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Alex (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Alex (DayZ)

  1. Alex (DayZ)


    Aight thanks.
  2. Alex (DayZ)


    So if I die, do I have to go back to the tent, repack it and replant it?
  3. Alex (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Any idea on what kind of skins we can expect? Anything official/organised looking or just various civilian outfits? Sorry if this has been posted already.
  4. Alex (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Yes yes yes! I love it.
  5. DayZ modelled after EVE (social, casuality, choas effect) kind of stuff will be amazing.
  6. Alex (DayZ)

    The Buddy System [Friend spawning mechanism]

    Please understand, you may not find it a fun experience trying to find your friends but thats part of the experience and part of the desperation. If your having a hard time living past 20minutes then your surviving wrong, stay away from cities, ghost roads instead of following them, head immediately into the North - the true wilderness of Chernarus. A mechanic that allows you to simply teleport to a friend would destroy the very nature of this mod.
  7. Alex (DayZ)

    Compass Icon Appeared!!!

    Means you've spotted something at the O'clock thats at the top of the icon, such as at your 12 O'clock or 9'oclock. Its when the AI in singleplayer go "Man @ 12 O'clock 500 meters". I think its server wide though so everyone gets the icon.
  8. I'm here to represent Nulli Secunda and say all of Delve belongs to me.
  9. Alex (DayZ)

    Let's discuss a skill system

    I can't believe were discussing this but I'm totally against any kind of skill system, I came to this game to get away from the generic MMO routines of having to "train your skills", DayZ to me is a sandbox, your quality as a character is defined as the type of player you are, repairing vehicles (even in a wasteland) is sparingly easy providing you can install an engine and bolt metal sheets to it and give it wheels. The "humanity makes you a better medic" story won't work with the current game mechanics; you shoot one survivor and suddenly your less adapt at tranfusing blood. Won't work. TLDR no skill systems, keep it totally open, don't give people advantages in areas over others.
  10. Alex (DayZ)

    The only thing I take issue with

    There are also working ATV's, found and repaired two a few nights ago. Sadly we haven't seen them since we saved them to location.
  11. So let's try and create an immersive world that makes a lot of sense to keep in line with the realism ArmA exposes the player too. We'll start with keeping your player fit and healthy; Food & Water (Supplies) Supplies at the moment are very easy to come by, perhaps too easy. Sometimes I can fill my inventory and backpack with 12-13 perishables and never really run out, I'm set for a week and in most cases its quite boring I never feel that I'm on the edge of survival. What I suggest is we add more depth to the current level of crafting - I love survival games that let me craft without a skill based system. Crafting; Cooking. > Allow the introduction of specific ingredients that can be combined to create craftable foods. > Some foods can be eaten raw, others have to be combined and cooked using a fire. > Differently crafted foods restore different levels of hunger. > Reduce the loot drop rate of perishables such as tinned pasta and beans, these maybe common but there must be other foods out there in peoples cupboards and stores too. Hunting/Meat; > Raw meat harvested from animals should eventually fully decompose after 12 hours of being left in your bag/inventory. > Add new item - Salt. Salt can be added to meat to preserve it indefintely. = Salt should be found in most stores and houses. > Animals may have a chance of dropping diseased meat. > Eating rotten or infected meat should increase thirst due to contracting potential diseases but does restore hunger. Water; > Waters from resevoirs, lakes and ponds should be more hydrating than water from the sea. > Drinking water from the sea should increase hunger (due to induced vommiting) > Canteen's should contain two rations of water, when your player drinks they should consume one ration (this is because you wouldn't consume your entire canteen) = This should encourage people actively seeking water from the landscape to drink which should encourage conflict and co-operation. > Jerry Cans should be able to hold water that can be used to refill canteens. > Soda's such as Pepsi and Cokes should reduce thirst less than a fresh canteen of water All I can think of now at the moment, may add more later. Love some feedback.
  12. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

    This thread is now a troll thread; go.
  13. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

    I don't discuss, I have an opinion. My opinion is extreme and I stress that I dont' like the idea of ANY AI to assist the player. It's a harsh world and it only remains that way if you don't get anything to help you besides tools such as compasses and maps to interpret your way forward. The unique thing about these items is they are down to player interpretation, you have to know where you are on the map, you need to determine which direction your heading and how far you have to head, and you should be totally aware of your surroundings, an AI shouldn't help you do that.
  14. Alex (DayZ)

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Agreed, remove Humanity.
  15. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

    I think Dogs will take out the whole nature of ArmA combat; a heightened sense of smell, hearing. What will it mean for ambushes? Fights in ArmA are usually dictated by the first shot thats fired, if the shots proper it kills one man and its one less man you have to deal with in combat. Are Dogs just designed for survivors because they keep whining about bandits and being disadvantaged? To be honest, sounds like a casuals suggested the idea and really casuals dominate games these days so this idea will probably go through. Yay casuals.
  16. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

    Ah, this kind of forum moderation. I see.
  17. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

  18. Alex (DayZ)

    Dogs: Discussion

    Thats the thing, I don't want to see it in action; at all. The very idea of it sounds awful.
  19. Alex (DayZ)

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Thats the point, survivors are players, you don't know if they are going to raise their gun and shoot you, thats the risk and its the decision of the player if he wants to shoot you or not; the only penalty he should suffer is a humanity loss (and even then I want the humanity function removed from the game).
  20. Alex (DayZ)

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Not looking forward to dogs, their AI is going to be shitty and were going to have artificial entites fighting for us; mods going to die as quick as it flourished. Sick. "finding things which depends on the skill of the dog (which increases over time through training)" Ok mods going to die; skill based systems, yay.
  21. Alex (DayZ)

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Thread number 1023213214215 about trying to dampen PvP in the game. Totally unsupport this.
  22. Pointless creating a database as anyone can create a new ArmA Profile (hence a new name) without losing their character data, you'll be chasing shadows.
  23. Alex (DayZ)

    Military Skin/Faction?

    Players and groups of players are able to band together and operate as a military unit if they want; theres no need to make a seperate case for them or create an independant official group people can "apply" too - it would be as bad as when they introduced "Black Ops" to Planetside. Hopefully we can get some more skins soon (not all skins have backpack compatability however I think theres PLENTY of user created units that do out there, perhaps someone should create a thread and post a few for Rocket to see) so we can customize our characters in a greater depth. When you have a group of around 20+ players working together on a server ID'ing them all properly can get VERY confusing.
  24. Alex (DayZ)

    Empty Cans/ Bottles useful?

    If you throw them at players they can break limbs, tested last night.
  25. Alex (DayZ)

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    If we implemented this system I would be all for it; however, I would then like to see the introduction of non-compatible backpack skins such as the USMC, NATO whatnot and seeing more skins introduced to create diversity in the game. Really, if we can manage to pull of a STALKER like backpack system, we won't need backpacks anymore with proper inventory management. +1