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Everything posted by TEST_SUBJECT_83


    Water from rain

    Patience, rain just got implemented.

    Idea for when you get the "starving" message

    Exactly what Im talking about!

    DayZ (POSSIBLE PROOF) Player Shooting Through Walls!

    Hacking exploit, whatever it's still lame to use.

    shooting in prone

    This needs to be fixed asap! The bounding box for the ground is to high. It has been around since the SA released. Dean has been told about it on stream I've seen, but he's so scatter brained that Im sure it didn't stick. But yes this is a known bug and is very annoying to say the least.

    Have you killed a combat logger yet?

    lol! what a dick? no j/k just sounded funny. "Found a guy sitting on the top floor so I pounded him with my crowbar." Lol! But he was obviously hopping the weapon room in the school, so you were doing the right thing :)

    Moving out people when they log out/in towns/airports

    I think that when you try to log out in certain areas, like a military base you wont be able to. The "exit" option would be grayed out like the "respawn" option is when your not dead or unconscious. Wont fix anything, but is simple and should help a little, and a little is better than nothing.

    Do people still server hop?

    Server hopping had gone down some, but is still there. I'm just so glad CL has been nearly stopped all together.

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    Ive been looking for an ACOG for what seems to be forever, while finding at least 6 damaged ones. Every time I see one my heart stops and I say to myself "please let this one be worn or pristine" Then my heats sinks with disappointment when I find it's busted. Fucking exactly how it should be!

    m4 sound

    Lol! Seriously!

    So I tried Hardcore..

    The only reason there is 3PP in DayZ SA is because it was in the mod, IMO, otherwise I believe that 3PP would have never made it to the SA. 1PP is so much more intense and realistic. It brings out what makes DayZ so special. Playing in 3PP is a crutch, a crutch that is hard to break when you have played games like that for a long time. But DayZ is different IMO, this game caters to being scared and paranoid and watching your back, and 1PP really adds to that experience. If you can feel comfortable 90% of the time because you can see everything before it see's you then whats the point of playing DayZ? Seriously? whats the point? You loose so much of the experience when in 3PP, IMO, and the gunfights! Holy shit! If your in a hour long firefight with another squad, nothing can beat the feeling you get when you can actually use a wall to sneak around or up to someone knowing you wont be seen, like IRL. It's the way DayZ is meant to be played, IMO.

    Radio and playing music

    "It's Happening!" Skip to "12:15" to get to where he talks about radios!

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    That's rough, I feel you. Unless you can crawl out from the right angle you might be SOL. I would try standing next to the wall then while falling to prone from the broken legs continue to push "W" to try and glitch out. Or if I knew your server I'm willing to go on a rescue mission to save your life! I may be able to give you morphine through the wall. Or drop it by the wall and then you can pick it up. Let me know,Im willing to try.

    Please help me. Water Spawn -> no Respawn available

    That would only erase his video and key bindings. Has nothing to do with your character. Dean is adding the suicide option soon. But Im quite sure you need a weapon for that.

    Why loot is not full random?

    I completely agree! There can be guns in any house really. Maybe not an M4 so much, but any other gun should be random. I think high end military equipment should be at military zones only but should be extremely rare. But any other gun should have a chance to be in just about any house. I would really like to see locked gun safes and cabinets, that a hard to find key is needed. But at the same time I understand why some want things to be consistent, but in this type of setting I really think the player needs to be in a state of not knowing whats going on as much as possible. Randomizing loot spawns is a great way to do this IMO. Once fridges,cabinets, and drawers can be opened finding loot will be more spread out, and will take longer to find things. But in the end this game will loose it's long term replay ability if the loot stays the same, which it most likely wont being in Alpha. But at the same time no matter what they do to change the loot spawning, we will always find a pattern to follow to make gearing up as easy as possible. It's just the way we think.

