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About Dr.Shotgun

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  1. I know tonight there is a group called Ironfist on the forums and they plan on going on the east coast and killing the bandits who are doing things such as this act. I think they could use some extra hands aswell, search up Ironfirst and you should see it.
  2. Dr.Shotgun

    Any way to know how my player died?

    Maybe you passed out do to low blood and they ran up to you and finished the job. Maybe low food or water? thats what im thinking, unless they did have backup which you didnt see. but having low blood can make you unconscious so thats what im thinking.
  3. Dr.Shotgun

    Airfield loot ruins this game. Please Read

    Ill start off by saying that the loot will probably stay the same for now, its not the loot which is the problem, its the server jumping. Rocket is working on that and this should solve the case.
  4. Great server! Having so much fun! wish more players joined though.
  5. Interesting! Would love to see some more social experiments! TAKE MY BEANS!
  6. Dr.Shotgun

    can this pc run dayz please help.

    Just taking a guess here buddy, but I think you can... you might need more ram and might have to turn down the settings, it wait to see what others have to say.
  7. Dr.Shotgun

    Feeling cheated out of money.

    You say this is a "shitty engine", why the hell are you asking for help on a forums for a game with a shitty engine. Just because you cant run the game does not make the game good or bad. Next time you ask for help, try to hold yourself back from insulting the thousands of hours that the creators put in to make this game for you. You say "I paid money for a product I in theory can use but cannot due to a shitty engine" perhaps it wouldn't kill you to read up on some game information before you drop 30 bucks on steam for a game you don't even know that it works. Again as I stated, insulting the game on the forums wont get you any help.