawn with their respective parts, and you CAN find them as loot (found a pristine AK wooden handguard in an unlooted NWAF)

    He's talking about the the M4 and AK buttstocks only spawning with their respective guns, similar case to the MP5k

    Also, He's talking about the PLASTIC ak handguard, not the wooden one. You can only find the plastic handguard with the AK101 it's self, not separately.

  8. One of my most terrible experiences with an abusing server admin. I had an m4 with a red dot sight scope and a 60rnd mag + some other attachements, I also had an MP5 in my backpack with attachements + mags for it and perfect gear. I logon into a server inside the police station, zombie comes running inside and attacks me. I try to get my axe out and BOOM "you have been kicked off the game", gg hours worth of perfect gear looting + two extremely rare guns :/

    • Like 1

  9. High loot servers are usually reset every 2-4 hours.


    Compared to a server that resets every 24 hours that would be considered high loot.

    servers that have "400% LOOT" in their name are the liers I'm talking about.


    So let me get this right people that say high loot servers are just lying?


    what about the persistence? do all servers have that on or is that a feature you can turn on and ofF?

    Persistence is ON on all official servers, private server admins have the options to turn them OFF or ON, I'd highly recommend to set up your tents on an official server because most of the time it's still lies. I personally lost a tent to a private server with "Persistence ON" in their description :/
