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Everything posted by whothehellishe

  1. whothehellishe

    so... thats what u want Rocket ?

    To whoever camping close the coast on the hills sniping new spawns and heros. You Suck!
  2. whothehellishe

    Just a quick question about Visibility

    I think the distance you can see someone cannot be altered and I dont think object quality has anything to do with it.
  3. whothehellishe

    Logout timer

    tbh a simple timer with no features at all is just fine for me. next update?!? :P
  4. whothehellishe

    Logout timer

    I have pld several games where you can not alt-f4, how difficult is to implement it? Anything between 15-30 is fine by me and ye what kos said, cancel timer if you bleed, shoot, move.
  5. whothehellishe

    Do you combat log?

    I have indeed log off multiple times when i get dc near a town cause of the damn zombies. I do server hop sometimes 6 in the morning right before i quit the game for some extra ammo. I have never combat logged, where the fucking fun in that? First time i hold up a dude he logged off with cuffs on, he didnt know :D After all getting killed is a whole new experience, being alive for long is boring, had more fun with 1 day chars than 1 week old. Dont combat log, you can die from a ladder, dont miss out the experience because of gear, even if you die it will be far more interesting than looking at your browser.
  6. 20+ millions change lot of things, i just hope they will spend most of the money on the game by hiring staff etc and enjoy the earning of the final release, cause if its 20 now it will surely be twice that later on. I basically enjoying this game much more than any other AAA pc release.
  7. whothehellishe

    Singleplayer / offline mode?

    Tutorial regarding controls buddy, not surviving :D
  8. whothehellishe

    Randomize doors?

    Random for sure, and what about doors opening the way you facing?!
  9. whothehellishe

    will zeds be dropped from the game?

    I just hope they wont increase the number before fixing the no-clip zombie bug, because being in a house with zombies atm is not cool at all.
  10. whothehellishe

    Singleplayer / offline mode?

    I doubt it as well but a short tutorial might be good for new players. Actually i would love a benchmark tool implemented.
  11. whothehellishe

    .12 slugs useless at the moment?

    You dont.
  12. whothehellishe


    Primary weapons are now rare when sidearms are not and you can find loads of ammo. Yesterday i raid the whole NW airfield and found 5 sidearms, hundreds of different ammo, loads of m4 clips (not even one clip for the FX) and not a single rifle. Which actually its not that bad except the amount of ammo which is ridiculous. Of course the amount of rifles is not ideal. 1 M4, 1 Mos, 2 handguns in the airport would be great. Of course by adding new weapons things will change but i believe the example i gave sounds right. In the end i really dont care because i love this game only concern is that the rarity causes way too much server hopping imho which i experienced twice yesterday when a guy popped in front of the prison door and another inside the camp . thanx for reading.
  13. whothehellishe


    Thanx guys good to know.
  14. whothehellishe

    Login Immunity

    I always log out in a forest, but ye some times when you get disconnected i wouldn't mind a 10 sec immunity since thats how long it takes to take your gun out anyways.
  15. whothehellishe

    Can't play DayZ anymore

    if you move crouched the rubber thingy is minimal ;) not a solution but at least no more teleporting to mars.
  16. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Regulator just lol man, just make sure u dont sound like this...
  17. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Actually then dont...u just think u made a headshot :D
  18. whothehellishe

    report hacker plz banned

    looooooooooooooool...i would love to see those tags or sumthing like that for friends.
  19. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Dude do u realise that shouting and being a prick will get you that result?! Of course they will run, i would run and i have, i have even punched out a guy who was being a prick, and yes of course i did stand still and surrendered when two guys told me to stop so they can get my blood in exchange for some food and a pistol even though i was a fresh spawn with nothing to loose, which i wasnt in the previous encounter. Next time try a different approach and be amazed.
  20. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Well kos bring the balance i guess..if everyone was friendly with a mic probably it would not be the same as it is now. Its always nice to see how evil ppl can be in video games, so i will never stop looking for new "friends" whatever the consequences and in the end you gonna have something to remember, different from the "hey i just shot 2 guys".
  21. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Dude i still feel bad from when a buddy of mine shot a poor guy and he was crying like that took him 2 days to finally find a backpack. I can still hear his voice in the middle of the night. :D
  22. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Ok kos is the way to go usually when u 1st start playing these kind of games, i agree, but i dont. Yesterday me and my mates found a group of 4 guys looting the military compound at night close to Vybor. After a while the moved out to a tree line close by to regroup. Since no1 of my group was in the mood of trying to communicate with them (KOS guys) i took my chances and crawled all the way to them, when i finally was there i watched for a bit and without standing up i said "hey cool gear guys" .Took em a second or two but they eventually filled me up with lead, i was still laughing on global. Now i didnt need anything, my group didnt need anything, i can find everything in like half hour. Why should i kos them. Will they remember this event or the event that all of em suddenly for no reason died?
  23. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    The fun is when you trying to hold up a group of fully geared guys, thats a challenge, KOS is way easy and unrewarding, ye sure u get shot a lot when trying to initiate a convo but hey thats what get me going.
  24. whothehellishe

    Let me handcuff you, it won't take long to struggle out

    Well a buddy of mine handcuffed me while i was logging out for the night. Funny was noT!
  25. whothehellishe

    Players, communicte more please.

    Whoever says he aint got a mic he just having a laugh, who on earth has not got a mic in 2014, my desktop mic costs like 5 euros. Still i never shoot them if the run, i just want a friendly convo with the intention to help, i dont bloodbag and shit, just looking to exchange experiences, but noooooooooooooo. Well i might start shooting at the legs me thinks.