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About armadude3331

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. armadude3331

    While digging through the game files I found some new guns

    Cant wait for AK47 <3 RIP M.Kalashnikov Do you guys know if that SKS rifle 7.62 or not? I hope its not a one shot kill weapon
  2. armadude3331

    Joining up in Dayz SA

    I would love to team up with you but looking at your picture and my sign, i don't think we would be a good couple together ;D
  3. Someone make this guy a developer! here sir take my beans
  4. armadude3331

    Wait what, seriouslsy?

    i used to give away free bandages and sometimes water bottles to fresh spawns back in the day. but one day one of them killed me with an axe and took everything i had. i have been either killing any fresh spawn i see that is armed, or just shoot them in the legs.. yes maybe i am a jerk but you know what, i survive bro. it's an harsh game and you can't/shouldnt trust anyone. I learned my lesson the hard way sue me
  5. armadude3331

    when will there be more weapons in dayz SA

    all i ask is the FN FAL rifle with AN/PVS scope on it just like in the dayz mod....good memories with that gun
  6. armadude3331

    Anyone kind enough to share tips on a Mosin

    I don't know the exact spawn rate of that gun but i've only found it once and didn't had a chance to try it much. I can tell it's better to use it for PVP instead of zombie hunting though
  7. armadude3331

    Invisible zombie is attacking me.

    Just bought the game and having the same problem