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Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

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About Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Just a few of the bugs I came across while testing: - When you chamber load the AKM, the round hovers below the gun. Facing backwards. - MASSIVE rubberbanding (took me 53 attempts to leave the firestation. I counted). This was both walking and running, and each time it teleported me inside the wall of the firestation and I had to spend ~30sec trying to get out. Makes it pretty much unplayable, so I can't test any more. - Took a drink of soda while standing on the first floor of a barn. It broke my legs. Wonderful. - Ran over a rock in the forest. Insta-killed me. I'm talking a tiny pebble. - Possible to fire the AKM with no handguard or buttstock...
  2. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)


    All my yes. And my beans.
  3. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    how do YOU use the...

    I honestly don't know why people dislike the crossbow. It's a fantastic stealth weapon, so long as you're patient and wait for a shot you are almost guaranteed to hit. I quite commonly grab one and clear out sniper hill in Elektro, since there are usually about 5-6 bandits/groups up there who are completely oblivious to the others being there. None of the normal 'take one out, then hide because everyone else heard the shot', you can take them all out without any of them hearing it. Groups get tricky, but as long as you're in a position to take the shot then hide, it once again comes down to patience. I agree that the bolts are pretty rare, but you only need one to take down a zombie or a player. As soon as you're able to retrieve them from bodies, this won't be an issue at all if you're using it properly.
  4. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    How to get the own server full?

    It's probably due to the way most players browse the servers. They just sort by player count/time, scroll down until they see a title they like, and join it. They don't wait for more servers to load. If I were you, I'd talk to Vilayer about sorting the load time out.
  5. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    How to get the own server full?

    As Boneboys said, it's mainly in the server title, and the lag may be due to switching player count. The group I'm part of (UGA) runs three servers, two 1-hour restarts and one 2-hour restart. They both attract different types of people, the 1 hours are pretty much deathmatch servers where you have to constantly spam it to join, and the 2 hour restart attracts more slow-paced players who actually want some form of interaction. We host with GamingDeluxe, as they offer good performance and BEC (Battleye Extended Controls), which allows admin messages, such as restart warnings (I believe our servers were actually among the first to implement this). TL;DR: Make an interesting title, decide what sort of players you want on, and speak to your host about stuff like performance and messages.
  6. Well judging by the specs posted in the video description, I doubt it's running natively at 4K. It looks no different to mine too.
  7. Sorry, but between you blatantly exploiting wall glitches and charging into buildings with no regard for planning of tactics, as well as shooting people on sight without even trying to talk to them, that video was unwatchable for me.
  8. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    Kickass PC setup and weird performance

    The performance in this game won't improve much if you enable SLI. In cities I get similar performance to JonEllisDee above (90+ in forests, 40-ish in small towns, low-mid 20s in large cities), and I have a significantly more powerful setup (4770k @ 4.5GHz, 2x 780Ti). If it uses the same rendering method as the mod, then your CPU is more of an issue in towns. The fact that it renders buildings that aren't in your line of sight doesn't help either. In other words, nobody gets good performance in cities in this game. If they say they do, they're lying.
  9. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    'How you died' message?

    It seems possible, but quite a bit of work for something that would probably be removed after alpha/beta is over.
  10. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    An "around neck" slot

    Yes. Just... yes.
  11. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    'How you died' message?

    I would be ok with this to an extent DURING ALPHA. That is, no names, no information to feed back to team mates other than what form of damage killed you (gunshot, melee, fall, etc). However, if they do implement this, it should be removed the moment it's out of the testing phase. After that, you should have no indication of how you died (obviously unless some guy pointed a magnum at your face and you watched him pull the trigger, etc). But, like it was said above, the server currently does not store what form of damage killed you - it just takes health away depending on what hit you until it reaches 0.
  12. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    Remove "vicinity" item grabbing

    When they fix loot sinking into certain surfaces, sure. Until then, it would be impossible to loot some areas, as you literally have to walk around with vicinity open to see if anything is there.
  13. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    Name Tags

    Honestly, a distant indication wouldn't work. However, the coloured rag on the arm is an interesting idea. There was also a suggestion a while back, where when two people are close enough, they can do a "handshake" animation (that they both have to agree to), and after that, if they come withing a certain range and you're looking directly at them (say, 50m), you are given some sort of indication that it's them. In my opinion the coloured rag idea is better, but they both have some good points.
  14. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    "Be Quiet" Gesture Animation

    Can't wait for this, we've had so many situations where we run into another player and let them join us, and have to tell them over direct to be quiet when we see somebody else, alerting the other person and usually ending with one or more person dead.
  15. Zer0HD2 (DayZ)

    Parachutes As Looted Item

    Yup, it was pretty annoying to finally shoot the pilot out of an attacking helicopter, just to see the rest of the people inside parachute out. Maybe give the option to re-pack the parachute on the ground (takes time, could be shot while doing it), or just dump it and run.