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Everything posted by Officer25

  1. Officer25

    Getting flashed....but getting the kill. (Press Vest Still in game?)

    They took tactical vest out, not press vest.
  2. Officer25

    Any way to extract soundfiles?

    Check this about halfway in, the guy makes that funny sound http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213303-please-stay-alive/#entry2141131
  3. Officer25

    Invisible animals

    it's probably just a tiny ass rabbit. those make a shitton of noise but they are so small they can be under tall grass.. when they run it sounds like a horse running. probably just a placeholder sound for all animals running though
  4. The fireaxe is obviously way to large to fit inside a hunters backpack, why does it fit in there? It shouldn't. My suggestion is to add the ability to cut the fireaxe into a smaller fire hachet with the hacksaw that can fit inside of a backpack, but deals less slightly less damage then a fireaxe.
  5. Officer25

    "Warning" Military Base - Death Pit

    lol now I'll have fun with my grenades in that pit
  6. Officer25

    returning after a break

    Been problems with melee for a while. Dunno why. It was working fine previously, someone decided it was a good idea to redesign the whole system. Been broken since. Hopefully they either fix it soon or revert back the previous working melee system.
  7. Officer25

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I officially win dayz.
  8. Officer25

    Player Temperature when Inside a Vehicle

    Yes but if you're in a t-shirt and shorts sitting underneath a shaded roof with open glass and wind running through you should also be a little cooler than your average joe running in the heat.
  9. Officer25

    Illumunati Confirmed in DayZ

    you forgot vybor and zeleno military base. FAKEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  10. Officer25

    Trading Post

    Have: Pristine Smersh vest + Backpack combo Want: Pristine olive high cap vest, pristine combat knife inside of pristine brown military boots. If you don't have every single item pristine that I want, don't bother asking. Don't add anything else in spite of a missing item. I believe RyanH has everything above so I PMed him. There's still a chance he may not have this though. SIDE NOTE: If you're not well known here, except it to be a trade where you drop the items first and disconnect.
  11. Officer25

    Possible Hack Site Identified

    It's obviously fake, putting ammo boxes/non ammo inside of ammo boxes.
  12. Officer25

    Handgun damage

    Word. Yesterday I had to load 2 full CR75 mags into a serverhopppers chest to get him to drop. Magnum would probably take less than 6 shots.
  13. Officer25

    Trading Post

    Traded smoothly with Dagwood.
  14. Officer25

    Crafting A Makeshift Tent/Tipi

    Nice...... why aren't you a developer yet?!
  15. Officer25

    cooking pot as a container for all the small things

    I'd like to bump this as this makes complete sense. Why on earth can my cooking pot not hold small items such as grenades or other junk? It's pretty useless just sitting in my inv only able to hold food.
  16. Officer25

    Trading Post

    Just traded with Chepaco, friendly and went well.
  17. I'm actually legit. Over and over again I would eat and eat and eat until I puked but I was still hungry. Sodas always made me energized. Conclusion: Sodas are the only current thing that actually boost up your energy/hunger.
  18. It's sodas, you derps. Soda is the only thing that will give you that last boost of energy to make you light green.
  19. Officer25

    Status Report - Week of 29 Sept 14

    Bike. Bike Please. Bike Bike.
  20. Officer25

    Where can I find a press vest these days?

    Tactical vest =\= UK assult vest
  21. Officer25

    haven't seen a police car since 0.49

    I've found the stationary ones.
  22. Officer25

    Trading Post

    RyanH, pmed you for trade. (I got kinda mad when I saw you were online but you didn't read my pm -.- hopefully you read this)
  23. Officer25

    So Uh...

    You have the exact same gear I had before I died. Did you happen to kill someone at the vybor school next to the police station today?
  24. Officer25

    The "ruined" status must go.

    I completely agree, ruined status as of now is, simply put, retarded.
  25. Officer25

    I cant change pants

    prob cause they were not your size and they got stuck on you. only option is to buy a new computer and download more ram so it doesn't happen again. but just drag the pants over your guy and it will replace the old pants