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Everything posted by Officer25

  1. Officer25

    Is something wrong with the hive?

    nah your shit is just fucked up B)
  2. Officer25


    The hell happened to canteens? I haven't found one in ages...It seems water bottles have replaced them, even in military loot? I've been to multiple unlooted military locations and I have found every single item I could have ever wanted.... other than a canteen.
  3. If this was added it shouldn't be while in inventory... it should just be if you have picked up the book and read it.
  4. Officer25

    Weather is coming...and it will make you sick ;)

    Does this mean I will have to take off my tactical shirt every time it rains? Hopefully a simple throw-on poncho that doesn't take much inventory space is implemented...
  5. Officer25

    What's your favorite town or part of the map?

    Balota. It has all my server hopping needs
  6. Officer25

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    I don't know if I have really have seen a hacker... because I just call hacks on everyone that kills me
  7. Officer25

    interaction with the environment

    I don't like the idea of adding cigarettes. Especially if they are portrayed as having positive effects.
  8. Officer25


    So I have been running around town, trying to find some new pants. I run into a house, and find an amazing pair of cargo pants I have been looking for! I check the pants, only to come to the great disappointment that they are badly damaged. But hope is not lost, for I have a sewing kit! Now here is the problem: I like my pants pristine. Sadly, I have only been trained at basic training to use my sewing kit to mend items into the worn condition. What can I do? Suggestion: Option A: When sewing things, you should sew them into a pristine condition. Who are the developers to tell me that I am terrible at sewing and can only make things worn? I am an expert sewer, and I should sew things pristine! Now if it is too much to ask that when sewing the outcome should always be pristine, then we have another option: Option B: Introduce a sewing manual separate from the sewing kit into the loot spawns* that allows my character to read and learn about sewing. Once he reads this manual, he will become knowledged and will be able to sew clothes into a pristine condition! If he has not read this manual yet, he will still sew items into a worn condition. There would need to be an indicator to know if you are knowledged or not in sewing. Possibly when hovering over the sewing kit, it could show a Sewing knowledge level: Basic or Advanced. And like everything else, you will "forget" how to sew like an expert once you die. Note 1 - * (If option B must be chosen over option A, please make the sewing manual residential loot. Too many newly introduced items are military loot.) Note 2 - (Although the words "he", "him", and "his" are used in this suggestion, it is not intended to be gender driven or discrimanting in any way.)
  9. Officer25

    Why you should watch my livestream

    Hello there Why do you always type this, LoK? Rgds Officer25 (the video wasn't funny or cool, op)
  10. Let's be honest here. I am a server hopper and it doesn't even piss me off. Can you not find something to do for 5 minutes? Like really...
  11. Officer25

    The Brand New Sks (Pictures)

    It's when your textures are set really low.. it removes grass (OP)
  12. Officer25

    Repairing Clothes

    OH YEAH MAN!!!! - Crafting: Can repair clothes, weapons, and items using specialist items (such as sewing kit) - Gear: Added Sewing kit to the loot spawns - Gear: Configured sewing kit and its recipes I can finally repair that badly damaged olive vest I have been lugging around!
  13. Officer25

    Repairing Clothes

    Good, I was going to freak out that my vest is still badly damaged!
  14. Officer25

    Anyone else hate the word "loot"?

    Items? I found some items in the hospital...
  15. I do agree the current system is flawed. Needs fixing.
  16. Officer25

    Zombie sound when log in.

    lol'd at this
  17. Officer25

    Damp ? Wut ?

    I picked up a ballistic helmet in a hangar that was damp. Maybe a bandit came and took a piss on it or something? :unsure: After a while it turned moist instead of damp. And after that it was finally fresh. No moist or damp.
  18. Officer25

    Fall damage

    So...what's even up with fall damage in this game? Once I fell off like a 3 foot tall rock and instantly died on impact... Another time... I was in the hospital, walking around, looking for loot, figured it was already looted, charged out of there and died from the stairs? I know the excuse for the mod was that extreme fall damage was part of ArmA 2 and could not be fixed. But that isn't an excuse anymore... Why must fall damage be worse than gunshots?
  19. Officer25

    New patch - Re-focus

  20. Officer25

    Item Conditions: Which Actually Matter?

    That's because currently the condition of the magazine is the condition of the ammo in it. Put ruined rounds in a pristine magazine, take it out, and it's pristine. So with a pristine magazine, you can never have ruined rounds..
  21. Officer25

    Favoriting servers

    You should be able to favorite a server while playing on it. I have way to many servers in my history to quit and know which one is the one I like. I also can't see what server I am playing on in the steam -> game info. Save me the struggle of finding good servers by letting me favorite the one I am on!
  22. Yes, they do not emit any light to the enviorment unless you are playing on the server you found it on. So they are useless. For now.
  23. Officer25


    Randomly loosing my char when server hopping (woah I server hop? call the internet police) makes me sad :C