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About hiberNative

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. hiberNative

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    i've had no problems taking down zombies with my fireaxe. they take a maximum of 3 hits to the head. one of the new houses, however, has a horrible scale, so you feel like a child when you enter it.
  2. hiberNative

    So the MP5K is in the files, so...

    i wasn't very clear; i'd like the top of the reciever and barrel to have dents and be a bit worn, like it's been shaking around after being shipped around in unorganized surplus crates before someone pulled one in panic and fled. also, that design is, to me, a lot more mainstream and classic, as opposed to the specialised K version that doesn't feel as common.
  3. hiberNative

    So the MP5K is in the files, so...

    i agree. i'd like a really retro, metallic-looking mp5 like back in the day. would fit the setting better.
  4. hiberNative

    Put a 9V in the walky talky

    they work now? maybe i should pick one up. and yeah, found a lot of them on stable branch, both regular and hardcore.
  5. hiberNative

    m4 and sks experiences

    Yeah I've had pretty bad experience with the m4, hitting people and watching them run off. The sks always seem to destroy everything it hits + it can deliver rapid shots with low recoil which I love.
  6. hiberNative

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    Because I work with logistics. I book shipments and see that they arrive on time. This is my profession, and I am good at it.If I'd work with deadlines for games, I'd damn well make sure to keep up in that department, too. This argument is like telling soccer supporters to go and play like Messi if they criticize him. HE IS QUALIFIED FOR IT.
  7. hiberNative

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    "Alpha"-comments are irrelevant, since it should be out of alpha if they put some work into it. Like the pathing and collision of zombies in a zombie game. It's a joke. Imagine if everyone would work this slow at their jobs. The world would stop turning :') What a juvenile argument.It's their job, they should be able to do it.
  8. hiberNative

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    I love all the "will fuck you up", when in reality it will be a heavily breathing teen fighting 30 frames per second, mouse acceleration and bad hit detection (both sides). The well has been poisoned.
  9. hiberNative

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Well, if they learn how to optimize it for console, maybe it'd get more optimized for PC. But god, imagine how annoying it would be losing a firefight after 8 hours of life because your aimed precision with a controller sucks :')
  10. hiberNative

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    We need a Russian scope with a reticle that has the measuring thing at the bottom left. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/PSO-1_reticle_Romanian_2.JPG
  11. hiberNative

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    sure there's a risk of over-penetration with a 7.62x39 at close range, but hydro-static shock from a heavy round can be just as instantly crippling as a 5.56nato bullet tumbling up close. i'm not sure the standalone would respect all the advantages/disadvantages an akm would have compared to the m4 except the very elemental stuff.
  12. hiberNative

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    We really don't need more cheesy, western weapons in the game. Keep it Soviet and Balkans. SVD would be fine, and maybe a modern bolt rifle also using the 7.62x54. And I agree on avoiding more 5.56 NATO rifles. If kept realistic, the in game differences would be way too minimal.
  13. hiberNative

    Why kill someone and not loot them?

    He saw you as a threat. He had everything he needed. He wanted to destroy something beautiful. Pick one?
  14. hiberNative

    My first unfair death.

    I don't see how this is unfair. I have gotten my friend killed while asking a guy to put his weapon down and giving him too much time. I've gotten killed in the middle of nowhere while checking my map. Unfair is when you glitch through the map or something.
  15. As a musician and semi-audiophile who plays with Sennheiser HD650 headphones and nuForce Icon HDP headphone amp, I know soundfx and soundscapes, because it's my interest and hobby. I can confirm that, while ambient effects sound fine, gun sounds are horrible. The mosin has a way too aggressive sound effect, sounding way to close, big and bassy. Guns are hard to pinpoint, and I think it's because they're too loudly mixed (not all of them, the M4 lacks a lot of the initial crack). Check this informative video on mixing weapon sounds and how to achieve a decent reaponse out of firearms in games: Also, I agree on A3 having much chrisper sound design.