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Everything posted by silvatos

  1. silvatos

    Steam Achivements + ADD YOUR OWN, Lets make a list!

    Good edit lol, I was about to say killing zombies is non-negotiable.
  2. silvatos

    Steam Achivements + ADD YOUR OWN, Lets make a list!

    Zombie Genocider- kill 53,595 zombies This is my boom stick!- saw off the double barrel. You've got red on you- kill 1000 zombies via shovel. Fantastic!- used the camera mode for the first time. Magic missle- kill something with a thrown object. I would like it if some of these achievements unlocked simple items, like a t shirt with the dayz logo on it, or perhaps a long sleeve white shirt with a red splotches on it in the case of the Shaun of the dead reference.
  3. silvatos

    So how do you loot?

    I run into NE airfield and do the detroit slider up to an armed man. I knock him out, and shoot him in the face. I take everything he had. looting done, 20 minutes~
  4. silvatos

    Sweet baby Jesus.

    I don't understand of all things, why is it an Indian love guru? Like wouldn't the target advertising for us be maybe gaming related things? Computer things? Maybe even Clorox bleach... But I for one don't look on any forum, especially one filled with psychopaths for love advice.
  5. silvatos

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    Here is your video of you and your squad using an external voice program, and your team using 3pp exploits, which is just as bad as you using them when they tell you where your contact is, thank you for providing counter-points to your post here in video format. That is highly debatable. It is allowing you you to re-align your aim every .7 seconds instead of spraying and paying like every other person, you get a split second where you don't have to COUNTER recoil that everybody else would have to do naturally. If you were playing in competitive game (e-sport and the like) you would be BANNED! Simple as that. There have been many many high level players been banned for exactly that. I play counter-strike global offensive competitive at gold tier. I have not been banned in 5 months, CSGO is a valid e-sport. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, THIS DOES NOT REDUCE MY RECOIL. Going back to your video, My ammo conservation technique allows me to not look like a 60 round dumping amateur, Don't see how this is comparable to a hacker making an infinite mag. They Haven't really balanced a thing specific to the gun, the damage values are contained within the round itself, so any gun of that caliber will preform the same. Soon you will be able to tell this well when the SKS and AKM both use 762 x 39. I don't see how I have changed the damage values of these guns with a macro that allows me to burst fire. I hope I've educated you on how macros work, and I've perhaps touched a few hearts in this thread. Keep your chin up, mate! Nice Work! :thumbsup:
  6. silvatos

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    I'll bring this down to more understandable levels, this burst macro doesn't affect accuracy, it doesn't help me aim more than my natural god given level of aim. My burst fire macro doesn't affect a mosin, or a blaze, which I use most often paired with a m1911. A .07 second Delay is nothing compared to what you can do with a good mouse, that you've gotten the feel for, by limiting it to exactly 3 I can conserve ammo, and allow the recoil to carry my shots from center mass to neck and head. It you want to be so technical about what cheating is, then allowing yourself to autopilot is an unfair advantage over someone who doesn't have macro capability. Having 7.1 surround sound is an advantage of mono audio, having third person while some one on the server is in first person is unfair, having a higher FPS than someone else is unfair. In order to eliminate what you consider cheating would require every player to play on the same system with, with the same specs, same peripherals, and same connection speed.
  7. silvatos

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    l-lel. I guess you're implying that macros aren't valid in gaming, I guess I see your point, it sucks if you don't have them. With your train of thought, I should make a macro that puts me into 3pp and leans me against a wall to use that wall exploit.I really don't cheat, and anyone with a mouse can mimic my actions if you are quick, that and the lack of an actual 3 round burst on the m4 sucks, and I remedied that. Cheers~
  8. silvatos

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    There is a difference between A highwayman, and a squeaker with a power trip, remember that.
  9. silvatos

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    That sounds awesome, I'd want all my pockets filled with flash lights, so that everyone knows I've offered "condolences" to many people on the coast.
  10. silvatos

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    Same here, burst fire macro too, makes any semi into a more deadly weapon, for a burst I recommend a delay of .07 seconds, works great for me. REP THAT RAZER Tiamat 7,1, Blackwidow ultimate 2013, Naga Epic 2013.
  11. silvatos

    GPU help!

