I've spent 3 hours today trying to get this shit to work. I have followed every step of the guide and I've yet to even play the mod. Just joining a server was pain in the ass and every time I fixed an error, a new one came up. When I finally managed to join a server, it got stuck on Loading data... I searched this problem and the only fix offered was "just wait", after rejoining 10 times it no longer just loaded data but also started complaining about missing files like bin/config\cfgweapons or whatever. Again I searched this forum and the only help for that issue was basically "just ignore it". Okay, so I Ignore it and then what? I tried that and I clicked continue and it was still stuck in the Loading data... -thing. I left to go to a shop and when I returned 30 minutes later, it was still loading. I know this is Alpha, but still...