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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    Surrender in Prone?

    Ye sure the surrender animation should work on prone too, since that is the best and safest position to handcuff someone.
  2. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    Well after extreme testing i can say that the m4 is great for no more than 300 metres, hellguy said single shot, i disagree, it looks like a long single shot is way off target when a small burst of 3 shots has a better chance to hit the target, weird i know test it and you shall see. Now when in group better to specialize, m4/revolver, mosin/45, if there is a third guy a long shotgun/45 will do the job, at least that how we roll. Carrying a second weapons is just stoopid unless you carry it for a buddy.
  3. I usually find the long range scope in the hospital's top floor room.
  4. whothehellishe

    More new items with pictures! Mosin Compensator!

    I thought painting the Mosin bugs the bullets.
  5. whothehellishe

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    i wonder around with a sack on my head and you worry about the masks?!? :D
  6. whothehellishe


    IRL ZA you shoot yourself, in the game you cannot shoot yourself.
  7. whothehellishe

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Then fuck me, you sure wh1spy cause im 1 step closer throwing my modem of the bloody window....
  8. whothehellishe

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Can we please have an ETA regarding the ability to play?! Cause as it is right now with the lag, rubber, wipes on each server is impossible, and may i please ask why so many problems since the patch passed the experimental trial?! thanx
  9. whothehellishe

    Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

    I do like updates as soon as they ready from different teams, but i think having a major merged update once in a while instead of small updates frequently might be better.
  10. whothehellishe

    Well this is cute..........

    If night was popular then how come all the night servers before patch were empty?! Night is broken atm, end of story, and will remain unpopular even when fixed.
  11. whothehellishe

    Well this is cute..........

    I like the night but not as it is with the gamma thing, but you do realize that most of the people have day jobs and only few hours of play late at night!!
  12. Well no and no again. Fix or lock the gamma first so everyone cant see shit and everyone has to use the flashlight, until then i refuse to play.
  13. whothehellishe

    Nighttime Bug??

    There are like 10 servers on day time, probably server admins have the default setting on...someone should wake them up...
  14. whothehellishe


    No, bandits hide, heros dont.
  15. whothehellishe

    Mosin is single load now

    Cool now every Mosin i find i will paint it and leave it there. :D
  16. whothehellishe


    And you thought the forums would be more friendly eh?! :D
  17. whothehellishe

    Weapon cleaning kit degrade weapons?

    I did, no change.
  18. whothehellishe

    Weapon cleaning kit degrade weapons?

    I tried on several weapons, no change, kit was pristine, i think they are for future use, at least now weapons have condition text.
  19. whothehellishe


    Just join low pop servers dude, and btw ur loot has no value after u get shot..so that aint the reason ;)
  20. whothehellishe

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    It takes me like 30 mins to gear up and 10 mins to die in Electro so...visit Electro and loot my body :D
  21. whothehellishe

    Fps lag after update?

    50 fps in Electro?!? damn..
  22. whothehellishe

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    seriously guys, gear?! who cares...new update you should all be happy by now...and btw what do you do with 1 week characters, hiking, wtf?!
  23. whothehellishe

    Does this annoy anyone else?

    Lag dude...
  24. whothehellishe

    Non-Lethal Alternatives

    Make emtpy cans throwable :D
  25. whothehellishe

    Modular Clothing

    Dude im pretty sure when the game finally released will be ton of clothing, and btw i avoid military clothing, i prefer the casual citizen clothing.