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Everything posted by Officer25

  1. those pictures look like my dayz when it is loading... maybe you don't have enough ram? not a big enough hard drive? maybe some shit doesn't meet minimum requirements
  2. I have found the new bandana in 0.48, but not an ammo can. Oh how much I want an ammo can.
  3. Officer25

    Trouble loading up server list

    Yep it happens to me sometimes.I just have to wait a little bit and then it will load.
  4. Officer25

    Random Character Resets

    This bug is affecting so many people, I wonder why 0.48 was even pushed to stable.
  5. Officer25

    One M4 giveaway

    I'll take it@@@
  6. Officer25

    Random Character Resets

    Same here. Reset, no reason.
  7. added, I'll take the chances. I don't even have anything now, logged out last night on a very low pop server (2 people) in the middle of a forest, to come back this morning as a new spawn on every single server. I lost my decked out m4, so why not take the chances to get some attachments back for that m4 :3
  8. Officer25

    Server Down & Character Reset

    I just lost all my shit too for no apparent reason, other than I set some launch options in the game. Last night I quit on a server with only 2 players out in the forest, this morning I'm a new spawn in some city that I have no clue. Alpha, but then again fuck it. I had so much shit.
  9. Officer25

    This is normal?

    what exactly in gefore experience needs to be optimized for the game?
  10. Officer25

    This is normal?

    I have a gtx 660 ti and I get 60 fps in open fields on medium settings... and around 30-40 in cities so idk man, maybe your shit is broken or the ti is just a lot better than the standard.
  11. Officer25

    Stationary Helicopters

    Are stationary heli's spawning anything? I know currently of 2, one near balota and one near rify. Before I make the long trek from no mans land, I would love to know if they even have anything. Also, where the fuck does one come across a combat knife? I would love to shove one of those in my military boots.
  12. Officer25

    Most Popular Military Base?

    Balota used to be the shit but not anymore
  13. Officer25

    When did they make DayZ look so awful?

    Well I have noticed that I have had to recently downgrade my settings due to some fps drops due to the updates, but that's it for me. I used to be able to run on medium/high settings, now I'm on low.
  14. Officer25

    Ghosts Confirmed in DayZ

    Shit, he's right. That's exactly what an empty crossbow sounds like.
  15. Officer25

    [Discovery] Unfinished Gas Station

    I'm very confused on how you got such an amazing view, could you please explain the aerial shots :3
  16. Officer25

    Reporting Hackers?

    yeah that happens all the time, people get stuck in the gun taking out animation and they repeat it very very quickly. all he needed to do was take out a gun and it would stop that animation, it happens to my friends all the time. don't know about the hovering over the ground part though.
  17. Officer25

    Binoculars inventory size

    Binoculars really shouldn't be 2x2. 2x1 seems a lot more reasonable. 1x1 (which is what it was previously) was pretty pushing it. Or, keep the binoculars size and add a strap craftable with rope so one can hang their binoculars from their neck. Or one can hang them from their backpack with rope. It doesn't exactly seem realistic that one could only fit 8 binoculars in one of
  18. Officer25

    Change of loot spawns?

    They are at helicopter crashes now.
  19. these fools believe everything they hear once and go spread it lol hey guys vac has officially only banned 3 people, all 3 were for excessive fapping go tell everyone!!! vac sucks!! only 1 indian works on it for 2 days of the week! (Conclusion: Verify that information is correct before spreading it to very gullible forum readers)
  20. Officer25

    Best M4A1 Range Config?

    How do I change my M4 to semi auto?
  21. Officer25

    Unlimited ammo - no reload hack

    So does that mean it's a confirmed hack and not a glitch?
  22. Officer25

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    Cry more.
  23. Officer25

    So, I found this camera...

    screrw rp, if I wanna go rp I'll go rp real life
  24. Officer25

    Getting wet

    I think it makes your underwear ruined. (if ya nomsayin)