    I would say no, one, it's an AMD card, and two I looked at some benchmarks for that card, and it is below the recommended card for battlefield 3, so it's not going to run DayZ well, mainly because of how unoptimized it is. You will need to mess around with your settings to get dayz to look decent and get a high framerate. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/185243-what-if-you-have-a-nicer-pc-what-should-your-settings-be-and-what-fps-should-you-expect-a-low-end-pc-heres-a-comprehensive-guide/?hl=%2Bsettings+%2Bguide follow this guide, and mess around with it to get you a high framerate, consider just turning off shadows and clouds. I can record well, I have 16 gigs of ram, an i7 3770, and I have a 660 ti. http://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-N660Ti-2GD5-OC-NVIDIA-Graphics/dp/B009PWXUBK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1399341097&sr=8-6&keywords=660+ti if you use nvidia, you get access to their lightweight and robust Shadowplay recording program, it lets you record from when you press the keys, or you can set it to record the last X minutes. I hope this helps you.
  12. silvatos

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    It would be so swag if we could get wearable lanterns, because Dean is so fond of Skyrim, why not build it like this popular mod?
  13. I not only think it will be a good Idea, it will be necessary when larger amounts of players are on the map, and we have fast travel of vehicles. As of right now I find it gross how we are all crammed into berezino, rify, and NE airfield, I would love to see the castles fully used, and all the smaller towns picked over.
  14. silvatos

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    Honestly, Here in lies the problem with banditing in these dayz, A character doesn't have a value on their life, they literally only have their gear to lose so why lose it?
  15. silvatos

    whats the strongest melee

    Try hitting something with the farming hoe, Top lel.
  16. silvatos

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    I don't like to shoot people that seem to be starting rather new, looking for gear to start, but anyone with an m4 or leaving an airfield, or in one is fair game in my opinion, too risky.
  17. silvatos

    Bandits ruin this game

    Alright, first off, I can't tell if this thread is just troll bait, but in the case that it isn't I'll tell you this, DayZ requires a large amount of dedication, and expertise, if you don't want to see yourself become a bandit, consider waiting until private servers, I'm sure there will be Call of Dooty servers that start you fully armed, and minimize your loss at death, or perhaps the upcoming freemium 2 casual 5 me rip off H1Z1 will be your calling, If you have a gross xbox 360, you can maybe look into apocZ. WarZ will allow you to pay 5 dollars to play on their servers, and buy your gear with real money to minimize your losses again. Cheers
  18. The reason we are getting new towns is simply because there are separate parts in the dev team, The mapper isn't going to twidle his thumbs because the code department hasn't done some thing on their agenda, He has a job to do as well, and that is to improve this map, and spread out interest across the span of all the landmass.
  19. I feel like in stable you should start with very very few things, and it should be chosen items to start. Like: Mechanic gets a pair of worn random condition pants and a screwdriver. Cop starts with cop uniform, and a m1911 mag, with a random amount of bullets in it. Hunter should start with only a suit of hunting camo, not mil camo, like the hunter pants and a shirt with it too. I don't think any military starts should be available. If skills and learning come into play with this game, perhaps these starts can play a larger role.
  20. silvatos


    Me and my group usually sacrifice their organs to lord chin chin, if anyone is listening i'm sure they're shitting bricks.
  21. silvatos

    Map Making Tools

    I'm not an expert in the field of how the DayZ engine works, but I know it doesn't use the ArmA 3 terrain, seeing as how the team took an ArmA 2 map, and made it work for the engine, I'd hope that you could work with arma 2, worst case scenario, you've got some practice under your belt making a map.
  22. silvatos

    New blue clinic building?

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's about a month+ old, one in berezino, and solchinichy, they're around in towns now.
  23. Kill yourself. You smell like mayonnaise.
  24. silvatos

    "Be Quiet" Gesture Animation

    I'm going out a bit different than what's suggested already..... Dry Hump emote Also high five
  25. Is this about that e3 2013 thing? You can't play music like in that vid.