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Everything posted by Dayzplayer2

  1. Dayzplayer2

    [suggestion] drinking your own piss

    ....... Bahahahah
  2. Dayzplayer2

    [suggestion] drinking your own piss

    Double post
  3. Dayzplayer2

    Zombies should have MUCH more HP than humans

    I like em fast but they could use more hp you are right. Headshots should be 1 shot and everything else many many more. Maybe they have a chance to get knocked down with shots to the chest or legs but should recover quickly. IMO.
  4. Dayzplayer2

    Pen and paper - suicide notes

    9/10 Suicide notes - "didn't spawn in balota, jumped from roof top, enjoy the flashlight and rags!"
  5. Dude what!? Isn't this the main argument against 3rd person...? That you can see over an around walls? No but this way would be more "legitimate", right?
  6. Dayzplayer2

    Item suggestion) Handheld Mirrors

    Hm... Do you play on first person only servers?
  7. I like the idea of players being able to control gas stations when online, people can already lock down hospitals and other resources why not have some actual mechanic to do so. Hell I've heard people even control wells as the game is. Radar might be too much, but radio an walky talkys sounds awesome ive actually wanted this since alpha sa launched. I like this suggestion! It definitely gives the players something to do.
  8. Dayzplayer2

    Servers that reset player

    I am surprised... What the hell kind of feature is that?!
  9. Dayzplayer2

    Servers that reset player

    Some of them only reset you on that specific server. Try joining another one to see if it truly reset you.
  10. Dayzplayer2

    Suggestion: Multiple characters

    Never tried it but I've heard you can change your steam name and it will make a new char... Idk if changing it back restores your old one but hahah that's all I know
  11. Dayzplayer2

    Kos best solution

    I commend you for killing the people who don't have the skill to be cautious.Kos means you were killed on sight why don't you just not get seen??? Hide behind a wall an yell at them to talk or shits gonna go downhill.
  12. Dayzplayer2

    Kos best solution

    Idk but I hope they get it done soon I can't wait!
  13. Dayzplayer2

    Utilizing the entire map

    Add more players to servers, more zombies.... More danger. People won't have good loot for long unless they know how to survive. IMO the problem is the entire world is so safe people are getting everything and getting bored, maybe there is too much loot, or maybe it's just way to easy to get and keep.
  14. Dayzplayer2

    Getting the spawn spawns.

    Well... Once I died at nwaf and my friend was still there. I said fuck it and right when I respawned in balota I ran to the well, drank till stuffed, and sprinted all the way to Nwaf in one shot without even getting that hungry or thirsty.
  15. Dayzplayer2

    'Player' uses modified game file?

    Used to show up, they patched it, now it doesn't. Edit: lol sorry to answer your question: pre patch they showed up on every server for me, all the official ones.
  16. Dayzplayer2

    Just me or are people missing the point?

    They keep telling us they are working on the zombies, not to say they aren't, just telling you they know they are broken as hell and it might take a while for them to get it done. In the mean time easier things they may already know how to do or have done are being changed/implemented.
  17. Dayzplayer2

    Missing items since last patch

    Lol yea I read today some guy wrote he lost his whole backpack an his shoes
  18. Dayzplayer2

    psychological effects of banditry

    Honestly I am getting more mad at people who walk up to someone in a world with no rules on murder expecting not to get shot or killed. Where's your head at?
  19. Dayzplayer2

    psychological effects of banditry

    I see.Well I was just suggesting that all these "heroes" band up and protect themselves from the bastard kos'ers, basically. I think you can have a little more control over a situation (granted that you don't put yourself in a bad one) than your giving yourself credit for. How exactly is a kos'er getting te drop on so many people? Not to be rude, but I think they haven't learned to survive.
  20. Dayzplayer2

    Question for Devs... Random Sounds

    I stayed up for three day straight playing and one night at around midnight I decided to sit on a roof and snipe people. Had never done it and had full gear, I even conquered the ladder without death or leg breaking accidents. Anyways, I heard these noises for a solid 3 hours alone, no friends to talk to, I checked the ladder like a madman scared to death of that popping opening a soda sound, the horror of someone chewing food below me, oh god the footsteps please no more! I finally decided the building was haunted after checking it ten million times and left but its good to hear it wasn't me going insane or ghosts.
  21. Wait! Are we sure this isn't some lag issue lately? I've heard a lot of stories extremely similar to this since the new patch and I'm beginning to think something went wrong.
  22. Dayzplayer2

    psychological effects of banditry

    Why don't we all just take care of bandits ourselves in game instead of asking devs to expose them... Please? As is we have a great opportunity to get extremely involved in the game. What I mean is we can learn bandits voices, their favorite hiding places, idk just seems fun how it is inhale right now. Be prepared for anything and always have the upper hand, roll up on a hot spot and watch for an hour with your guys then when you know who's doing what be a fucking hero and risk your life to root out the evil on your server. They won't take kindly to vein wiped out every time they come to their favorite spot. Be as smart as I know a human can be and we can eliminate these pests. Start a group of heroes and hold down a city or area or town and make it safe. You may lose lives of friends, but its preventable and can be done. Maybe I have too much faith in the heroes of this game...