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catstyle (DayZ)

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About catstyle (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. what if the said bandit prefer to go noscope sniping in cherno? Still a titty camper? :>
  2. catstyle (DayZ)

    Berezino not all its cracked up to be...

    There is 2 rather good sniping positions that atleast cover some area. One covers Center of the map and the military tents, The other area you have a view of the church and the navy parts of town.
  3. catstyle (DayZ)

    Berezino not all its cracked up to be...

    Berezino is one of the best cities imo. Low populated with this. Military -> Check Fuel -> Check Supermarkets x2 -> Check Appartments x2 sets -> Check Hospital -> Check Vehicle spawns -> Check Deerstands x3 -> Check Shitload of smaller places for fast loot/food if those previouse wasnt enough. ;D
  4. Well, people tend to try out servers, or scout new servers once their home-server feels empty. You might just had a group scouting out the server. And the 6 weeks before as you talked about was mostly newbies or "homeserver" people visiting and not really looking.
  5. arma2oa is the one there. dll is a map, if you dont have it, it might not be needed for that patch then? :) Oh well Happy that it worked out for you! ^^
  6. catstyle (DayZ)

    Civilian-ish weapon suggestions

    There is 1 thing worse then a zombie..... a burning zombie! Skip the Molotov eh? : (
  7. catstyle (DayZ)

    Which survivor is the legit survivor?

    Sounds like 2 hives? o.o
  8. catstyle (DayZ)

    first murder

    You were in the Airfield. if any place is shoot on sight its that one. Everyone goes there, knowing the superhigh risk / reward. Thats the #1 place you can kill without feeling bad really. ;D
  9. Playing via steam and applying beta-patch dont always put it in the right path. This is what you should do. X:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta In that folder (might be a different location on your computer) your beta-installer files will be put for some wierd reason. You need 2 things, a map and a .exe : ) Should be a map named DLL and a file named arma2oa OR arma2oa.exe :D (same thing) Copy those 2, and paste them into your X:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead That will fix it. If your unsure, make a backup copy of your current DLL file and exe before. This is something I have to do every new arma beta patch, to lazy to find the fix for it. and it works ^^
  10. catstyle (DayZ)

    emtremching tools

    Marking locations for tents/cars. Marking locations so once they hit the mark on their home-server, they switch to some highping wierd server where the loot is stashed, etc etc?
  11. catstyle (DayZ)

    I was picking up and loot and suddenly

    Your game and betapach is up to date? the servers betapatch is up to date? Tried in different servers?
  12. catstyle (DayZ)

    The invisible guardian of US126

    Could just be a guy with the invisibility bug that wanted to do good stuff with it before it vanished? : D Happy story thou! a guardian is def rare to come by.
  13. catstyle (DayZ)

    Any groups doing apprenticeships?

    You can be sniper-bait! And you will take all the loot so we dont need to endanger ourselves! : D After a few deaths and long runs, we might consider giving you a weapon! Joke aside. If me and my friends played as active as we wanted you would have a place there m8. : | but atm its not possible. I do remember these lads. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11517-having-difficulty-we-got-your-back/ Give them a shot if they still hold peoples backs. : D
  14. catstyle (DayZ)

    Out of curiousity

    Most probably a hacker. : D Or someone found a hacked heli and is happy. Or some lucky sob saved a heli from the days it worked and is flying it. But with most chances the first 2.
  15. catstyle (DayZ)

    Hit by lightning scared me rather hard. : D

    me? empty server with my brother outside cherno up high in the hills. The thing is, there was no damage thou. besides the bleeding that took a few before I could fix it.