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Everything posted by tors

  1. tors

    Lore suggestion: parasite instead of virus

    I'm not 100% sold on the idea: a/ because the lore seems so nebulous and undefined, & b/ as parasitism usually involves some kind of symbiotic relationship between parasite and host (whilst being skewed in the parasite's favor) - which i don't really see making sense as regards zombies/infected. however, viruses infect all forms of life, can cross inter-species barriers, and (to my mind at least) seems like a more 'logical' reason for any type of outbreak scenario.
  2. interesting idea - i like the way it emphasizes being tense, and never being certain of if you are in danger or not - but i can't help thinking that to a certain degree what you're proposing won't 'cripple' some of the in game functions - for example, i'm pretty sure you can use the in game player list to mute annoying people (never actually needed to try this out, i presume it works tho) - and as Liege above points out, the player count is useful as regards joining populated servers - what about a slight tweak to your idea? namely, that when in the server lobby, you can see how many people in game: e.g 35/40, but once you've joined the server, you can no longer see how many people are playing? this way, you can be sure you've joined a server where stuff is going on, but you have that potential uncertainty of "are they still here? :O "
  3. tors

    Albanian pillboxes

    Ignoring the question of which model pillbox is more suitable (as per the russian/albanian examples above) - i think the general gist of the idea is great! if they were placed in logically consistent places within the game world (you know, places where it would make sense to be defending/reinforcing with tactical pillbox deployment: coastal lines of sight, forest military camps, so on) it would be neat - they could serve as rudimentary shelter (when all the weather status effects start to become more meaningful), tactical holds for players, observation posts, and generally another neat building type to be seen in the world. good stuff! (also; as Polyandras mentioned upthread, perhaps more important/strategic pillboxes could have more significant infrastructure - tunnels, buried supply rooms/caches, disintegrating sandbags, etc)
  4. tors

    Hardcore gasmask

    have any of you played the METRO series? (like s.t.a.l.k.e.r, except with more train stations) - i thought that had a really well implemented gas mask function - when you use it in game, there is a slick animation of putting it on, and it subsequently limits your field of vision (happy to hear this is being implemented) - but also, when you take damage/get in fights the mask can crack/split & get covered in gore - which i think would work really well in the dayz-sa. for example; you're fighting off hoards of zeds in a city with your axe whilst your visibility is progressively going down due to all the blood and guts covering your visor! you quickly run around the corner to apply rags to your gasmask, quickly wiping it clean! or alternatively, when you find "ruined" or "badly damaged" gasmasks, they would be covered in cracks, in the same method that gun scopes currently are.
  5. tors

    Role-Playing Randomizer

    Wasn't there talk at some vague point (can't remember when exactly) that spawn locations would eventually be altered/changed from the (currently) default coast setting?; so as to further facilitate the 'story' telling process - for example, spawning inside that plane wreak at the international hotel, or some abandoned hospital facility in the northern interior, etc Then again, I've heard that Mr. Hall likes the idea of strictly spawning in the coastal regions, so i'm not sure if such a thing will be implemented? Also; as regards the original post re; clothes - i don't think anyone would mind having varied/random clothing items at spawn: as long as they all have fairly useless traits/attributes & are only cosmetic variations on the theme of low tier character gear, thus forcing the starting player into getting superior clothing as well as obtaining food and drink. The starting conditions for any new dayz character should always be harsh (in my opinion).
  6. tors

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    i love the new rain! makes the weather & the game world feel more dynamic! kinda hoping in the future, there will be multiple weather types, as opposed to just raining/sunny like - heavy storm, light rain, early morning mist, lightning storm, really really dark, really windy, etc. etc.
  7. suggestion: at the multiplayer/server menu screen, where it has name of server, ping, number of players, etc, could be an additional slot showing a sun or a moon, thus indicating what time of day the server is currently running - would help minimize server hopping, and people could further plan their activities/missions simple suggestion i know, any merit to this idea? (ps; searched forums for any ideas similar to this & didn't see anything, apologies if this has been mentioned earlier, or by someone else)