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About Horp

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  1. Horp

    sanity punish for KOS?

    Why do my character feel hungry when I'm not hungry in real life? If I don't have that emotion, my character shouldn't either. Also, why can my character run for such a long time before getting tired? I can't do that in real life. It's like... someone attached a tons of game-y and sometimes unrealistic elements to the game to make it more compelling as a whole. Adding "reduced sanity"-effects to the player character when he kills other players might be a stupid idea, but don't use the "I might not have that emotion myself, and it should be MY emotion, not the character". Really, it's stupid. Game design is based on whats fun, and the mechanics that are in the game aren't there to make the experience a more "realistic simulation", it's there to make the game more fun. I don't think "reduced sanity"-effects sounds fun, but I don't think a game all about KoS is fun either. I'm all for designing the game in a manner that encourages other behaviours, or possibly discourages KoS instead. It's all about game design, and what the devs want the game experience to be.
  2. Horp

    psychological effects of banditry

    I think we will have to wait until the community of psychokillers (90% of the people on this forum as it seems) is hopefully slowly replaced by people wanting something else from the game.
  3. Horp

    System to Punish KoS

    Just asking, do the people that enjoy the fact that so many do KoS really want the game to be that kind of experience? Aren't there games out there that does that better? If your answer is no, what do you suggest should be done to change how people behave in the game?
  4. Everyone should include me. It doesn't include me, so it's not everyone. Reading on this forum, and neogaf, and twitch comments, it seems like it's far, far from everyone.
  5. I'm not so sure. Right now, I have a feeling that DayZ might be getting some bad rep for being a badly designed deathmatch game slash running simulator. It could be so much more, but that would require the developers to make a statement where they acknowledge this as a problem and clearly state that "a badly designed deathmatch game slash running simulator" isn't what this game is trying to be; and that they will actively work to make sure it doesn't become that. Otherwise this buzz might die out and the only people left are the people that actually want "a badly designed deathmatch game slash running simulator".
  6. Sounds like maniac psychopath behaviour to me. But honestly though, your kind is rare. I think what has to be adressed is how the general masses treat their own characters at this point in time. No stakes; no reason to care about how you act.
  7. Which obviously isn't enough, because almost everyone I meet is a crazy maniac that acts nothing like I would suspect people to do in the dire circumstances that is the post apocalyptic world of DayZ. You and your cr4zy c00lie M3dical Divzzz might have a blast now reigning terror on the 740 000 new people that just started playing this game, but I forsee a future with DayZ SA being a very different game compared to the mod. I think most people come here and try this game to try a survival simulator, not a Deathmatch game with poor design (if it is trying to be a deathmatch game, the design is very poor in my opinion).
  8. You can run around shooting like a maniac, risking your life because you can simply respawn again? Edit: What I'm saying is, acting like a maniac psychopath is easy at the moment because nothing is at stake. Something should be introduced to increase the stakes; add a risk to the game. We could have a respawn timer but I really don't think people will like that. Naming and shaming would be a good risk however; something at stake.
  9. The thing is, this game isn't optimized so it doesn't run well for anyone, really. People with 550:s telling you it's running fine for them just means they have a different idea of what "fine" is. Chances are, if you have SLI 780GTX, your idea of "fine" is true smoothness and probably never dipping below 60. I have a 680 and a 3770 and I think the game runs so bad it's almost unplayable (in towns).
  10. 1. Have everyone enter a unique name that can't be changed and will be locked to Steam Account (Just like a real person has a name and only one name). 2. Show the name of your killer when you get killed 3. Let the blacklisting begin 4. When DayZ grows in complexity and people starts building bases and creating small societies the blacklisted people will not be welcome anywhere 5. The KoS maniacs can keep running around along the coast and play Deathmatch-With-A-Huge-Map