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About WhySoSadCZ

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  1. WhySoSadCZ

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Lot of diferent types, but definitely not so many of them around the map
  2. WhySoSadCZ

    Zombies: Standalone vs. Mod

    They should be almost same fast as the players are, it would make you more aware of your steps, because it wouldnt be so easy just to run away from them.
  3. WhySoSadCZ

    Character statistics

    Yeah that would be great, ladders with longest surviving players and hunting them down :D
  4. After few days, tons of "alive lookin" players zombies
  5. WhySoSadCZ

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Nice, I hate how long I have to wait for an item to drop on the floor
  6. WhySoSadCZ

    Topic for Czech players

    Dávám sem svůj Steam ;) Je to buď WhySoSad & Merry nebo jen Merry, v závislosti na tom, kdo zrovna streamuje ;)
  7. WhySoSadCZ

    Possible map expansion ?

    Thats right, but would it be even posible to make a whole new map ?
  8. WhySoSadCZ

    Topic for Czech players

    Jak přestane být okupovanej můj steam, tak si tě přidám ;)
  9. WhySoSadCZ

    Topic for Czech players

    Samozřejmě, slováci sem můžou taky :D Už mi leze na nervy hrát to s pakama co pobíhaj všude možně jak splašený, očividně nikdy nehráli původní mód, ve kterým by s tímhle přístpem dlouho nepřežili...
  10. WhySoSadCZ

    Possible map expansion ?

    That's even better, any expansion would be great
  11. WhySoSadCZ

    Topic for Czech players

    Good for me :D If you'll see some weird text, it's probably in czech, so don't care about it :D Tak co, najde se tu někdo, přece jen je toto největší forum o dayz
  12. WhySoSadCZ

    Possible map expansion ?

    They've got a lot of time on their hands but also a lot of work. Most important is to focus on game mechanics, maybe than they will do some of these updates, it would certainly be great...
  13. WhySoSadCZ

    Topic for Czech players

    Hey guys, i would like to find some adult minded players from czech republic. Maybe we could share our steam accounts and play together ;) Takže se tu můžete hlásit a vytvoříme si vlastní malou českou komunitu ;) If its a bad idea or against the rules, I'm sorry, i didn't know ;)
  14. WhySoSadCZ

    Possible map expansion ?

    Yeah i was only looking at the map and there is a lot of unused space where they could unleash their imagination. Military complexes, castles, maybe some kind of university, laboratories, factories... Oh, I can't wait :D
  15. WhySoSadCZ

    Possible map expansion ?

    That's nice to hear :) Don't you know how big that new area would be ?