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Everything posted by Dayzplayer2

  1. Idk if I have already posted this, but: A guy runs into the firehouse we are in, screams, "I am just running around with shoes! What's wrong with that?" I notice he is only wearing shoes, wtf. We kill him. I look inside his backpack, filled to the brim with pristine shoes of all kinds.
  2. Dayzplayer2

    A sucker for Alpha's.

    I actually watched my friends stream of him playing it, talked trash on it for the first three whole days he was in Skype while playing it... He finally convinced me to buy it and for 30$ hell why not. I haven't said a single negative thing about it since I started playing. In fact, I defend it like a crazed fan! It is truly something new, like you said.
  3. Dayzplayer2

    Server hopping!!!!!!?

    I've never heard of this...
  4. Yea I only consider it combat logging if the person is threatened by me or my friends and then instantly vanishes before our eyes. Please fix this guys. There is only two things in the damn game and that's rob or be robbed and you can't rob shit ATM, only kos to rob.
  5. Dayzplayer2

    Induce Vomiting

    Does puking fix sickness in this game? Even from water wells and over eating?
  6. Dayzplayer2


    Shoe bandit strikes again!
  7. Dayzplayer2

    Food in DayZ Too Easy To Get

    I agree. Not to scream alpha, but I think they want you to survive easier in alpha so you can get out and test what little they have implemented. I completely agree though lol only time I starved to death was day 1 and boy was it hilarious.
  8. Dayzplayer2

    Combat logging

    FIX IT! For the love of god just fix it I am sick of these bastards escaping a well executed ANYTHING by just teleporting instantly to safety! Ruining the whole game! YES I WANT YOUR PIXELS, red text/green text I don't care!
  9. Dayzplayer2

    Drag Dead Bodys

    I haven't been able to play and won't be able to for another week or so, what is this "hide body feature"? Does it make the body disappear completely or... What? Thank you in advance.
  10. Dayzplayer2

    Invisible enemies or shooting through walls??

    Dude the jail buildings have a really bad glitch that is extremely easy to do... Without handing out how to do it... You can get inside the walls, in the "room with no doors" as some put it. Edit: note that you can't shoot through the wall but you can get out as easy as you can get in and blast someone then retreat to the hiding spot again...
  11. Dayzplayer2

    Drag Dead Bodys

    Good idea I'm all for it.
  12. Dayzplayer2

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    I have seen the light! This has never happened to me so I didn't even think about it, I guess the game has really trained me to kos. I have changed from your post. I am now "friendly".
  13. Dayzplayer2

    I think we should have a drug/addiction system.

    Haha! And where's the famous krokodil?
  14. Dayzplayer2

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    I don't understand. What is it that makes you want to talk instead of kill? You'd rather chat it up instead of have a firefight? What are you doing in a survival game I am so mad right now.
  15. Dayzplayer2

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    Colors fade in and out?? Maybe those are clouds passing in front of the sun lol.
  16. Dayzplayer2

    Combat logging

    Kill em all.... But IMO I don't think eliminating combat logging will stop kos at all, not that you said it would, just what I have to say about kos and combat logging.
  17. Dayzplayer2

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Lol I love this
  18. Dayzplayer2

    Tired of this

    Yes devs please info on why lag and rubber banding are happening all of a sudden.
  19. Dayzplayer2

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Oh god I laughed so hard at fucking flying magic ghost fucking zombies so hard. I'm glad you posted this.
  20. Dayzplayer2

    Battleye... I'm thinking it's not good

    Dude wow lol. You can hear ricochets in your room, he's bursting with an m4 so he's obviously trying to be accurate ( maybe shooting through a window? Your window?! ) and he sounds pretty close. I'd say you got shot legit, no hacks. Don't think you played bad though you did take damage from an unknown source then you kinda just crouched there in the same room you took damage in and heard gunshots and ricochets in. Lol idk man...
  21. Dayzplayer2

    Your favourite thing about the Standalone so far?

    I like how the map is huge even if there aren't enough people to fill it. It's fun to roam around away from the pvp/people every once and a while and just play on a night server. Sneaking around a large world, town to town, slaying ghost/zombies (because they walk through walls and go invisible lol) But really just how it is big and open world. Never played a good rpg that had zombies, open world, AND multiplayer! I mean what more can I ask for? I never played the mod tbh I just started like two weeks ago or something. (About three or four days after SA came out. So yea the open world...
  22. Dayzplayer2

    How difficult should it be?

    I would like to see the game get really really detailed and hard like a lot of unknowns. I never look up anything outside of the game only learn in game what can happen and so far the living is easily :)
  23. Dayzplayer2

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    So it's over?
  24. Dayzplayer2

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    Well... There shouldn't be much good about dying IMO lol. I love it exactly how it is