    Team Speak

    Ok, this is a heated topic and I can see both sides of the argument. "Using TS the way I've have played online MP games for ever, so why should I have to change for DayZ?" That's a perfectly legitimate question. Now let me try and explain why I think TP is exactly the same as using 3PP or turning up the gamma at night. But at the same time is the only real way to communicate with friends in game. Now how is TS the same as gamma cheating or wall hacking? Well, IMO, it's because using any outside form of communication is side stepping the games mechanics that are given to you to make the game experience as equal and as realistic as possible. "hear me out before you bite my head off!, I explain why TP is necessary to communicate in large groups atm, Im just trying to look at it from both sides" The way radios are set up are brilliant! They work the same as you would use TP. For those who don't know how to use them in game let me explain the mechanics. 1st, find a "walkie talkie" 2nd, put a battery in it. 3rd, find a channel that you want to use, (lots to choose from) 4th, use "<" and ">" to change your in game chat to the channel you choose. Now comes the tricky bit that IMO makes using walkis talkies only as a way of communication between friends broken. "How to I let my friend that just spawned somewhere what radio frequency I'm on and where I am?" Thats the problem with walkie talkies atm, and until we can resole this I don't think using WT's as the ONLY way of communication is working right now. "How do we find a solution to this?" I've heard of people suggesting friends being able to spawn in together, but only as fresh spawns. That's not a bad idea, but what if you want to group up with 6 friends? There lies another road block for the WT only solution. As the game is right now, using WT only is broken. There is no way of using only the games mechanics to find a group of friends and communicate with WT only. The only way for it to work would be to message each other through Steam and let each other know where you are so you can find a radio and meet up. But that's the same as using TS, so that's not a solution at all. IMO, using WT is a great idea to promote realism and fun gameplay. It would be so cool to be wandering in the forest and all of a sudden hear a group of people taking in the distance, letting you follow at a distance and stalk them to see if they are a threat or if they have supplies you need to survive. That kind of gamplay and immersion is what DayZ is all about and I completely understand why some want TP gone and walkie talkies to be the standard in communication in DayZ. But....from everything I've said here you can clearly see the problem with not using TS when playing with friends. I mean I too hate it when I'm using TS with my group and we come across a survivor that ends up roaming with us and my friends refuse to use in game chat to talk to him/her so it kills the experience for him/her when I'm the only one he/she can hear. So whats the solution? I honestly don't see one in sight. I mean how can the devs add a mechanic that allows a group of people to spawn together? Unless there was some sort of group survival option at the beginning of the game. Like possibly picking a scenario from the start, like: Scenario 1: You are a lone survivor of a horrific ship crash and you wash up on the beach all alone....or so you think? - (same as you start out now) Scenario 2: You and your mates where in a horrific ship crash that washed you all up on the shore and you have no clue where you are, you all need to work together to survive. - This is the group survivor option. Now you are all within speaking distance so you can all use the in game mechanics to communicate until you all find walkie talkies, then you can communicate over large distances. There could be more scenario's in the future but Im just covering group play and a way to communicate with a large group without using TP. I myself wish there was a solution to this but the way the game is now, there is no real way to only use walkie talkies to communicate. I suggest you all give them a try. Once you and your group all find walkie talkies give it a try, it's actually better than TS in some ways. Think about it, you are in a large squad and you want to talk to just one other person but your buddies are all talking over each other, you and him/her can just switch to another channel and talk quietly while your friends are talking on another channel. When done just switch back! Having to think about being quiet and not giving away your location from talking would add an awesome element to DayZ IMO. But until there is a way to group up without using any outside form of communication, walkie talkies are just a cool thing to have in game. EDIT: I never meant to imply that anyone that uses TS is a cheater, I myself use it all the time. I was trying to explain that the way the game mechanics are currently using walkie talkies as the only form of communication is brokenand to be able to locate someone is not possible without outside communication like TS and that TS is an important tool in DayZ when playing with friends. At the same time explaining how important it is to the people looking at it from a role playing/realism perspective that know howamazing this game would be if everyone could somehow all be using the in game chat system and mechanics to communicate, because it would add a lot of different factors of survival into the game. Which is true and why I was explaining how you cant find anyone without TS, so until something comes along that allows players to spawn together like my scenario suggestion (just an idea) so that players can communicate with each other realistically from the start,​TS is necessary to use when playing with friends.

    Team Speak

    lol! wrong quote.

    Team Speak


    Brown Puffer......It Exist's!

    I believe you. I just remember getting an orange one and thinking to myself how brown it looked.

    The Map is smaller when compared to Day Z Mod's Chernarus

    Stamina system is coming! When, no clue?

    video adjustment?

    I really hope they take the ability to turn PP off away. The difference between off and very low, is next to nothing frame rate wise. But the difference gameplay wise is huge and would consider it an exploit.

    Brown Puffer......It Exist's!

    Isn't it technically orange?

    Team Speak

    I never meant to imply that anyone that uses TS is a cheater, I myself use it all the time. I was trying to explain that the way the game mechanics are currently using walkie talkies as the only form of communication is broken and to be able to locate someone is not possible without outside communication like TS and that TS is an important tool in DayZ when playing with friends. At the same time explaining how important it is to the people looking at it from a role playing/realism perspective that know how amazing this game would be if everyone could somehow all be using the in game chat system and mechanics to communicate, because it would add a lot of different factors of survival into the game. Which is true and why I was explaining how you cant find anyone without TS so until something comes along that allows players to spawn together like my scenario suggestion (just an idea) so that players can communicate with each other realistically from the start,TS is necessary to use when playing with friends.

    DayZ Carrying Over into Real Life...

    When I clock out at work I sit down for 30 sec before leaving.

    The Map is smaller when compared to Day Z Mod's Chernarus

    Are you fluckin kiddin' me?

    Gesture to block the sun.

    This, sunglasses that work, and being able to move while gesturing, all NEED to be added at some point, IMO.