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Everything posted by Officer25

  1. Officer25

    Post Your Gear So Far

  2. Officer25

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    falled isn't a word
  3. Officer25

    DayZ Standalone Gun Review- 1911

    why would I want a 1911 that holds 7 rounds instead of a 45acp that holds 15 rounds... of the same ammo
  4. Officer25

    Animals and new patch!

    Rabbits be like
  5. Officer25

    Here's The Deal...

    OP can't even spell Balota right
  6. U.S. military uses to make it look like they tuck their pants in... they actually don't tuck them in and it's out of uniform to tuck your pants in your boots.
  7. Officer25

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    Ending every sentence with a :) :thumbsup: :facepalm:
  8. Officer25


    "since we have container for water"... lol did you just expect to throw the water into your backpack and run along
  9. Officer25

    Leather Jacket :D

    if there were negative beans, you earned them
  10. Officer25

    Problems with cooking system

    I should be able to put my stove and gas canistor inside my cooking pot.
  11. Officer25

    Toothbrush travel kit, adding a health system

    I don't want to have to brush my teeth in a survival simulator... sorry
  12. Officer25

    Lighting the Lamp?

    There is currently a bug with the lamp that makes the lamp only emit light to the environment if you are playing on the server you found it on.
  13. Officer25

    Nerd RAAAAAAGE! (my first death)

    I don't know whats wrong with your guys' eye-feet coordination... I have never fell down ladders. I go up and down them all the time (I like to see if any loot spawns on top of buildings [it never does])
  14. Officer25

    Multiple Rifles

    So you just found the mosin you've been looking for... but you already have an M4. Hardest choice in your life has to be made, now. Why not carry both? Wouldn't you just love to carry a M4 and a Mosin? My suggestion is that you can put a rifle on either the left or right side of your backpack. Make the melee slot not a melee only slot anymore. There's already enough melees you can carry around inside your backpack to make that slot open for another rifle! Gun straps have been suggested before, which are straps that hold a second rifle around your body. I would agree that gun straps are another alternative to carrying 2 rifles, but I would prefer to have a choice if I wanted to carry my second rifle with a loud strap dangling from my body, or ditch the melee and have a rifle on the left and right side of my backpack.
  15. Officer25

    Musical instruments?

    I want a tuba or sousaphone.
  16. Officer25

    Some questions about Health (after combat)

    If you are energized and hydrated and not healing, you probably are regaining blood. Once you are done doing that you will go into healing.
  17. Officer25

    Rad Doll: What do you want to see?

    I want to drag bodies out of the open and into cover.
  18. Officer25

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Valve, EA and Rockstar are not engines dude..
  19. Officer25

    How To: Help someone with broken legs (Hardcore Mode)

    Dick move..
  20. Officer25

    Don't keep it in your pants

    I keep just my tuna and sardines in my pants
  21. Don't kill yourself... hold w when logging out and hold it when logging in and you should be out. This worked for me when I got stuck inside stairs.
  22. Officer25

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    What happens if my character gets wet? Or do I just ignore that? How do I prevent heart attacks?
  23. Officer25

    goodie! now I can take my shirt off!

    wtf is this shit