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Everything posted by TEST_SUBJECT_83


    Fresh Servers Spawning Open Doors/Gates

    Why? There is already plenty of reason to loot a house that has it's door already open. 1. People don't need the same things you need. 2. People miss things all the time. 3. You never know if some douche just opened a door on his way through without going in. 4. You never know what someone else has dropped.

    My Last Rant

    I'm the one with the least social life here! Yay!

    30rnd stanag coupled or 60 rnd stanag

    My mistake, I thought there was that version and the one I was talking about.

    No Combat Log In Radius

    Fair point.

    Should there be more gun holsters?

    I heard this as well. Would be cool! I just hope there is more holsters and straps in the future so I can properly hang my weapons from my back and not look like Grizzly Adams from The Last of US.

    Fists are overpowered

    Try being healthy and wearing all pristine clothes!

    No Combat Log In Radius

    I think it's a really good idea actually! If you have to go in a hurry, and it says "there is someone in your area" Then move to a different area. The map is huge! I honestly think this is a better solution. This way if you log out, it tells you that someone is near you, so you don't just sit down for 30 sec and that person just finds you sitting there and shots you in the face.

    Nerf Knocking Out

    If your were healthy with all pristine clothes, that would never happen.

    30rnd stanag coupled or 60 rnd stanag

    I thought they were coupled together so one feeds into the other? I no nothing about firearms btw.

    Day counting

    I would rather have a dynamic beard system! The longer your alive, the longer your beards grow. Women???...you can start with short hair, I guess? Anyways,I want beards in DayZ.

    My Last Rant

    You think the DayZ community is horrible? Just look at all the awesome responses you've got from your rant. :D I know you will be back. ;)

    DayZ (POSSIBLE PROOF) Player Shooting Through Walls!

    You were hacking through the wall! You got shot because of it.

    Berets more useful

    Not that kind of game.
  14. Ok, I have mentioned a couple of these ideas in a response to a different post awhile back, but I want to make it's own topic because I have what I think are some really good possible benefits that the chest holster can have if you choose to wear it over a vest with 8 slots. First thing I want to talk about is switching to a side arm. As it stands you dont really have one. The way I see a side arm is a backup weapon that can be pulled out quicker than reloading, mostly when you dont have a backup magazine. So I was thinking once you run out of mags you can double tap "R" (reload) to pull out your side arm immediately so you aren't screwed when you run dry of ammo. I was first thinking that it should be pulled out automatically once you run out of mags but thought giving the fact that Dayz has Arma's amazing key mapping abilities, why not give the option. My second idea is while running or sprinting if wearing the chest holster you can pull your sidearm out while holding Alt so you can shoot and run at the same time. You would be horribly inaccurate, but the ability to fire all around yourself while running in a strait line is a must have IMO. My next idea is the same as the second but applies to ladders. If your climbing up a ladder in DayZ you are as vulnerable as taking a shit in a field, so why not be able to pull out whatever pistol you have in your chest holster to defend yourself while on ladders? It would work just like sprinting or running. While on a ladder if wearing the chest holster you hold down Alt and double tap "R" (reload) you will pull out you pistol, but unlike when running you will only hold your sidearm for as long as you have Alt pressed. Once Alt is released you quickly put your sidearm away and can continue up or down the ladder. My last and one of my favorite ideas for the wonderful chest holster is allowing you to fire your sidearm while still holding your primary in your left hand. So you have your M4 and your strolling along and you see a zed, that you want to kill but don't want to make any noise. Since your wearing the chest holster and have an FNX45 with a (working) silencer on it you can double press "R" (reload) but continue to hold on the second press which allows you to hold your primary in your left hand while you momentarily pull out your sidearm, you you can quickly pull of a few shots while holding down "R" then once you let go of "R" you immediately holster your sidearm and put you primary back into both hands. So what do you all think? I myself love these ideas and would really like them in Dayz.

    ScrewDriver too big.

    This looks about right!


    It just's takes a little imagination. :D

    Tactical Veset where are you....

    I have found every other vest other than the Tactical.

    5 minute ban :(

    I have had the timer of course, but the screen issues are new to me.

    Tactical Veset where are you....

    Hmmm, me and my 6 or so other buddies that play this game religiously, and we would all usually wear those because we all try to wear black and have not seen one since the update. Pretty sure it was the update before the last one. So until I see one I cant take your word for it. I'm sure it's just an accident just like the pen and paper not working was. Until I see one myself I believe that they are missing.

    Tactical Veset where are you....

    You have the ONLY tac vest in all of Chernarus! lol!

    Bollocks to being friendly!

    People lack imagination unfortunately.

    Tactical Veset where are you....

    The Tac Vests are gone for the moment. Im sure it's like the pen and paper, and they just got removed by accident.

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    I would love to see a horizontal swing added. IMO that would help solve a lot of the silly dancing around zed's trying to hit them.
  24. I posted this in the old "Berry Picking?" Thread but it's old and not nearly as many people will see it, so don't get on me for not using the search engine. Anyways while in the experimental I was checking for berries and noticed this. If you go up to a berry bush and use your scroll wheel a small grey dot appears in the left hand corner of the screen letting you know that its a berry bush. and it again with the dot circled. I haven't seen anyone else with this info, so that's why I started a new post.

    I found something new regarding berry picking!

    Interesting thought, but I tested it on multiple bushes and it only shows up on certain ones when I use my scroll wheel only. So it is definitely not that. I can see the aim dot, it's there if you look closely. Plus the aim dot is white, not grey.