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Everything posted by DETHsDoor

  1. DETHsDoor

    an idea...

    A possible solution to the K.O.S drama that plagues these forums. 1. Zombies. How to implement Make it so the Zombies smell the blood on the Bandits more than they would on a survivor( makes sence the Bandits are bathing in the blood of the survivors) Scenario. You are scavenging a small village you see 3 Zeds lurking and you slowly creep through town, a bandit approaches and at a certain range( 100 mtrs) ,the zeds smell the dried caked blood on their clothing and start getting excited and are drawn to the bandits location.
  2. DETHsDoor

    cannot change character

    rbing like crazy , tried to change to new server ,still rbing ,left, character wipe, now i am stuck playing as black female ,Ive tried to change in the charater section to no avail ,any help?
  3. DETHsDoor

    cannot change character

    i will try this ty