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Everything posted by TEST_SUBJECT_83


    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    Quote from Dean: "Once improvised weapons, bow and arrow, throwing items is in – we will dramatically turn down military style weapons spawn rate. They will be incredibly rare." Source: http://www.incgamers.com/2014/01/dayz-standalones-dean-hall-answers-questions

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Well said! But I did hear that the rain ruins cloths after a long time? But that was just a post on Reddit, so...not necessarily true. What I really would like to see a "ring out" option when a piece of clothing gets wet. Just take off the piece of clothing, right click on it, and "ring out" would be an option. Would bring it back to "damp" and that would make it a lot easier to get dry after getting to shelter.

    loot at mil tents ?

    Obviously not everybody... :D But weather or not the tents come back, all that type of loot will definitely become "incredibility rare" Dean Hall "Once improvised weapons, bow and arrow, throwing items is in – we will dramatically turn down military style weapons spawn rate. They will be incredibly rare." Source here....can't find the page I originally saw this info on, but same info...different interview. http://www.incgamers.com/2014/01/dayz-standalones-dean-hall-answers-questions

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    TL:Dont care :D I already said I was done.
  5. Competently agree! I dont think a body should magically vanish until it is hidden from sight, like in a bush, under water, in the trunk of a car, things like that.

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    I get what your saying, but there is already a logout timer so I dont think it's necessary to add additional time to rain, and logging out during a fight is already taken care of since you sit down when you log out. But I get where your coming from.

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    I'll repeat what I already said. "Nothing to do with the thread? He said in the title, that the update is disappointing.That right there shows that he doesn't understand the concept of an Experimental Alpha." Why do you insist on making yourself look silly? PS: ok Im done now, lol! :D

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    As long as it's balanced right in the end that shouldn't be a problem. There needs to be advantages to the rain along with disadvantages as well, or else you will be right.

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Nothing to do with the thread? He said in the title, that the update is disappointing. That right there shows that he doesn't understand the concept of an Experimental Alpha. And it will be mentioned a million more times because people dont seem to get it! I look silly?...lol!

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Whos writing in big letters now? I have my opinion and am expressing it as well. But thank you for putting me in my place, lol! PS: I didn't even read his post...I just read the title and that was enough for me.

    Finding a stashed backpack

    It may have been someone testing to see if persistent backpacks were in game yet. They are due to be in experimental soon.

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Wrong! You paid to test this game...fact! Especially if your playing on a experimental server, which is a testing server.

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    You now why it's raining so damn much on every server? Because it's new and it need to be tested extensively before it's considered done.

    loot at mil tents ?

    Thats why they took it away most likely. It may be a bug, but it was always Deans plan to make military equipment "incredibility rare" So get used to it, it will only get worse for you. Once improvised weapons show up, all military equipment and guns in general will be "incredibility rare"

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Are you kidding me?!!?!? They are testing!....We are testers!...This is not a finished game! Alpha! 100 times Alpha!

    Compass Lid Closing

    Because you can do it IRL, that's why ;) It boggles my mind that this bothered you enough to make a post. It doesn't close if you don't make it. I didn't even know that it closed for the first month of me playing. How does it closing effect you negatively?

    Simple Click actions.

    Dean has talked about removing the scroll menu. Personally I like the idea of it, just would like to see it tweaked, not removed. No reloading,or door opening through the scroll menu. This video is about Arma III but applies to DayZ all the same.

    Ammo Box - Easier Usage Idea

    I like it the way it is now, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it all in one stack per ammo type. I also wouldn't mind seeing half size ammo boxes that take up 2 slots but hold half or a third of the amount.

    Boat Trailers

    Not a bad idea, but we don't even have vehicles yet?

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    No, he was saying the player should tell you, not some annoying icon. Maybe if it there was a toggle option, but not the only way. Like Nicko said: Less is far, far more in DayZ. You should have to figure things out yourself. If you hear your character sneeze, you're sick. If you're bleeding you need to be bandaged.If you're shaking and moaning you're in pain.If you're screen is grey and fuzzy you're in bad shape.etc etc. You should find these things out by paying attention to your character, not by the game holding your hand and telling you exactly what's wrong. The only exceptions are hunger and thirst because it's pretty hard to show those on a character model. Why would you rather see an icon on your screen when you character can tell you?

    DayZ needs Humanity back

    NO. IRL you cant tell shit about another person, so why should you in DayZ. ...and don't say because it's not RL. Not knowing adds to the game, it doesn't take away from it.

    Holy Ground

    Safe zones = Camping zones

    Weapons how do i find these guns?

    Red brick building with the blue stripe in the middle has Mosin, shotgun, SKS, and the Blaze regularly. Those are the most common guns in the game. Also the TEC building carries the same weapons in them as well.

    18 Holes of DayZ

    That sort of thing has been happening for years in that game called Second Life. Never played it, not my thing, but I do remember hearing of that exact thing occurring in that game.

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    Thunder has been getting me lately, lol! Just gonna take a little getting used to.