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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Dude...they explained why this can be used as a ghosting combat logging exploit a million times already...
  2. whothehellishe

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    That is something you should ask yourself dude. You might want to read the whole thread again. For now...
  3. whothehellishe

    How to fix the timer issue...

    I dont think the calculations need to be done in order for you to be unable to dc during combat are simple, and what if its not combat and im just chasing you, cause that happen. Eventually they will make it better, but for now its just perfect.
  4. whothehellishe

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    Excellent, great argument buddy. Learn to accept your failures. Hopefully will make you stronger.
  5. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Sorry but it seems some people cannot apprehend server hopping, ghosting and combat logging is cheating, so there you go, i explained, and by the way did you even read the OP's post? He is whining about the whole things not specific to timers...whos stupid now bud?!
  6. whothehellishe

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    Logout in a house, good thinking, now you are a camper as well? Use the woods, there are literally everywhere...
  7. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    I love how ppl try to justify their cheating with nonsense reasons...i can see the rivers filling with tears...more threads like this please :D
  8. whothehellishe

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    What?!? its stupid not to scout the area for 30 secs...god some ppl are just fuckin lazy. p.s. and by saying you are not chances are you are indeed.
  9. whothehellishe

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    Ofc he fuckin did...beanz
  10. I can accept when Rocket says that bodies cause server problem even if its completely unrealistic for bodies to disappear cause for me is a must not to, how else would you identify a hostile place? A proximity of 300 meters for example would be acceptable but nothing less...i just hope the solve this problem soon and make bodies stay indefinitely. But tbh I kinda like where this is going...eliminating KOS...making all items ruined, bodies disappearing and no combat log, makes bandits to try and hold people up instead of KOSing...cause kos right now is the most unrewarding gameplay you can have...
  11. Yap as soon as the player disconnects from the server the body disappears. If the player combat logs then his body will stay as an unknown entity for 30 secs. Btw the sitting down aint working, he just stays crouched for the duration of time.
  12. Yes you can...unfortunately handcuffing him is useless because his body disappears either way....so ye shoot him in the face and loot him...its like the unknown entity issue. Forgot to add that even if killed you still need to be quick about looting cause his body will disappear as soon the 30 secs are up. ;) not sure about that though.
  13. Nice one Rocket and to the rest good lads! Great stuff! Also please take a look at the disappearing bodies...
  14. whothehellishe

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    Then i suggest you start holding up people, because, shit gets ruined, bodies disappearing, no point shooting ppl anymore :P
  15. whothehellishe

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    Maximum I can accept tbh cannot be more than 1 minute.
  16. whothehellishe

    So much for a "stable" update

    So come on then tell us! What is? Because for me traveling 20 minutes in order to get at the airport only to find it empty and when i get eyes on the guy he combat logs, well yeah is right there at the top of the list mate.
  17. whothehellishe

    Player corpses despawning really fast

    Yap i already post it, they trying things i guess, a 300m proximity would be perfect. They only good thing about this until they hopefully fix it, is that in combination with the 30sec logout timer KOS now makes no sense, so prepare to hand over your valuables boys! :D
  18. whothehellishe

    So much for a "stable" update

    ahahahaha, actually no. you shall not. If you cant find a safe place in THIS map then you deserve to get shot in the face while logging. There is not even one guy that had his share of combat loggers and now has a problem with the current feature.
  19. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    No its not, but i wont explain cause you are hopper and this will only help you hop more safely.
  20. whothehellishe

    So much for a "stable" update

    Dude it stopped combat logging and ghosting. I prefer to loose my character once out of the thousand times i log off instead of watching my back for that dirty ghosting prick or for the rest of the combat logging douches. Of course it aint fuckin perfect but compared to nothing...it is perfect. Now since i have been an adult can i have some more tears please? :D
  21. whothehellishe

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    Staring at the screen for a couple of minutes might make them rethink their life and the meaning of the game.
  22. whothehellishe

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    Whoever says there is no place safe is a combat logger, end of story. 230 km2 ffs...i will bath in your tears :D
  23. whothehellishe

    Where to find SKS Rifle ?

    Indeed they are everywhere...devs really want us to try those out :D
  24. whothehellishe

    So much for a "stable" update

    I'm happy...just now i killed two guys with full fuckin pristine fuckin everything, they tried to run and combat log....mouahahahah....so ye i will enjoy each and every last of these threads...bring the tears :D its payback!