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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    take damage when you hit a wall with your hands for more realism

    Realistic but i doubt it will even happen, all we need is no glitching through walls and some kind of collision so you can not move when facing a wall, all in good time buddy ;)
  2. whothehellishe


    It is a mem leak dude for sure, usually happens when you get close to a city, the memory climbed to 1.500.000 K after 15 minutes of playing, probably easy fix on the next update. I will try again then :)
  3. whothehellishe

    New Patch Memory Leak: Possible fix/workaround

    Lets just hope the fix is THAT easy...thanx for info dude but noway im dropping my M4, it still got the blood of my victims. Ill wait for the official fix. kudos to you nonetheless ;)
  4. whothehellishe


    None indeed, most high end users who run without fraps dont notice the fps drop, but they will feel the stutering for sure. My fps from 40-60 went to 15-35.
  5. whothehellishe

    DayZ new patch Memory Leak...?

    Balls, cities are unplayable.
  6. Yap huge fps drops...oh well.
  7. whothehellishe


    Atm the doors are well oiled, give it time ;)
  8. whothehellishe

    Rollback the patch?

    I played like 4 hours, everything works fine, just unlucky, next patch in 5 days.
  9. whothehellishe

    sewing kit

    I found a worn and repaired my chothes from very damaged to worn...i dont think it will go beyond that, maybe with a pristine sewing kit?! Or maybe later when every condition will have a different texture...
  10. whothehellishe

    FIX Respawn Timer!

  11. whothehellishe

    Thank you developers!

    They rock indeed, not a single crash yet...if i didnt know, no way i would believe this game is pre-alpha...
  12. whothehellishe

    [Video] DayZ standalone - why combat log? - Please fix this game

    If a guy standing there for 20 seconds without saying anything, well something is wrong mate, better bail or shoot, but ye i am sure the will find a proper animation, maybe one of the idle animation in the main menu?! Btw how come those are not in game eh?!
  13. I hate clipping...but looks ok.
  14. whothehellishe

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Once again, awesome! Keep it up guys! Thank you!
  15. whothehellishe

    Darkest darkness

    If night time was like the screen and the darkness was global with no way to expoit i would gladly play, till then day it is.
  16. whothehellishe

    A better more fair logout system

    No, what you say it is not simple, what about if im sniping you from 500 meters but did not hit you?! What if im just chasing you?! What if im stalking you and waiting the right moment?! Too many things to calculate...for now this simple solution they introduced works like a charm.
  17. whothehellishe

    The god damn fauna doing zombie sounds..

    If only that rabbit wasn't immortal...
  18. whothehellishe

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Dude learn to read ffs...there is a chance that will get fixed 2day...or next update on 11th..god some ppl.
  19. I hope you get glitched in wall until the next character wipe!
  20. whothehellishe

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Well...find a spot...stay in the spot for a minute, logout, login, back in the same place. What you describe happens only if you rush and log off, but seriously whatever...its gonna get fixed today.
  21. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    lol ye, why do you think they put the timer on?! For YOU people! You are a douche, how many people you need to tell you that?!
  22. whothehellishe

    Painting The Mosin

    Awesome didnt know you can blend the colors...awesome...i wondering if you can do the same to the crash helmet. Will try...thanx guys!
  23. whothehellishe

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    The point of number 2 defeats the purpose of the logout system. This was trialed during the closed testing and it was found to be inferior and undesirable even by those who proposed it. We have implemented the favored system from the initial testing. The intention is to expand this. Not only is option 2 hard to implement, it deals very badly with side cases and is highly exploitable. It still allows people to "ghost" combat log. The only time we might consider number 2 type scenario will be with prepared campsites (tent, etc...). We might try implementing it again then. But it is a lot of work for something that failed very badly in testing. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1whzfy/30_second_logout_timer_in_next_build_confirmed_by/cf2at0s?context=3 now go away.