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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    You are dead. Can't respawn.

    Try again different servers, had the same problem, it did go away after the 3rd try.
  2. whothehellishe

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Played for a couple of hours...the amount of server hoppers is ridiculous, (i know new items etc..) i killed 4 guys on a 10/40 server at the NWA, last did not surrender, instead he tried to combat log...but noooooooooooo! :D So my only problem is the stuffed thing ( you puke as soon as u get the indicator) and the most important thing, bodies disappear like magic...the proximity thing aint working unless its like 1 metre or sumthing, other than that beans to you devs, good work :)
  3. whothehellishe

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Did anyone notice the fps increase, i sure didnt...
  4. Great update found myself a SKS quite easily must say :) btw i did notice a small fps drop with the update and a bit of lag, probably nothing, keep it coming guys, great work!
  5. whothehellishe

    Weapon spawns lowered, ammo still massively abundant...

    They experimenting...yesterday i found a stack with just 1 bullet and an empty mag, and before you ask nobody was there before me, fresh server restart.
  6. whothehellishe

    PVE/Friendly/NO KILL servers make me happy

    PVE servers my ass...its not like 3 letters will change human behaviour. I have been shot multiple times on PVE server, never found any1 friendly.
  7. whothehellishe

    Scope Glare/Glint

  8. whothehellishe


    Cool vid u gotta love the sound of bullets flying around you :) this game will change drastically when automatic weapons will be super rare.
  9. whothehellishe

    4 vs 1 standoff turns bloody

    Cool vid dude, those guys deserved it since they suck so much :D
  10. whothehellishe

    Bad community

    What?!? You wasting ammo, you giving away your position and you put yourself in danger by getting punched. Dont you know that a man with nothing to loose is by far more scary and dangerous?!
  11. whothehellishe

    Bad community

    I rest my case. you are indeed a douche.
  12. whothehellishe

    Bad community

    Since you shot them you will never know...how about next time you search for a pair of balls and try holding them up for a change like a proper bandit?!
  13. whothehellishe

    Bad community

    Forget about it and move on, sure it sux i know, i had two encounters today, a full geared guy who at the end was friendly and proposed a trade, which took us about 15 minutes, and some other guys who shots us as soon as we entered the airport, the whole firefight took 10 secs and all the gear was ruined. So ye they should have rob us instead of just KOS, much more fun, actually i would even prefer to get handcuffed and fed rotter kiwi, but hey some people enjoy sitting in Balota for hours waiting to KOS people for the fun of 10 secs, i wont judge, its a game.
  14. whothehellishe

    More gore

    How about chopping a zombie arm and using to infect other survivors?! :D
  15. whothehellishe

    More gore

    Usually combat in this game is mortal...so ye..
  16. whothehellishe

    More gore

    Zombies without gore...is not a zombie game, its like the World War Z movie, disney zombies. I really dont care about the gory enviroment, i want combat gore....chopping limps with the axe, pink mist spray from headshots, crawling zombies with cut off legs, etc. I think The Last of Us has the best gore you can find in a game right now. I just hope they will add gore eventually.
  17. whothehellishe

    Healing after being shot through food?

    Well ye eat and drink until you get full, eventually you will get the healthy icon, btw this sux, i hope future patch will introduce some proper mechanics, like i dont know screwdriver and pliers to remove bullet, alchohol and then bandage?! Today took me 10 minutes to heal from 2 maybe 3 shots (dont know for sure) from a pistol, i was already healthy.
  18. whothehellishe

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    I like the timer and hiding is never a problem. So you sit down like "F3" for 30 secs or there a new animation?!
  19. whothehellishe

    Trading System or give players items directly

    Yap having the option to give an item in your hands sounds cool and probably they will implement it.
  20. whothehellishe

    UK based servers generally more enjoyable?

    Right, but still i can say a bit more in voip than just "fuck you fuck you trololol" in some language... :D
  21. whothehellishe

    The Chest Holster and it's amazing potential it could bring to DayZ!

    Well i dont like the fact that you can hide the gun, you should be able to hotkey a pistol only if you wear a holster. Pistols or sawoffs should not work when in the backpack.
  22. whothehellishe

    UK based servers generally more enjoyable?

    I always join UK servers because it seems the rest of the fuckin world aint speaking proper fuckin English, so ye they just shoot you. Most of British lads i've met so far were friendly, i wont even mention sneaky fuckin Russians.
  23. whothehellishe

    DayZ Adventures!

    First time on a hardcore server!!! If any of the knights see this i hope you guys made it, either way lets do it again :) i hope you guys like the vid ;)
  24. whothehellishe

    SKS and Mosin Stripper clips.

    Only thing speedloaders are good for is busting my balls when opening door or drinking water.