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Everything posted by TEST_SUBJECT_83


    This logout system seriously needs to be deleted

    Just Alt/Tab for a few mins, not a big deal at all.

    tactical gestures

    This IMO is a must have! Seriously! If anyone wants to use in game chat only, then tactical gestures is a must. I love meeting new people and roaming around with them, and if I could be all tactical and shit without making noise sneaking around with my new buddy? That would be awesome. Role playing would increase immensely with this IMO. Please, add tactical gestures. I beg you! :)

    Thoughts on KoS?

    The way I see it is, I went through it, so they have to go through it as well. lol! I myself don't kill anyone thats unarmed, but I don't really care and I actually support KOS. Without KOS, this game would loose what keeps us all playing it. That feeling of always knowing that someone could be watching you through a LRS ready to pick you off and then all your precious gear will be gone! That rush we all love from this game...thank people that KOS....at least thats the way I feel about it.

    Whole map

    Having to find the pieces is great IMO, but ever since broken down vehicles stopped spawning loot it's been really hard to find a full map.

    Allow Server Configurable Pve Only

    DayZ is all about KOS...in a way. If you took out the fear of knowing you could get snipped at any moment, the game would loose what makes it so amazing. This game is all about interaction with strangers and how people will react. Take that away, then all you have is an extremely long game of gearing up for no reason. What the hell is there to do without other players? Kill zeds? Gimmie a break. Even when the game is done and you can build bases and drive cars. What would be the point of building a base if theres no one to defend it from? Why would you spend all the time fixing up a car if all your going to do is drive around by yourself? The only kind of PVE experience I could see in the future is maybe a mod that has a co-op horde mode or something like L4D, I dunno? To me what your suggesting is taking away what makes DayZ, DayZ and turning it into another shit game that caters to people that can't handle this kind of gameplay.
  6. In the mod you could pick up and carry car engines and heli rotors and it would effect your stamina the more you carry. I was wondering with the SA being so much more geared towards realism and authenticity, to a point of course how repairing vehicles will work. Will we be able to just put an engine in our inventory? I somehow doubt it. My idea was having wheel barrows and hand carts that we can pull around. They can be somewhat common having multiple types of carts that fit different locations. So if we find a spare part that weighs 150lbs we can maybe have the option to cover it with brush to stash it, or just mark it on our maps and hope it's still there when you arrive an hour later with a cart. I personally want this mechanic to make sense and be somewhat realistic, and am very curious to see how it finally ends up working. So what do you guys think the best way of going about this would be, while trying to have it make sense and not seem ridiculous like putting a heli rotor in your pants.

    Vehicles and how the repairing mechanic will work

    This is a game. You really want to have to find a hoist/A-frame? How will you get the broken down car to it? It can't be exactally like IRL, but it's got to be better than the mod. Ok, so whats more realistic, the way the mod does it? Which is literally putting an engine in your backpack. Or, manually carrying it in a wheel barrow? I'm just extremely curious is to how they will do it. Everything I've suggested it just my opinion, I'm wondering how you guys would want to see it.

    Vehicles and how the repairing mechanic will work

    No one has any input on this one? I just think it would be awesome to be walking along and see a guy in the distance pushing a wheel barrow with 4 armed guys surrounding him. Maybe the wheel barrows you have to use 2 hands, but the hand carts you can have a hand free for a pistol to defend yourself if your taking fire. There could be smaller ones that can't hold bigger items and a rare large hand cart that can get the good stuff that's very heavy. Just some ideas that are coming to me as I type this.
  9. I was watching the stream Rocket was doing today and he was saying how much he liked the base building from Dead Linger. Check out the video, it looks like it would fit DayZ quite well IMO. http://youtu.be/7QYsIgFOqrs?t=1m47s What Do you guys think of this? Is this what you want to see in terms of construction in DayZ?

    Cherno Sniper Warning : Bandit Sniper Video

    Awesome vid? 3PP exploiting is so fun to watch.

    Layers on clothes

    I like the idea. Maybe if you have an item in the pocket of you under shirt, it takes longer to access than your outer layer?

    What are you thinking about the binocular?

    Ability to use LRS and real binoculars should be somewhat rare.

    a good condition

    I hear what your saying, but JuX is right, "worn" is "good" essentially. I see it as: Pristine - Untouched Worn - Good Damaged - broken but can still be repaired with a cleaning kit. Ruined - completely fucked.


    I was thinking you should be able to keep the barrel of a shotgun that you just removed to make a sawed off to create an improvised pipe bomb.

    Show names or no?

    No way in hell. The only thing I can see close to this idea, is tagging people as friendlies. But even that Im not sure about.

    Remove pointless ambiental sounds please

    Like Max has been trying to tell you all, it's not as simple as it seems. Yes, you would think it's as simple as removing an audio file and replacing it with nothing, but dont you think if it was as easy as copy/paste that it would have been done a long time ago? If these guys don't know what they are doing, than how have they created the best thing in video gaming ever?..and it's not even half done yet. Just be patient, you know that Dean himself and the devs working on it all read the forums and actually take what we say into consideration. What other developers can you say that about? Dean and the team are fucking geniuses, they just need time. It was always the plan to put this game out before they even knew the exact outcome. Thats what we are for, we are the ones testing it and letting them know the problems. It's only been like 2 1/2 months since it has been available to test. You guys are really expecting to much to soon IMO.

    Improving the FNX45

    Most if not all sounds you can consider as placeholders.

    Easy Mode

    Play a different game if you want a casual experience. The idea of DayZ as a game is the complete opposite of this idea.

    0.36.115297 rolling out on experimental just now

    Just in experimental and Me and my buddies were rubber-banding like crazy, so thats nice :)
  20. I was thinking, man it's kinda dumb to die of starvation when you have canned food in your inventory. So what if when you get the "stomach grumbles violently" message, not quite starving yet, you will get a new option when you right click a can. "Smash open on rock" You would have to find a rock, so you wouldn't be able to open it anywhere but finding a rock isn't to hard. But having contextual options for things might add a new level of gameplay? What do you think?...and can you think of any other time in DayZ where that kind of option could work?

    Firefighter's axe in a backpack, but not an M4?

    As long as you have to stop and pull it out. No hotbar with backpacked weapons. I really hope they add an animation that shows you taking off you backpack when you hit "tab" in the future, and you should have to wait for the animation to end before your inventory screen shows up. Just my opinion.

    Weapon Sling

    I agree! Something like these perhaps?

    Are you good at finding players from gun sounds?

    When you actually hear them, yes. But you never know since shots don't register on other peoples game sometimes. I think it's another product of the desync issue.

    Why loot is not full random?

    I think it will definitely happen eventually. Plus things like hunting and camping will add so much to the game. Being able to live of the land and only needing to go to towns for clothes, weapons, and ammo is going to drastically change the way we play the game and the way we loot. Hell, with improvised weapons you could make it in the mountains for ever if you wanted to. I cant wait to see this game grow! So much amazing shit is going to be added in the future.

    Peek Feature

    Maybe Ctrl+W could make you stand on your toes to peak a bit higher in the right situation. That could be cool. Kinda off topic but has anyone else noticed that Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+E don't work like there supposed to? In the key bindings Ctrl+Q is supposed to make you look left and Ctrl+E is supposed to make you look right. Being able to look directly to either side without using your mouse or the numpad would be very useful.