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About Erica

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    On the Coast
  1. I am looking forward to things that will reduce KOS as well. There should always be the risk that anyone will kill you, but there should be reasons they shouldn't. People unite when there is a common enemy, and right now the only threat are other people. In a real zombie apocalypse will people kill each other? Yes, but it wont turn 95% of people into KOS murderers. I doubt even 5%. I bet even Wheunis would be a nice guy in a real life Dayz situation. I don't really see the point in the zombies though if people want this to be a survival deathmatch game. May as well have servers with no zombies, then servers with tons of tough zombies for the people who want more of a co-op with some PvP experience mixed in as well.
  2. Thanks this helps. I was hoping to find a thread that explains items. For example, what can I do with/how do I use the following: hammer, wrench, screwdriver, duct tape, rope, handcuffs, cooking pot, etc etc. What are all the things gas can power? batteries? How do you start a fire? Is there a purpose to a fire? What is the pained clearing of the throat noise my character keeps making (I'm not getting any messages that something is wrong)? Also I was wondering what is the point of a med kit? They have bandages, but you can tear up a shirt and make your own. Water purification tablets, I've never found dirty water unless you don't know and are just taking a risk when finding bottled water. Empty blood bag seems to help almost no one (requires a friend plus knowing their blood type and the person you give it to I believe). IV starter kit... not sure what it does. Would be nice if these had the anti bacterial spray, morphine, saline bag, something useful to go with the empty syringe, etc. Also I joined a few different servers trying to find one that wasn't night, and then suddenly all of my gear vanished that I worked on all day the day before. I then joined the main one I played getting the gear to make sure I just didn't join a different type of save server and it was still all gone... not very happy.
  3. Erica

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    People tend to come together when there is a common enemy. I still don't think 5% is very far off from people who would KOS you. If anything it would be lower. Now the percent who will kill you after talking to you, steal from you, enslave you, or possibly kill you later/stab you in the back will be much higher. But there is no interaction here. Sprint at the person and axe their face. Or ask if you are friendly, let you put the weapon away, then axe your face. One thing that would help a lot is adding a ton of crafting, and let people only be good at one (maybe random) type. It would force some interaction, and bartering if you had to rely on other people for stuff. Allowing everyone to craft everything will just encourage people to kill you for more raw materials for their crafting. Could have wood working, metal working, tailor, tinker, mechanic, doctor, farmer, etc. Everyone will love a mechanic when you can have vehicles :P Allow people to build structures, or onto/additions to structures. Lock doors, let doors be broken down. Find/fix/build generators...run wire, have spotlights. Bandits can cut the wire to shut off the light. Make night time much more realistic, I can't see ANYTHING. Even in LA with no stars you can still see at night. Would be fun to be able to build a fort of sorts. Respawning zombies would be fun, and maybe sometimes hordes will run in again giving an advantage to those who make friends instead of killing everyone... right now zombies are no threat. The only time they even hit me is due to lag, and they die in one swing. The game should encourage teamwork/co-op play with the option to do fine as a lone wolf bartering when you find a group of people. Or even make a team of bandits. I know the game is in Alpha but it is already neat and just hope it keeps going in a positive direction. A game that takes this long to get gear and at the same time focuses on just KOS gameplay will flat-line in population. Go ask the Ultima Online Second Age server why they can't get any new players... they will tell you because most of the players (vets) just KOS, making the game a horrible experience. I've been there on and off for years and it is hurting the game more than anything. Risk is what makes a game exciting. On average the person not attacking you, but there is still that chance they might. The extremely high KOS rate takes that adrenaline rush away.
  4. Erica

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Still figuring this game out but it sure would be nice to find a person who does not instantly attack me for seemingly no reason (wants my shiny shoes?). I'm used to open PvP and losing everything when you die, that is what Ultima Online is like which I played for a long time. But this is fun when you have just a chance of being attacked. Here it seems like a guarantee, and I don't think is realistic. In a zombie apocalypse do you think almost everyone will KOS you, or maybe just a very small (under 5%) would? You should be more scared of a zombie than a person, not the other way around. If someone can just move to another server, there is no community penalty for them acting this way as there would be on a typical MMORPG game. Are there any plans to move the game in a more of a massive server direction (hundreds to thousands of players on one)? Or is the plan to always be setup more the FPS style as it is now?