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About Elm

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Elm

    Weapon / ammo / loot spawning?

    At the current stage of development, loot only spawns after a server restart. Thats why most servers have a 4-hour-restart routine or something similar. However, getting loot, even military, isn't that hard. Just get away from the coast and you will find plenty of loot in the central towns, cities or factory sites - even weapons like mosin, magnum etc. can be found there. Additionally, loot is kind of bound to the location where it can be found. You wont find an M4 in an ordinary house.
  2. Elm

    Hunger and Thirst timers

    And THIS in fact is the problem you are facing. You believe you filled your hunger-o-meter to 100% when the hunger indicator is gone, but that is a false conclusion as you would have learned in the video. To keep things short: the hungry/thirsty indicators only pop in when you are really (!) hungry, like 10% of what your character is able to store as energy or water. Eat and drink more, put it to a 100% and you won't need to care about it for a long time. Is this so hard to get? Edit: "Well fed" means your stomach is full, not your energy or thirst storage. This is also explained in the video! Why don't you just take the time and watch it?
  3. Elm

    Hunger and Thirst timers

    Actually the hunger and thirst system is working fine; it is you who is wrong about it. If you follow the instructions from the video, you will see you won't get hungry or thirsty for hours. Just have a look on the video, it really is worth it.