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About bummel313

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. bummel313

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Well, I would go other way around. Make players slower. Was kind of thinking about a proper stamina system, so you cant run all day from the Zs...
  2. bummel313

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    Ever used a real radio?
  3. bummel313


    Would be interesting.... Isnt that easy though. You would probably have to have different versions of the map for a proper implementation. Would prefer simple temperature and weather changes at this point (imagine some cold wind and rain...).
  4. bummel313

    Confirmation of Changes

    Try setting your game language to english. Helps with a lot of different things as well....
  5. bummel313

    First person and large backpacks

    Was your IRL backpack filled? Because when I am out with my large pack (70 liters) and got 25kg+ in it, its not as easy to just turn my upper body. So in the end you really have to turn the whole body, you know, using your legs and stuff. The weight just forces you to keep your back relativly straight... Just saying...
  6. bummel313

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Once in a week this discussion comes up....
  7. bummel313

    FIX the issues before adding more content!!!

    Serioulsy? This has been post #105 about this....at least today... Ever thought about the fact that there is more than one person working on this game?
  8. bummel313

    A badly needed attachment

    Well, it reduces the sound a bit as it is. And without subsonic ammo thats the best you can get. Its actually more about reducing the muzzle flash than the sound.....
  9. bummel313

    We need medic "cloathing" (red cross emblem)...

    what we really need is stuff like armleds (dont know if its the right word in english), you can craft yourself. Maybe tear them from t-shirts as you do it with rags. So you can to yourself your own medic batch or different colours for groups to recognize each other....
  10. bummel313

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    Dont want to go into detail too much, but thats not true. A bipod gives you stability because it utilizes a fixed surface i.e. the ground. Your second hand cant give you that stability. Been a gun instructor with the german airborne infantry. So you just have to believe me the Harries technique is a single handed firing position and you dont "deploy" your gun/gun-arm on your flashlight-arm. But as mentioned before I still like the idea of implementing handheld flashlight techniques to the game...
  11. bummel313

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    Matter of fact is it might look like a two-handed firing position but it is a single-handed firing position. So you have less accuracy and more recoil/less controll of recoil. If implemented (which is quite a good idea) please dont do it wrong (as on the linked page). When using the Harries technique the flashlight is pretty much on the right side of your gun (if youre righthanded). So you pretty much twist the flashlight hand around your gun hand, so that the backs of your hands touch each other.
  12. bummel313

    Clothing suggestion.

    Well....the ACU style pants, Im wearing atm, got way more pockets than a levis...and thats why I am wearing them....
  13. bummel313

    Went through the wall and am now stuck

    running and switching weapons worked for me as well....
  14. bummel313

    Please make loot respawn!!!!!!!!

    Well...just go somewhere nobody been before you... I have no problems getting loot actually. I actually like the loot system as it is for now....
  15. bummel313

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Hm....some questions come to my mind.... Who uses an M4 for shooting deer? I am mean where I am from hunters wont use anything than a 7.62mm for shooting deer. How the fuck can you effectivly use an M4 at the age of 6? Never used an M4 myself, but got plenty of experience with an G36A1/A2 from my time in the german armed forces. But I cant imagine my 7 yo nephew operating an assault rifle. "Anyone can shoot"? Hm....if you would have said "anyone can fire a rifle" I would have agreed. But if it comes to exactly hitting your targed, you still need a lot of pratical and theoretical training to do that. And last but not least: Are you, sir, a troll or is there any kind of sarcasm or whatever going on which I dont get since I am no native speaker? Edit: My nephew might be 8 by now. But dont nail me on that......Guess I gotta ask his mother.