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Everything posted by PabloFajita

  1. PabloFajita

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Nighttime in this game color bands pretty bad, specifically speaking about the sky if you disable clouds...
  2. PabloFajita

    Why not three hour dayz?

    Nighttime in this game seems to color band for me making it look really awful, which is probably why I avoid them...
  3. To start off, I know this is Alpha and all the lovely things that come with it. But I really do enjoy this game, aside from the horrid optimization at the moment. I had never played the Mod, was tempted a few times but the base game wasn't really my type of game. Anyhoo... So I'm outside Elektro(sp?), I got an M4 and a few mags(which took me forever to find since I avoided military camps since I play solo). I start running East since I'd never gone up that coast yet. Just jogging along the road figuring if I ran into anyone they'd be fresh spawns, which I usually ignore unless they start trying to Holyfield me... Next thing I know gunshots go crazy, I go prone off the side of the road in some brush, and I see a guy in a bright yellow raincoat firing at me, he's just standing up in the middle of the road. I light him up and he goes down... Then more shots, I see what I assume are his two buddies running up from the side, they're fully decked out in Military gear M4's, assault vests, yadda yadda yadda. One stands in the middle of the road next to his buddy's corpse and I take him down with a few shots... The last guy runs off to the side behind a rock... I start crawling in the brush to flank him, I see him start crouching towards the opposite way... He hits me a few times, I start bleeding, I crawl behind a tree and bandage... He then stands up thinking I'm dead... I fire a few shots and hit him... I see blood. THEN BOOM... Dissappears... Combat logged like a champ... The screen is pretty white for me... So I crawl into a brush and start wolfing down food to get the healing going. The whole time I'm positioned to where I he logged off waiting for him to pop back in, thinking I'm not ready for those shenanagins... Anyhoo... 5minutes later I figure... Meh they prolly moved to another server. So I move up to his buddies corpses to loot... Ones bleeding, not sure if he was dead or unconcious or w/e. Literally the moment I start looking through his corpse... The one guy insta pops in the general vicinity of where he logged and I hear the reload sound you get when you log in... Before I can close the loot screen and get my weapon up... I'm dead, I was so low to begin with. So ya... That combat logging crap, coupled with his buddies being able to hear me and let him know when I'm on top of them. Kinda frustrating.. I had gone 3 days with that guy I was playing without dying, never server hopped or combat logged myself, playing completely solo and 100% straight. Sorry... Had to vent. Really pissed at the moment. And again, yes I know it's Alpha :)
  4. 1. Horrible Optimization, specifically talking about Towns/Cities... Hopefully it will be addressed well before this game reaches "Release". 2. Server Hopping... Basically people running to Balota Tents area or any other Military location. Logging out, popping onto a 0/1 Pop Night Server Turning up Gamma looting care free like crazy. Rinse and Repeat. Until they're fully decked out with more ammo then they know what to do with. This also relates to people killing fresh spawns, as it's mostly these guys who server hop to get weapons/ammo then running to the spawn trails. 3. Combat Logging... Nothing is more rage inducing. Again it's mostly the people who do #2 who do this shady tactic as well. Again, yes I know it's Alpha... And hopefully these issues will be addressed in Alpha/Beta... But I have seen plenty games with issues in Alpha/Beta that were known but somehow still made their way into "Release". Hopefully this game isnt one of them :)
  5. I never played the mod, so actually I wasn't aware of this. And to the others who said these are well known issues. My bad, I only saw threads about the optimization issues. I hadn't seen any ones talking about Server Hopping for Loot or Combat Logging to avoid death and/or to pop in to kill someone after. I didn't make this thread to complain, I made it to help point out what I perceived to be big issues with the game, since well, it's Alpha. Sorry if my post enraged people for whatever reason... Wasn't my intention.
  6. PabloFajita

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    You can stream snipe in every single game that is online/competitive and being streamed... Dota, LoL, and hundreds of other games have people who try to snipe a streamer... It affects less than .01% of people who play the game. In all honesty... It is so insignificant, except to maybe the 2-3 streamers who have a decent viewerbase. I honestly can't believe a thread was even made about this... I'm obviously watching the same stream you're watching at the moment... But I'm dumbfounded that you felt this was such an issue you had to make a thread about it. The bigger problem is Combat Logging... That affects EVERYONE...
  7. PabloFajita

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    Headbob gives many people motion sickness... Myself included. I literally can't play any game that has headbob with no option or .ini file to remove it. Obviously speaking about playing from a first person perspective... 3rd person Head Bob isn't really an issue. But games with low FoV and Headbob(console ports are the worst)... Headaches and nausea out the wazoo for me and actually quite a few other people. I still can't play Bioshock... Tried the first way back, made it 20 minutes before I had to lay down sick out of mind. I literally felt like I had a hangover for a good 8 hours.
  8. WOW... Quick addition to my thread. Spawned a new character... Within 30 seconds I ran into another fresh spawn who decided to start attempting to knock me out for my amazing black T-Shirt... I crack him in the butt I think... Which apparently popped a blood vessel in his ass I guess. Cause he's pouring blood... I'm moments away from celebrating my much deserved Heavyweight Title Belt... BOOM... Dude Vanishes... He freaking logs... SERIOUSLY??? People are combat logging as a fresh spawn now?
  9. PabloFajita

    Very poor performance on GTX780 SLI amd8350

    Ya that kinda scares me at the moment... Since I generally avoid Early Access games, but made an exception with this one. I'm fine with all the Alpha issues it's the nature of the beast, but I hope those issues STAY in Alpha/Beta, and are resolved by "Release". Specifically talking about the horrible optimization we have atm...
  10. PabloFajita

    Very poor performance on GTX780 SLI amd8350

    Funny thing I've noticed while running Precision overlay in this game like I do with every game... Out in the wilderness around trees and generally away from big towns, this game will start to use a decent amount of GPU load. For example my EVGA 670FTW tops off around 40-55% in this game. Yet the moment you get near a city/town or buildings that GPU load drops to like 20-30%... Turn the camera away from that town/city, the GPU starts to get some load put back on it.
  11. PabloFajita

    Very poor performance on GTX780 SLI amd8350

    Define "fine"? This game runs abysmal for me anywhere near "cities/towns"... Really kinda upsetting for me, since I was really pumped to try this game. And yes I know it's very early Alpha, so I'm really hoping stuff can be improved. But I figured my rig would be fine too... I had just gotten finished with a Witcher 2 playthrough from the Steam Sale... I played that game on basically Max settings never dipping below 60fps. And yes I know this game is more CPU intensive, which again I figured I would be more than fine, obviously not. If I get anywhere near a city in this game I'm in the 20-30fps range... Which actually gives me a pretty bad headache :( Probably why I've avoided console games since N64.