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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Some of them change nothing visually from very low to very high, doesnt matter, same thing, and its not "normal" to have the same fps regardless the settings, i mean textures on low look horrible but give the same fps as if you had them on very hight, anyways i was just asking a question which obviously you have no clue whats up, but tried to help anyways, thanx buddy :)
  2. whothehellishe

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Texture detail, texture filtering, AA, alpha to cov, edge smoothing, hdr. All of these have no impact on fps for me whatever i put.
  3. whothehellishe

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Making all graph options working is part of the optimasation or we might see that sooner you think?!
  4. Suggestion, in future changelogs could you possible be clearer for the masses, i still dont understand some of the fixes and i read it twice. thanx
  5. Screw cars, bring tanks! :D :D awesome update btw, just awesome, the log timer....time to make new friends :)
  6. whothehellishe

    Check This Out! <3

    Where do you think they get all the ideas? They gets tons and they just choose the best, after all that's why it is called Alpha :) beans for Brian!
  7. This is not the collision fix for zombies right? What is it?
  8. whothehellishe

    How did this shot kill me?

    You kinda deserve it since you were shooting unarmed guys without giving you a trouble, as for your question you were probably clipping through the wall or what the lad above posted.
  9. whothehellishe

    Chains (prox de-sync)

    Guys how about hiding the icon of the orange chain (de-sync) which appears when you are in close proximity with a player until you sort the problem out?! Thanx
  10. whothehellishe

    Suicide Animation ?

    No respawn or anything, suicide only if u got a firearm, cause abuse they will especially if spawns become random.
  11. whothehellishe

    Confusion on why FPS is so bad?

    60 fps in towns?!? Gimme your address ill come nick your shit while you sleep. :D
  12. whothehellishe

    Suicide Animation ?

    Since the animation is in the trailer i guess it will eventually be in the game as well, i can see it, people holding you up and giving you a revolver with 1 bullet....
  13. whothehellishe

    .357 speedloader

    it works exactly as a m4 clip.
  14. whothehellishe

    KOS Types

    N.9 should be the only one right now.
  15. whothehellishe

    Gamma exploit

    There are several games out there which can force the darkness no matter what you do with the settings, dark souls for instance, so im sure they will figure it out cause if they dont no night play for the most.
  16. whothehellishe

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    Me likes the shotty, perfect for ambush in the prison :P greens slugs aint loading for some reason so no testing.
  17. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    Just lol...
  18. whothehellishe

    I don't think the Burlap sack is meant to do this

    Wait did anyone test it on a handcuffed victim? Maybe it works on them.
  19. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    Cool ill check it out, and try some of my own, like i said i tried multiple times but only on zombies, so maybe that is the problem, and yes before you ask my m4 is totally pristine.
  20. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    Mosin?! Never said anything about the mosin dude...and hellguy no i dont mate, and the shotty got 300 range in game, so you thing that is correct? Actually you know what, forget what i said, next time you see someone through ur AGOG from 700 metres shoot him and see where that leads you.
  21. Now that you mention it, but did they fix the issue where no more than 4 zombies can hunt you?! Because i have tried before to create a horde but could not get more than 4 to follow.
  22. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    For the love of god you are prone and that aint 700 metres, did i say prone?! Nop, how often do you firefight prone, seriously...try crouching and make that shot. Try that on a zombie not something static btw.
  23. whothehellishe

    Broken Limbs and Treatment

    Not gonna ready that but yesterday was the 3rd time i got shot in the leg, would be nice if i was limping...but im not. Same should go with hands, basically fallout. Just saying, still looking for a new pants :D
  24. whothehellishe

    how to go to nwaf

    Awesome you just helped a rising fresh spawn n00b bandit to gear up...im sorry but that nick...
  25. whothehellishe

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    You can switch to single shot lol, with "T", check your key bindings.